☆ BACHELORS' PARADISE - Jeon Haebyul (One half of an explosive duo)


Jeon Haebyul

Kattirompa • Katti • it's over 9000


the basics.

name » Jeon Haebyul

nickname(s) » 

Byul »  Most people end up calling her Byul. Yes, most people also end up calling her sister Byul. Yes it's confusing.

birthday » October 9, 1996

hometown » Seoul

ethnicity » Korean

occupation » Student. Technically. When she bothers going to classes.


face claim » Yura (Girl's Day)

backup face claim » idk man who else is fabulous enough? Sunny maybe?


appearance » Three words. Bright. Red. Hair. It's easy enough to keep the twins apart thanks to Haebyul's love for shockingly bright hairstyles. It's a miracle her hair hasn't fallen out yet honestly. 

style » You thought bright red is enough colour? Haebyul thinks otherwise. Her style is as flashy as her hair, she tends to wear bright colours and pricey brands, and you better believe she brought the flashiest and fanciest gowns for those rose ceremonies. She might even be wearing some of Kim Seokjin's designs.

" Let's get some shots going in here!!! Oh Heebyul look at this one it looks like a volcano!"

" A kiss is not a contract, but it's very nice (; "



STATS » This is important for the challenges and the personal interests of the bachelors during the story. You have 35 points that you can divide into following stats:

Cooking: 7/10    Cleanliness: 0/10     Sportiness: 5/10  
 Creativity: 6/10   Intelligence: 4/10   Alcohol Tolerance: 10/10     Musicality: 4/10


traits » Emotional, temperamental, funloving, flighty, impulsive, insecure, honest, protective, ditzy, naive, exciteable, so easily amused like holy she's like a cat with a laser pointer

personality » 

Temperamental, protective, and emotional - Haebyul is all emotions, she's so free with what she's feeling. Honestly Haebyul couldn't hide things if she tried, she's a horrible gossip and an open book. You want to know what Haebyul thinks? Just give her a nudge and get her talking, maybe put some alcohol in her hand, and she'll spill everything. Haebyul is the one loughing ridiculouly loud when she's happy, crying openly when she's sad, are pouting when she's feeling neglected. It's always to tell how Haebyul is feeling and her feelings are never muted. She's always ecstatic, devastated, furious, or catastrophically bored. It's always extremes with Haebyul. Her face is a canvas.

As free as she is with her emotions, it's a good thing that most of the time Haebyul is just a happy little butterfly flitting from one fun thing to another. It's pretty hard to get her mad, but it's possible. Any kind of slight to her sister or someone else Haebyul feels she's taken under her wing will earn a swift "Oh hell no!" from Haebyul.  Don't expect expert comebacks or burns from Haebyul though, she's by no means smart enough for that. She's the one going "yeah? Well? You're face... is.... poo!" Sick burn Haebyul. Sick burn. 


The thing is, she fights to keep that happy persona up and keep any negativity down. Once she starts giving into her own doubts and insecurities the floodgates open, so she always dials the happiness up and banishes any kind of negativity, keeping up her vapid smile and grabbing for the alcohol if things start getting too close. Nobody likes a downer, Haebyul reminds herself as she rearranges her features back into a happy smile. Nobody wants to see you fall into the depth of loneliness, you're fine, you have Heebyul and that's all you need and it's not like you've been a disappointment all your life and have never been able to make any other meaningful connections and Heebyul will leave you once she finishes college and starts her life- nope nope happy thoughts WOO PARTY. 

Ditzy, impulsive, naive, exciteable, and funloving -  Honestly for symbolism's sake Haebyul should've really stuck to blonde. She's the definition of a dumb blonde and something of a frat girl. Haebyul's number one goal in life is to have fun. That's it. That's what she does. She flits from one fun thing to another. This applies to everything from hobbies to favourite foods to lovers. Even genders, she flips between preferring men and women. Haebyul is incapable of taking things seriously and makes a joke out of everything. Everything she does is either a fun time or it's boring. There's nothing inbetween. Either she's super excited and into it and all in or she's resting her chin on her hands looking bored and waiting for something to happen so she can get super excited and into it and all in again. 

She's also rather dumb honestly, and not necessary in an intellect kind of way but definitely in a common sense kind of way. Someone who follows her heart and her goldfish attention span, she doesn't think before she acts, she just acts. Honestly it's a miracle she isn't dead yet or hasn't been kidnapped (a miracle, or is it Heebyul?). She's the kind of person who would accept a drink from any stranger not wondering about silly things like daterape drugs or predators. She just doesn't think. She's naive and she doesn't realize that there's people with malicious intent. Haebyul always sees the good in people, not because of any morality or positive attitude but simply because the alternative just does not occur to her. 

Flighty, impulsive, honest, lonely, and has the attention span of a goldfish - Haebyul likes fun and she doesn't like things complicated. She flits from fun thing to fun thing going where her whims take her.  Never able to stick to anything longer than it takes for something else to catches her fancy. Haebyul is controlled by her impulses and has very little filter. She just says the first thing that comes to mind and does the first thing that comes to mind, and thus she's prone to saying and doing some pretty stupid honestly but ah well. She's having fun!

Her flighty nature also extends to relationships, or her lack thereof. She doesn't exactly have commitment issues, she simply has never been able to stay still long enough to commit. Something has alays caught her attention, she's never found anyone to return to for the long run. Someone shiny and new always comes in. You have her as long as you have her attention, and then as soon as something new comes along she's gone.


Here's the thing, Haebyul is lonely and she's scared, two things she doesn't ever actually allow herself to feel. She's been told for most of her life that she's the inferior twin, Heebyul was always the one who was going places while Haebyul was the disappointment. That combined with the fact that she's never been able to stick to something have left her an insecure mess inside. She knows that she shouldn't be this way, and her lack of steady companionship has made her lonely, though you wouldn't think so behind her fun frat-girl exterior. Sometimes she just feels like a waste of space, someone who will never amount to anything, just a blip on the earth that nobody really cared about, someone who died alone because she was never able to keep someone around. 

BACKGROUND » Haebyul and Heebyul are rich kids, 'tis true. Their parents (well, dad) was shareholder of a big airline company and Haebyul has always known that environment of excess, the chaebol life. Perfect, except for the fact that conservative values meant they were always disregarded as girls. Two girls who wouldn't be useful for the future of the family, mostly raised by nannies, and always the troublemakers. Wherever Haebyul went, trouble followed. Her impulsivity is nothing new, and she ruined many a dinner party with a crayon accident, pulling her sister along to create mischief whenever the nanny made the mistake of letting them out of sight. 

Things were consistent for the duration of their childhood. Crayon accidents became vodka acidents, but the bottom line remained the same Haebyul was the black sheep, trouble with a guilty smile and a muttered 'sorry',and Heebyul wasn't regarded much better.  When high school ended, Hae didn't really know what to do, but Hee did, and so Haebyul followed her to university. She had no idea what she wanted to study, she just knew that she should study something and she didn't want to stay at home alone and leave her sister. She started with history, changed to archaeology within a months, changed to communication at the end of her first year, switched to linguistics a month later, found out how boring that was and switched back to communication... it's been an adventure. 

So during their second year of university, papa Jeon made a horrible realization: he was not going to have any sons. Thus he returned his attentions to his children. And while both were....lacking, he decided Heebyul was the better choice to continue his legacy. And by legacy he meant grooming her be a perfect wife for a future son-in-law. Haebyul, quite honestly, was relieved they didn't pick her. She saw the stiffs they set Heebyul, and how they treated her now, and said a quick thankyougod under her breath that they continued to disregard her very existence. Life was much more fun that way! No matter the fact that all the words they had for her were scorn. At least it was better than Heebyul's lot. Haebyul just continued partying her university life away, and might have partied a little harder than before...

The choice to join the show came from Haebyul, who had watched the first season and loved it. She melted at the wonderful romance and, when calls for the season 2 came, was sure she wanted to try it out herself, and oh Hee wouldn't you join her?? She truly feels like here she might finally be able to find something real. She's a naive thing. 


- Milk. A lot. But she still manages to forget to put the carton back in the fridge. And has subsequently drank spoiled milk left outside the fridge before....

- The prettier the drink, the happier the Haebyul. 


- She loves pop music, and has enjoyed watching pretty little idols dance on stage before, though she's not actively a fan of anything. "They're all so pretty and I like all of them" - Haebyul. 


- She loves dying her hair and looking as flashy as possible. Don't hint that you want some yourself, before you know it you'll be bent over a basin with bleach in your hair. 

- She likes stories, which is why she was initially attracted to history and archaeology in university. She kind of misses studying archaeology now, maybe she should go back? 

dislikes » 


- Permanence. Haebyul is flighty as hell and doesn't do well with having to make big binding decisions. Remember this is the girl who's changed her major like 5 times.


- She dislikes judgy people a lot. Just live and let live you dumb dumbs!


- She's slightly pathetic when she gets sick, she's a mess and whines a lot and gets super dramatic because she's dying!!


- She gets restless really quickly.

strong points»

- Look. She knows how to party. She's partied quite a bit in her life, she's had practice son. Haebyul has the best hangover cure  (
400mg ibuprofen + 10mg metochlopramid + one strong cup of coffee).

- Something she's also had a lot of practice in? Kissing! Haebyul is an excellent kisser. Trust me, you'll be seeing fireworks and lifting that leg when you lock lips with Haebyul. If her kisses don't get to you then you're verified gay (I'm not saying that's happening before but....)

- With Haebyul around you know things are never boring. But her and Heebyul in one room and things are downright chaos. Fun chaos though!


- She's a fantastic dancer too, well, when it comes to club dancing. She's the kind of person who ends up dancing on the stage halfway through the night and killing it (though, honestly, it could also be because she's so hot everyone pays attention anyway, even if she's not dancing quuuite as well as she thinks she is).


- She's actually a weirdly good cook. Highly experimental (as in, tends to just throw anything into a pot she can get her hands on) but somehow she usually manages to make something really tasty out of it. She doesn't even know how she does it herself, it just happens.


- Queen of sneaking alcohol anywhere.

weak points»

- Life? Is life an option? It's a miracle she hasn't died yet, and that miracle's mostly named Heebyul.

- She's messy as and never remembers where she puts things. "Heebyul where is my-?" is something you often hear from her.


- She still can't tie a cherry's stem with her tongue despite the fact that she dated someone who could for some time and begged him to teach her. It vexes her!


- She's gullible and naive as hell, honestly whatever you tell her, Haebyul will probably believe it. You can make her believe anything. 


- She's a mess and not just when it comes to her life. Everywhere she goes she leaves a mess, she just forgets to clean things or gets distracted and drops what she's doing half-way through to chase something else. There's no rest inside her head and she's always halfway to doing something else.


- Not queen of actually being sneaky in consuming the abovemetioned alcohol.


trivia »

- Would make it her goal to smooch every one of them at least once. Haebyul: "What? You gotta sample before you buy! It's just a kiss, what does it matter?"

- Byul is basically the worst roommate ever. Leaves cartons out. Eats the last cookies and doesn't replenish. Leaves her room in the state of a pigsty. She's the worst. 


- She has no idea how fancy drinks are made but would love to find out. As far as Byul knows fruity drinks just end up in her hand and she drinks them, and if there's not a fruite drink in her hand she'll bat her eyelashes at someone and wouldn't you know it? There's a new fruity drink in her hand! That's how simple life is sometimes. 

- She's never kept a boyfriend longer than a month. She just keeps losing interest as soon as the next cute boy comes by. Or girl!

- Biual af. What? You expected Haebyul to choose??

- She gets drunk? She start kissing people. For real. Gender be damned.

- Just because she kisses freely doesn't mean she es freely too. They're two completely different things to her. means feelings, no matter how flighty, while she could kiss just about anything. Honestly, if you go "yo Haebyul make out with that guy/girl" there's a 90% chance she goes "okay".



home is where your heart is.



LOVE INTERESTS » Changkyun, Hyungwon/Hoseok (I don't knoooow), and  Hyunwoo (and also Daisy)

the reason you applied » Haebyul actually really wants to find love. She wasa huge fan of the first season and how romantic everything was! She wants that for herself as well! Before now all she's had were flings, usually flings from people she met in clubs, and they've never stuck around. Either they left or she left, and she treats it all with the same flippance, throwing the word 'love' around like it means nothing because she's never ever truly stuck with someone long enough to truly be in love. Haebyul wants this, oh she wants it so much.


strategy » Haebyul doesn't know a strategy when it's slapping her in the face. Thankfully she's both stunning, very very brightly coloured, and a social butterfly. Who else is going to be there with bright red hair, a bright purple dress, playful cleavage, and a starry eyed expression? And that's nothing to say of the twin factor adding even more interest to the picture. 


The bachelors » 

  • HYUNWOO » "Oh no he's so awkward. Oh no he's adorable. Oh Heebyul please can we keep him??"

    Oh boi he's so awkward, and for all intents and purposes they should ot works at all but Haebyul is a stubborn sort and this boi is too cute to be stuck in his own self-made awkward rut. She will party with him if it's the last thing she does. 

  • HOSEOK » "You look like someone who can tie a cherry with his tongue, I've been meaning to find someone to teach me. Oh, that wasn't a flirt, though it could be if you want it to be!"

    He's y as hell, Haebyul is the first to admit that. Oh boy he can get some. Definitely on top of the kiss list just for that smile (and that body). Oooh boy (/Haebyul's fanning herself). 

  • HYUNGWON » "Do that thing with your face again! You know the thing! The thing!!"

    He seems so very nice but there's a bit of spice underneath it all, and that bit of spice speaks to her. One face is all it took for Haebyul to be intrigued. She doesn't actually think he's handsome even though plenty of the other girls coo over him and beauty standards dictate that she should. She thinks his face is kinda weird, wih the too puffy lips and the constant look of exhaustion, but it's the way the face moves that gets to her. Yeah you can say that she likes this one.
  • KIHYUN » "Oh no you're almost as sour as biting a lemon after a shot!"

    Haebyul likes Kihyun at first, she thinks he's super nice and cooks good and he's towards the top of her kiss list, then she finds out that he's not so nice behind the screens. It confuses her at first, the way he switches from camera ready to kind of a jerk in a second, and she doesn't like it much at all. Shame, since his food is super good and he's not bad looking at all. 

  • JOOHEON » "Shhhht stop talking, have another shot!"

    He's cute and all, but he's a bit too whiny for her. Besides, she knows her sister likes him, so she stays away. Well maybe one kiss. Always one kiss.
  • MINHYUK » "You're cute! Can I kiss you? Just once!"

    She likes Minhyuk a lot for just being kind of simple and nice, nothing more and nothing less. He's as cheerful and happy as she is, which is nice! Still, he's kind of boring, and he won't be able to keep her interest for very long.

  • CHANGKYUN » "Come on, let's dance!!"

    Babes who flit together stay together? Haebyul adores him. He's everything she wants in a club buddy. He's fun, he's flashy, he can party all night long. They're so very similar in the best ways possible. She immediately spots him and gravitates to him as her party boi. 
  • #GUN » "Is this one up for grabs too? He's a cutie!"

    She likes to call him Daisy. She doesn't know why. He just looks like a Daisy.

this is paradise.

 This is an interview section. The interview takes place BEFORE the show starts and before your character knows that she's accepted and will participate in the show. Whatever she answers, the bachelors aren't revealed until the first episode airs, therefore she can't know who's going to be there. The interview is recorded and might appear in TV, keep that in mind. You cannot change the questions.


"So...this is season 2 of Bachelors' Paradise. Interesting how people are still torturing themselves with applying for this show. Please, introduce yourself."

  • "Ooh you're the guy from last season!" Heabyul says excitedly as soon as she recognizes Min Yoongi. "You're the one who was all-" she does an exaggerated frowny face and laughs. "You're cute, I was rooting for you! Oh shoot, right you asked me to do something, what was that again?"

    "... introduce yourself."

    "Right! Right! I'm Jeon Haebyul, at your service!"

"Why do you think you need this program to find love? Is there a reason you couldn't find love on your own?"

  • "Oh I've found love before, a bunch of time! There was this gorgeous  guy once from some exotic land, I think, his hair was naturally orange and there were so many spots on his face. Great kisser too,  could tie a cherry with his tongue and everything oh man he fantastic, but then he had to go back to his country. Lame. Then there was the guy from last month, but he got really clingy fast so that ended.  Oh and last year I met someone and I totally thought it was the real deal, this was forever, but then sh- eeeh he disappeared all of a sudden. I was never able to find my wallet after that either..."

    "Haebyul, focus."

    "Oh, oops, sorry. I guess I have trouble keeping love more than finding it?"

"Why should we choose you and not someone else?"

  • "I'm really pretty?" She flips her hair and serves some excellent face at the camera.

    Yoongi's not impressed. "Do you think that's enough?"

    Haebyul blinks innocently. "Well isn't it usually?"

"What do you think about people who gain a lot of money?"

  • "They must have worked quite hard for it," Haebyul says. "Mom always says daddy did and that's why we have it so well. Those who work hard gain a lot, right?"

"Any hopes or dreams for the future?"

  • "Oh I've got it quite well!" she says quickly. Too quickly. "I wouldn't know what to dream for!" She sighs dreamily. "Except love of course."

"Oh right... did you watch season 1?"

  • "Absolutely! It was all so romantic! I was rooting for everyone and, oh, they were all so perfect for each other." She sighs again. "Bunbun and Jimin, Yeonhee and Namjoon, what's her name and Taehyung, Johanna and Yoo- oops?"

"Okay, that's it... why are you looking at me like that? You want to tell me something else?"

  • "Is this really happening? Oh I'm so excited! Have you talked to Hee yet? I wonder what she'll say. She looks like me but a tiny bit less fun!"

last words.

comments/suggestions » FINALLY DONE.

scene requests » Okay so if someone actually gets to her I don't see her commiting immediately, it'd more be like someone she'd keep coming back to until she realizes that this might be a real thing (nudge nudge at I.M). 

password » Still the same xD


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