getting paid to write - ups and downs

I'm writing this as I prepare to start on my current project (somewhat tied to this blog), kind of to set my brain back to English. So as some of you know, I started freelance writing some time ago. Surprisingly it's going well enough, but there are some things that well, are quite bothering,

So tonight for example I am attempting the absolutely impossoble. Write nearly 20 k words... but that's not the tough part. all info I got on the book was 'love story, 7 characters, the length, setting and 5 places. I'm trying my hardest to write it well but it's tough as I have no idea how to write 25 k words on something that could be 10. However, I get paid well for it, so... 

So first down has to be: unrealistic needs of buyers. 

To even it out we have the : 'money you get paid (over 100 dollars just for one gig)

Lately, I've been targeted with various s: someone wanted me to make VIDEOS while blowing up balloons. Someone else wanted pictures of my feet. lol

So con number two: ERTS. 

I have been super busy this week, barely any time to breathe (but I did earn well next to the 100 I will get) so obviously, IT'S SUPER TIME-CONSUIMING. Sometimes I feel like I won't ever get to the list of my gigs lol. 

Still I AM WRITING and that's amazing

In general, it tires out the brain. So a lot of time I just lie in bed, unable to think but can't fall asleep. It needs a balanced person for sure :D

I think writing can be worth it if you find your own crowd and if you end up writing what you really enjoy :D So yeah. if anyone wants to try good luck :P I think it's a lovely thing (but I was I had more time, lol) I do have another job next to it though so yea.

Kata, out.

My break is over :P


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Wow first time knowing about freelance writing.. what do I exactly write if u don't mind sharing?

And I wish u good luck sweetheart❤
Elishaje #2
What are the topics you write about?
Wow, that sounds really cool (sans the unrealistic expectations and weirdos).
Where do you go to get paid while writing? Is it like fanfics or real stories? I find it kind of fascinating? XD