Nialler Payne on YouTube ~ FanFiction Audio Books

Nialler Payne on YouTube!!!



FanFiction Audio Books ~ by nialler payne

Yoonmin Pillow Talk Audio

Night at Home Audio

Trip to NYC Audio


I write BTS FanFiction…

I collect photos of the members, watch videos and follow their careers on social media—I’m your basic fangirl at heart but in my research I’ve found myself falling in love, on more than one occasion, with the untapped potential, honesty and passion of certain artistic types within the BTS fandom.


I fell hard this time ~ this individual is talented AF…  

The basic concept isn’t unique but nialler payne chose a higher road—added a fresh and appealing slant to the already existing plethora of vids—breathing new life into this very tired and uninspiring segment of the YouTube community…and one that actually rakes across my last nerve like latex against my teeth, making it hard for me to complete ‘my’ FF writing (but yeah…that other stuff too).  


I’m desperate for nialler payne and I didn’t even realize it…FML!

Writers need inspiration and I found out that this cold- ’s heart literally grew three sizes (The Grinch anyone?) while listening to these videos—oh so snuggled up to my little soul because it involves hearing ~ one of your five senses!!!  (Jesus, I’m out of holy water—time to embrace the sux!)


Plot, Dialog & Beautiful Voices…

The plot (yes there is one!), dialog (pillow talk – how ing cute is that!!!) and beautiful voices (that sound so akin to the real life individuals I was done before Jimin was…OMFG, yes I just wrote that!!!) are exciting and engaging enough for my (somewhat abnormal) brain to gobble up this audible sensory stimulation (giving my eyes a rest) as I stare in fascination at the black screen and my imagination commences to running amuck!!!  

Sweet, glorious jubilation filling my soul…I feel like I was visited by the Holy Spirit…oh, yeah well probably more like Abraxas (any BTS fans get that one?  If not, send me a message and I’ll clue you in).


I’m ALL in…

When it’s about involving my, oh-so-neglected-senses, when tipping the scales on those special y moments.  My low-level kink has a NEW addition ~ if it smells good, tastes good and NOW…it even SOUNDS good!!!  Hella yeah, sign me up dude!!!  Let’s get this in clown car in gear and moving!!!


Take this simple challenge my freakish friends…

Because 10/10 of you ers out there gonna join me on this and we’ll keep my friend nialler payne in da zone and doing what the dude loves!!!



My latest crush is a brilliant YouTuber named nialler payne so… 

Drop by his YouTube channel here  and send my bruh some LUV!!!


Later Taters…

^__^  PJ




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