170330 | 100 questions~

Stolen from KibummieWaifu (ooh I'm such a  criminal lol)

  1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
    - SoundCloud :3
  2. is your room messy or clean? 
    - It's both? I am more of a clean person, but I've been busy a lot lately.
  3. do you like your name? 
    - Well... It's too regular, I need an epic one xD
  4. what is your relationship status? 
    - Forever alone
  5. describe your personality in 3 words or less. 
    - Clumsy, weird, procrastinator
  6. what color hair do you have? 
  7. what kind of car do you drive? color? 
    - A dark gray Citroen :3 It's not mine, it's my instructor's haha I'll be a pedestrian once again when I get my driving licence TT-TT
  8. where do you shop? 
    - I don't.
  9. how would you describe your style? 
    - Depends on my mood.
  10. favorite social media account? 
    - Does AFF count?
  11. what size bed do you have? 
    Uh one person bed, but I'm small, so two people bed.
  12. any siblings? 
    Brother and sister ._.
  13. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? 
    Somewhere green, cold, rainy? Anywhere peaceful actually.
  14. favorite snapchat filter?
     I don't have snapchat, but I love the funny ones
  15. favorite makeup brand(s) 
    I don't even use makeup
  16. how many times a week do you shower? 
    - Every two to three days
  17. favorite tv show? 
    - Running Man (I've seen a few episodes haha)
  18. shoe size? 
    - 37 in my country
  19. how tall are you? 
    - I am short in my country. 163/5cm I think? 
  20. sandals or sneakers? 
    - Sneakers
  21. do you go to the gym? 
    - I go to school back and forth on foot.
  22. describe your dream date? 
    - I don't like anything romantic, a date like we're normally hanging out is the best.
  23. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? 
    - Pennyless
  24. what color socks are you wearing?
    Ugly brown (I love brown colour, but this one's just ugly)
  25. how many pillows do you sleep with? 
    - One to none
  26. do you have a job? 
    Nope, not yet anyways.
  27. how many friends do you have? 
    4 close ones.
  28. whats the worst thing you have ever done? 
    - When I was 4 years old, a woman yelled from her window for me to shut up because I was loud and so I grabbed a huge rock and broke her window. And then when she came out, I yelled at her "Witch!" lol love that memory
  29. whats your favorite candle scent? 
    - Flowers or fruit? I don't use those, but I'd like to~
  30. 3 favorite boy names.
    Tamani, Draco, Aiden
  31. 3 favorite girl names. 
    Nano, Nayeon, Tana
  32. favorite actor? 
    - Park Bogum
  33. favorite actress? 
    - Jennifer Lawrence
  34. who is your celebrity crush? 
    Lee Jungshin (CN Blue) <3
  35. favorite movie? 
    - Beauty and the Beast, Meet the Robinsons, AstroBoy...
  36. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? 
    I barely read, I read fanfics xD But I like Harry Potter and the Maze.
  37. money or brains?
  38. do you have a nickname? what is it? 
    - Thea
  39. how many times have you been to the hospital?
    It's uncountable. Only this year, along with visits (health checks and stuff)
  40. top 10 favorite songs? 
    - unordered //i don't have a permanent list, this is right now:
    1 BTS - Spring Day;
    2 Sam Kim - Chupung Pass
    3 Jin (BTS) - I Love You
    4 Severina - Gardelin
    5 Hi! My sweetheart OST - Ai feng tou //don't know taiwanese chinese sry
    6 Daughtry - Home
    7 Kim Minseung - From Now On
    8 MIKA - Hurts Remix
    9 Ra.D - Something Flutters
    10 Sam Kim & Loco - Think 'Bout Chu
  41. do you take any medications daily? 
    - Not anymore :D
  42. what is your skin type?
    Dry and oily :(
  43. what is your biggest fear? 
    - To have absolutely no chance to achieve what I want and in time span I want. I don't like to lose chances. And octopuses. Ew
  44. how many kids do you want?
    - Tbh idk, but it'd be cool if I had around 4-5 kids? lol
  45. whats your go to hair style? 
    - A high braid? Like, a high ponytail but braided? Oh my God I just realized I don't even know what's it called in my language O-O
  46. what type of house do you live in? 
    - Two floor house - ground and the first floor? That's two, right..?
  47. who is your role model? 
    - Neil deGrasse Tyson :D and a few other people, but I can't think of anybody else right now
  48. what was the last compliment you received? 
    - "Your drawing is so beautiful!"
  49. what was the last text you sent? 
    - "Mhm"
  50. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 
    I never believed in him
  51. what is your dream car? 
    - Oooh I like jeeps :D And I like Citroen cars tbh
  52. opinion on smoking? 
    - It's bad ew I can't even handle the smell of cigarettes, so it's a no no
  53. do you go to college? 
    - Next year
  54. what is your dream job? 
    - To become a physicist, and working with robotics or anything mechanical tbh :3 I'd like to be an engineer :D
  55. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? 
    - Rural!
  56. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? 
    - Nope
  57. do you have freckles? 
    - Yeah, although my face has more /ugly/ moles
  58. do you smile for pictures? 
    - Nope I look ugly when I smile or laugh //no joke
  59. how many pictures do you have on your phone? 
    - 1768 I should probably delete something
  60. have you ever peed in the woods? 
    - Mhm
  61. do you still watch cartoons? 
    - Ofc
  62. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? 
    - Never heard of Wendy's, I don't like McDonals.
  63. Favorite dipping sauce? 
    - (paprika) chutney <3 cheese <3
  64. what do you wear to bed? 
    - Pyjamas
  65. have you ever won a spelling bee? 
    - Never played one
  66. what are your hobbies?
    Drawing/Painting, listening to music, making lists and stuff, writing (not stories, just hand writing, I like to write), singing, running or outdoor activities :)
  67. can you draw?
     Um... yea? Sometimes? It's either perfect or pure , there's no in between
  68. do you play an instrument?
    Guitar and piano :D And block flute if that counts haha oh and castanets!
  69. what was the last concert you saw? 
    - Does it count if it's the concert I performed on? It was religious, humanitarian type.
  70. tea or coffee?
  71. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
    Never been to either
  72. do you want to get married? 
    - Yeah around when I'm 30 yrsold
  73. what is your crush’s first and last initial?
     I... I don't have a crush. BUT if we're talking about famous people, then I don't think I have one either
  74. are you going to change your last name when you get married?
  75. what color looks best on you?
     Soft pink, dark green and gray
  76. do you miss anyone right now?
     I don't think so
  77. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
  78. do you believe in ghosts? 
    - No
  79. what is your biggest pet peeve?
    - 1 
    People who keep repeating themselves or are persistetnt even though I've clearly stated I am not interested; 2 I don't want to sound rude or offensive, but I don't know how to say this: people who keep on asking for help saying they're dumb (and why the mint chocolate chip do you keep repeating that to yourself), I hate it when somebody just gives up without trying once and/or starts saying "I am stupid/dumb" when something doesn't go well immediately. I really really really dislike people as such.... Because those kinds of people don't even try to learn what I show them when they say they don't know it 3 When people compare themselves to me. "I am not as smart as you are." "I don't draw as well as you do." etc. 4 People who keep on being negative and rude
  80. last person you called? 
    - Well, there's not log of that on my phone but I do remember ordering pizza over the telephone
  81. favorite ice cream flavor? 
    - I don't like ice cream hihi
  82. regular oreos or golden oreos? 
    - I technically didn't eat them? I ate chocolate that has pieces of regular oreo, so the taste isn't 100% oreo
    Okay I won't complicate: REGULAR
  83. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
    - Choco :3
  84. what shirt are you wearing? 
    White pyjama that has red polka dots on it, 3 polar bears wearing a red scarf and 2 penguins wearing the same
  85. what is your phone background?        
    LOCK SCREEN:                                                                                                                      BACKGROUND:
  86. are you outgoing or shy? 
    - I'm outgoing, but not talkative? I am not shy though
  87. do you like it when people play with your hair? 
    - no
  88. do you like your neighbors? 
    - not really
  89. do you wash your face?
    - yes
  90. have you ever been drunk? 
    - no
  91. last thing you ate? 
    - honey
  92. favorite lyrics right now? 
    Here's the whole Shakira's Try lyrics because the whole lyrics are my fav hahah
    "I messed up tonight

    I lost another fight
    I still mess up but I'll just start again
    I keep falling down
    I keep on hitting the ground
    I always get up now to see what's next
    Birds don't just fly
    They fall down and get up
    Nobody learns without getting it won

    I won’t give up, no I won’t give in
    Till I reach the end
    And then I’ll start again
    Though I’m on the lead
    I wanna try everything
    I wanna try even though I could fail
    I won’t give up, no I won’t give in
    Till I reach the end
    And then I’ll start again
    No I won't leave
    I wanna try everything
    I wanna try even though I could fail

    Oh oh try everything

    Look how far you've come
    You filled your heart with love
    Baby you've done enough that cut your breath
    Don't beat yourself up
    Don't need to run so fast
    Sometimes we come last but we did our best

    I won’t give up, no I won’t give in
    Till I reach the end
    And then I’ll start again
    Though I’m on the lead
    I wanna try everything
    I wanna try even though I could fail
    I won’t give up, no I won’t give in
    Till I reach the end
    And then I’ll start again
    No I won't leave
    I wanna try everything
    I wanna try even though I could fail

    I'll keep on making those new mistakes
    I'll keep on making them every day
    Those new mistakes

    Oh oh, try everything"

  93. summer or winter? 
    - Spring and autumn
  94. day or night? 
    - Both
  95. dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
    - Milk and white :)
  96. favorite month? 
    - April
  97. who was the last person you cried in front of? 
    - Might be my best friend or parents
  98. Does your crush know you like him/her? 
    - ...
  99. How are you feeling today? 
    - I've been great today actually!
  100. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 
    - Probably 7 or less hours. I'll get only 2 today though //it's 4.30am


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