f(x)'s Luna reveals her dieting secret on 'The List


The March 13th episode of tvN's 'The List 2017' featured f(x) member Luna's dieting secret!

On 'The List 2017', she was ranked in 6th place for her diet transformation. Although she was known as the chubby type compared to the other members of her group, Luna made an 180-degree transformation after going on a diet in 2015.

Her diet menu consisted of active and inactive meals. While resting, she would have cheese for breakfast as a good source of fat, and for dinner, she would eat vegetables.

On an active day, the meal would be made up of strawberries, tomatoes, a pack of apple jam, 3 pieces of dried persimmons, and two baked sweet potatoes. She would only drink lemon tea and water for hydration. With the combination of exercising and eating healthy, she lost about 18 pounds.

Don't you think she looks great?



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