meet Lena O'Coill:
NAME Lena O'Coill
NICKNAMES Len - short version of her name

BIRTHDATE July 18th, 1998 (18 yr old)
BIRTHPLACE Inverness, Highlands, Scotland
HOMETOWN Inverness, Highlands,  Scotland

KIND Half-muggle, half -wizard
ETHNICITY Caucasian-Asian
-English. Mother tongue
-Mermish. She learnt it when she was a young girl while swimming in the sea with the Merpeople. The mer magic that is a part of her allowed her to learn and understand Mermish smoothly.

FACECLAIM Paris Berelc (backup: Chloe Bennet)
APPEARANCE Lena has a height of 169cm (5'6") and weighs 49kg (108 lbs). She has long dark wavey brunette hair that matches her dark born eyes.
FASHION Her style is simple  and neat. One of her outfits is simply dark colour jeans with a plain shirt, a pair of sneakers and either a leather or bomber jacket.
Another outfit is a simlpe pains shirt with a pair of short shorts.
she can also be seen wearing a poka dot skirt but dresses it up differently every time she wears it.
accounted actions & unique quirks:
Traits: Creative, Curious, Adventurous, Stubborn, Energetic, Alert, Dedicated, Loyal, Kinda Weird.

Lena is a person who loves to meet new people and would become friends with anyone. However, if she thinks you are not putting effort into the friendship that you and Lena shares then she won't either. She is the type of person who will make you carry you own weight in whatever both of you are doing. Be it an assignment, a task that the professors told both of you to do. She will gladly help if you ask but you can't just dump the you are dealing with on her shoulders, that's just rude. If that ever happens she would dumpit back on your shoulders and it would feel ten times worst. She is also a loyal person and would fight to protect the people she cares about. 

She is an energetic person that loves seeking new adventures. Sometimes it would tire the people around her out and sometime people would look at her with a "What the hell are you doing?" face. But she doesn't care about what other people think. As long as she is having a good time and bring smiles to her friend's faces then she is happy.

BACKGROUND Her parents Arden O'Coill and Janice O'Coill settled down by the sea in the town of Inverness, North Yorkshire. What they didn't know was that not far out in the ocean where they had settle down was a colony of merpeople. On the 18th of July in 1998 Janice gave birth to a baby girl which they named Lena. However that night was the night that a sacred night of the merpeople where they would release their magic to the far reaches of the ocean as a way of preserving the waters of the sea. So when Lena was put to bed on her first night and her parents themselves went to bed some of the mer magic escaped onto land and somehow Lena's little form absorbed it. Even though it was a bit of magic, for a baby it should have too much but somehow she was able to absorb it. 

Through her earlier years her parents noticed that she had an amazing ability to swim long distances and a can breathe under water (not hold her breath but breathe) but didn't really think too much of it. It wasn't till she was 7 when she had her usual checkup with her father's friend who is also a healer that he found a strange type of energy embedded with Lena's normal magic. It was later confirmed that the energy had the origins of mer magic. So her parents headed to the beach and set out for the mer colony. Diving down into the ocean her parents used a spell that allows them to breathe underwater whereas Lena doesn't have a problem with breathing because of the water energy inside her. There they met the elder of the Mer colony. He told her parents that on the sacred night some mer magic accidently escaped the ocean's waters onto land and was absorbed by something. The elder didn't expect it to be a young witch. The colony elder decided that Lena should be taught by the other merpeople how to control the water energy inside her before she starts Hogwarts. Her parents agreed since it kinda freaked them out when the healer told them that she possessed a stange type of energy.

Arriving at Hogwarts and having the sortting hat placed on her head it sensed that she possessed a different sort of magic embedded in the normal magic that other witches and wizards have. She told it was water energy and the hat sorted her into Ravenclaw sinces it sensed that she has a lot of potential.

-Even though she exelled in Defense Against the Dark Arts she stuck with Magizoology
-With the added energy from the water energy the spells that she cast relating to water are much stronger that any normal witch or wizard who cast it. (eg. Like the water sphere that Dumbledore cast to trap Voldemort. X)
-The other professors suggested that she could beome a great Auror but she focused on Magizoology However she decided that being an Auror would be her backup career
-She was technially chosen to be on the rescue as a first line of defense for the team.
-Her water energy was made known to the Headmaster of Hogwarts by her parents before she ented Hogwarts.
-Her water energy isn't as powerful as the Merpeople
-She learned how to use water energy by the Merpeople colony that was close to the shores of Inverness before attending Hogwarts and during the holidays
-Even though she has water energy she can not grow a tail ever.
familiar hugs & awkward greetings:
Name: Isaac Flynn (Jake Abel),
Age: 20
Kind: Half Muggle, Half Wizard
Occupation: Auror
Traits: Hot Headed, Protective, Kind 
Fun Fact: Is currently dating Lucas
Background: They both met when Lena was in first year while Isaac was in sceond year. Isaac was finishing up Quidditch trainning when he found Lena. She was exploring the grounds of Hogwarts when she got lost and ended up near the Quidditch pitch. Isaac showed her around Hogwarts and gave her tips on how the professors were and what they expected from their students. As Lena learned more and more about Hogwarts she slowly became friends with him in her first year. It was in her second year that she introduced him to Lucas. He got annoyed at her when she accepted to be on the rescue team seeing how dangerous it was and they argued for hours. He decided to back off when she asked him out of pure anger "It's because you look down on me isn't it? Am I that pathetic that I can't even fend for myself?" 
Now: Send each other letter through owls or communicate through Patronus Charm. He would still worry about her.
Name: Lucas Davis (Thomas Brodie-Sangster),
Age: 18 (older than Lena by two months)
Kind: Pure Blood
Occupation: Herbalist (Just started)
Traits: Energetic, Mood Maker (Lightens up the mood), Obsessed with sweets and butter beer
Fun Fact: Is currently dating Isaac
Background: They saw each other around school but never really talked to each other. It wasn't until Herbology class in scond year when the whole class got an assignment that they were struggling with that they decided to work on it together. They both ended up getting pretty good marks for it. After that they continued to hang out and becoming friends. Soon after she introduced him to Isaac. He ended up having a really big crush on Isaac. He would tell Lena that how he really likes Isaacand complain about how he can't tell Isaac how he feels. She would then feel the between Isaac and Lucas which was really uncomfortable. One day she had enough and dragged the two to an isolated area of Hogwarts. "You two need to sort what ever's going on between you to because I can't deal with all the between the two of you. You two can do it how ever you want; confess to each other, make out with each other, screw each other or all of the above. I really don't care. Just do something. I swear if you two don't sort whatever this is by the end of today forget about talking to me" she warned the Lucas and Isaac as she walked away to get a butter beer. The next day Isaac and Lucas were dating. Which Lena exclaimed "FINIALLY!" after they told her. 
Now: Send each other letter through owls or communicate through Patronus Charm.
Name: Piper Myoui (Myoui Mina),
Age: 18 years old
Occupation: Magizoologist
Traits: Reserved, Hardworking, Independent (From Lena's point of view)
Background: Lena sat across from Piper after being sorted into Ravenclaw on their first day at Hogwarts. They talked and hung out for a while but as Piper's social circle grew they slowly started drifting apart.
Now: Lena was glad that the rescue wasn't just all strangers to her. Piper and Lena would catch on what they both missed out in each other's life at Hogwarts and would talk to each other more.
lifetime wands & wondrous spells:
SCHOOL Hogwarts
HOUSE Ravenclaw
SCHOOL PET Pygmy Puff named Squishy

WAND Twelve and one-fourth inches, Pine Wood, Mermaid hair core and fairly bendy
SUITCASE This (maybe slightly smaller). The outside of it may feel slightly wet to other witches and wizards that touch it due to the protection charm that she learnt for the Merpeople. But to muggles it would just look like a normal suitcase. The point of the charm is like a sort of force field so the creatues she keeps don't escape.
SPEED 9/10

WIT 9/10. Since she excelled in Defence of the Dark Arts and was recommended to become an Auror by her professors it's not a suprise that throw defense spells like a second nature to her. Let's not forget that her magic has also been cultivated by the merpeople before she attended Hogwarts.
PATIENCE 8/10 When first meeting her people would think that she would be impatient and would stress people out because of her energetic personality. But when it comes to dealing with magical creatures people can see how calm she is. When dealing with her enemies and other dark wizards/witches she seems serious but calm because due to her trying to find their weak spot.
COURAGE When standing up to scary creature her couage is about an 8/10. But when faced with enermy wizards or witches her courage is more at a 7/10 because the enermy is unpredictable and who knows how much evil clouds there mind.

speak of the devil:
HOW DID MAGIZOOLOGY PIQUE YOUR INTEREST? "In the back of my mind I've always been curious of animals; be it magical or not they both are my curious nature. After reading Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them in first year my curiousity for animals became the front and centre of my interest," Lena said with a smile while thinking back to her first year at Hogwarts. "However I found that his book was based on mostly land creatures. I have a feeling that there are many more creatures in the ocean and many in rivers and lakes that are just waiting to be discovered. I've made it my life goal to discover them and adding my discoveries along side Mr Scamander's work," Lena answered with a determined and inspired look on her face.

WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE GATHERING OF THIS "RESCUE" TEAM? The rescue team is a great idea. Seeing as how the number of magical creature are rapidly dreasing. I am determine to protect the world's creature and find the root to this problem to stop it from causing more harm.

THOUGHTS ON CONSTANTLY CARRYING THE SUITCASE EVERYWHERE YOU GO? Lena looks down at her cream pink suitcase that was by her chair and glides her fingers on the leather of the suitcase. "It's not as heavy as it seems so it's not that bad. I see it as my second home so because I tend to spent a lot of my time in there. Also I don't feel so alone because the creatures that live in there will always keep me company."

DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE BEAST IN PARTICULAR? The Kelpie because it's a fascinating creature that mostly takes the forms of horses. There has not been much study on these creatures and there are many mysteries surrounding these creatures.

A BEAST THAT CAUSES YOU MUCH TROUBLE? She puts a her chin in her lefty hand and leans her arm on the table and hummed as she thinks for a bit. "I would have to say the Hinkpunk because it decieves people by looking harmless. However would lure people off their path. Not only that but it's elemental magic is of fire which is of opposite would the water magic of the Mer that runs through my veins. Our opposite magic would cause compilcations though our journey."

A RANDOM THOUGHT, BUT OPINIONS ON MUGGLES OR NO-MAJ'S? She thought about this question for a while before answering "You know muggles aren't too far off with their theories about magic. Some see then as curious. Others see then as being nosy whenever they come close to finding out about the wizarding world. I have no problem with them since I have the blood of muggle flowing throughout my body."

ANY BEASTS YOU ARE NOT SO LOOKING FORWARD TO ENCOUNTERING ON YOUR MISSION? The water serpants due to the large size that they can reach. It would be difficult to gain control if one was in a rage. Also my knowledge of and experience with the snakes or some my call serpants on land is very limited.
fluttery stomachs & heartwrenches:
NAME Eric Tran
-Mud Blood: Called by bullies at Ilvermorny
-Blowfish: Lena calls him that because he always puff up his cheeks. But he likes this name. x
BIRTHDATE May 10th, 1997 (19)
FACECLAIM Mark Tuan (GOT7), Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X)

KIND Half-Muggle, Half-Wizard (Thought to be a Squib until he showed signs of magic when he was 11 years old. Ended up starting Ilermorny at age 13)
SCHOOL Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
HOUSE Pukwudgie

FIRST ENCOUNTER Eric was in the middle of New York's Central Park at night because his pet Puffskein named Fluffy ran off on him into the park at night. He spent nearly two hours looking for the little bugger when a dementor that was wondering the area spotted him and startsed to come after him. He ran for his life as it followed him; throwing spells with at it when ever he looked back. But he ended up tripping over a crack in the ground. That was when it caught up to him. it started to the happiness and hope out of him. It wasn't very much when he hear "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" and a wave of white light hit the dementor making it flee to the fly. He looked back at who casted it and saw a the Patronus charm in shape of a Koi fish before disappearing revealing the girl who cased it. There wasn't much light where they were because the closest street lamp was a while away. So she casted "Lumos Maxima" and took out a handkerchief dapping the side of his face and forehead. He was still shivering in fear as sweat continues to form but she continued to comfort him saying "It's gone now... You're safe" which made him feel a but better. "Let's get you something warm to drink. I'm Lena by the way" she told him. "I'm Ec-cri-c" he stuttered because he was still shivering. "Nice to meet you Eric" she told him with a warm smile. Just as she was about to cast a teleport spell something was crawling around her feet. It ended up being Fluffy and Eric was so glad that he found him. They ended up teleporting just outside a cafe and she casted an invisibility spell on Fluffy before thay both walked in. She ordered a decaf coffee while he ordered a hot chocolate. After taking a sip his nerves calmed right down. "Feeling better" she asked. "Much better" he told her. They both talked as they finished their coffee. After finishing they walked outside she told him "It was relly nice meeting you" " you too" he told her. "And thank you for help me" he thanked her. "It was nothing really. I hope we meet again" she smiled at him. "I hope so too" he said as he started prying in his mind that they both meet again really soon. Since he started to have a crush on her. they both parted their ways, Lena to as wizard inn invisible to the eyes of muggles and Eric to his apartment he shared with his younger brother which he kinda hoping that he wouldn't have to deal with. (This was around the time she just arrived in America to meet the graduates that were chosen for this mission.)
INTERACTION Lena and Eric ran into each other a couple of times after their first meeting and they would hang out as Eric showed her around New York. When she told him about the mission he asked her if it would be alright if he joinned her which she didn't mind saying "The more the merrier". 
While on travelling on the mission the two grew closer and closer and as they their feelings for each other would grow. But they wouldn't tell each other due to the fear of rejection. Sometime Piper would about how her and Eric should start dating. Eric opened up to her about his family life. The reason why he started Ilvermorny a year late was because he was considered a Squib until he finally showed signs of magic at the age of 11. Before that his parents wouldn't even look at him and saw him as a disappointment; treating his older brother and younger brother as gold. When they were not fighting dark wizards or dark creatures Lena would help Eric practice the Partonus charm. Later on he finally told her the real reason why he wanted to come along with her which was to stop his older brother who is a dark wizard and is somehow involved with the disappearance of creatures.
ENDING The past few days Lena has been acting weird around Erics and the others in the team notice. Piper and a few others are telling Lena to confess to Eric. (She finally understands why Lucas and Isaac found it so hard to tell each other how they felt). So one night she sits down with Eric alone. Of course Eric is worried about how she's behaving and asked her what's going on. She wants to tell him that she really likes him but nothing comes out of . Fustrated with herself she ends up kissing him which took Eric by surprise. But soon after he started to kiss her back as he placed his right hand on her cheek.  When they broke apart they both said "WOW" at the same time while catching their breath and trying to steady their heart rate. After a while of silence Eric spoke "I was suppose to ask you out first." 
hands waving & sad smiles:
ANYTHING TO SAY? This took a while to do especially the personality part but it's finally done. Creating Lena O'Coill was fun.
SUGGESTIONS Not that is can think of.
-The team encounters Eric's older brother who has control over 10 to 15 dementors. His goal is to try and take the team's suitcases
-Maybe a part where Lena guides the team to the Mer colony where she learnt how to control the water energy so they can discuss to the colony elder about the disappearance of other creatures.
Lena O'Coill is a magizoologist!


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Adam's still in hell... (please get the reference, so this isn't creepy)