Everything is gonna be alright.

An year ago, on March 6 i remember posting 'bout how depressed i was. 

And trust me, today im typing this and telling you all, anyone can overcome it and i finally did. 

possibilities are there for me to get depressed again. Yes, bad days yet to come. But i know something for sure. 

Suicide aint the perfect solution for me. I know that I was not in the perfect thinking that day. 


Trust me, i would not be here today writing this if people who cared about me talked me into living. I didnt know what the purpose of living was. 

Everywhere i look, every angle i observe... i was lost. 

My parents were not having the happiest moments. slowly my family was breaking down. i wish it won't. especially over small little things. i learned to be independent. i learned it from a person i love and respect. If she wasn't here today to help me out. I think i would be dead by now. 

I lost a bestfriend, someone i wanted the most in my life. My other bestfriend was having a tough time. I couldnt open my mouth and talk about what difficulty i was going through. I try to snap at her at times and i feel like i do yet she tells me "You idiot, you havent even tried snapping at me" My friendship, my bestfriends.... i feel its unhealthy at a point. i feel like im not the same person who made others smile. 

Relations? Bull, i don't want to even find one anymore. if someone comes up to me, fine he will be the one most probably. i dont think i should say i lost faith in love. But i think, im done with love. i think im hopeless when it comes to love. But hey, someday it will be alright. right? i'm still 18, my life is still ongoing. no one paused it for me yet.. i can do this. why am i worrying about it too much? I D K!!

What i'm trying to say is, right now i'm at a different part of this world. i dont know what time it is for most of you. but i know that most of you would be trying and fighting to get some sleep.

Most of you would be trying to forget about the bad things that happened today. but it haunts you back. Worst part is, you can't remember the happiest moments that happened today. You can't. It's not that you don't want to. You just can't. And it's alright. You will do fine. We will do fine. 

For another part of this world, it would be morning or afternoon. Working hours yes. Did you skip your breakfast and took a coffee on empty stomach? Why? was it because you couldn't wake up early in the morning due to staying up all night? I know, it hurts. I know, you don't want to do it. I know, it's not fair. But hey, things will eventually change. Things will get better. Who knows, by evening your loved one might approach you with a bouqet of roses to make your day. Yes, thats the simplest thing that made your day. Forget about that bad thing that happened today. Forget about your boss ruining it for you by lecturing you for hours for forgetting to file the papers he gave you. Forget about the customers rude comments to you. Forget it and smile. Look at your loved one and spend it all.. Yes not all of you have a loved one, It's alright. Buy yourself something. Treat yourself and bring up that lovely perfect smile of you. 

Its not the day for you to die. Its the day for you to fight. Its the day where you stand up and say "I can't give a about those stupid things that happened today. I can work this out. I can do it."

Every morning we wake up thinking, "Its another day of horror, why am i even breathing and living? What's my purpose of living?" but don't you get it, you have a reason for living. You are living because your flaws are being perfected out in someone's mind. Its perfect. You are perfect. 



I dont know if i made anyones day by writing this. but i just wanted to let everyone know im fine and living completely well by laughing to lots of things for hours and hours. Yes my studies are but i'll work it well in order to reach to my maximum best always. I will be fine. That's what i will always think. 


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ammukala #1
Your words are true!!!! Make yourself happy stay strong and stay happy and healthy always. This words are not only for you, i think for me also. Thank you for sharing this
Please always pray that everything is going to be all right. I believe you can pass through hardships with prayer and through your own will. Suicide is never a solution. Hold on still, dear. Fighting.
You're very strong and beautiful and thank you for sharing this! It must've been hard for you but I'm glad you're fine :)
Omg, why am I so mushy XD