Entry for Blu3Wind's OC story!

Woohoo Melody's going to be writing another story~ Gahhh I've always wanted to be a part of her full length stories, so I'm really really hoping I'll get the spot~ After all, it would be an honor to have a character in her story that I can portray my life through :') It's hard to talk about my high school struggles, because I go to an extremely competitive school, which prioritizes grades over anything :( We're trained like robots, having to climb to the top and get a good rank... Aight enough of that depressing shizz, here's my form :D



The Unconventional Artist : Boo Eun Byul


BIRTHNAME : Boo Eun Byul


▸ Byul - Called by her family, as it means "star"

▸ Byullie - It sounds cute; her friends call her this

DATE OF BIRTH : 02/11/(idk about year, because im not sure how old they are in the story)

BIRTHPLACE : London, England :)

ETHNICITY :  Indian/Korean mixed (ayyy unique)

FACE CLAIM : Saram Michelle (She’s half indian half chinese; I couldn’t find any Indian Korean models)

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 162.5 cm, 50 kg


Hairstyle like the picture on the right. Pastel and black clothing (there’s no in between xD). Not extremely skinny, but in shape. Brown big eyes, light tan skin




PERSONALITY TRAITS : INFP (Mediator), but when she’s with friendsor dancing,  she’s outgoing

Positive traits: Optimistic, Accepting, Empathetic, Patient, Hardworking

Negative traits: Jealousy, high expectations, low self-esteem, anxious, acts as if she’s always happy, blames herself for all mistakes

Her head is full of thoughts all the time, but she finds it hard to express herself in words (mildly shy with new people)

PERSONALITY : Though I said she is optimistic, this is mainly a facade. She tries to convince herself that everything will be great and happy, but her inner self comes out at times and tells her she’s going to fail. However, she can’t show this, as she is meant to be the HAPPY person who cheers people up. She tends to hold these feelings in, until she bursts. Basically, she’s optimistic to everyone around her, so she can make others feel happy, but she herself struggles with the very same problems she tries to helps others with. She values her grades and school a lot, putting aside things like romance. She wants to tell herself that boys aren’t important at her age, but at the same time she falls for her crush every time he does any little thing. Overall, she’s very hypocritical, which is the main cause of her stress and anxiety. She also has to deal with mild racism, as she doesn’t look full Korean. This also lowers her self-esteem, and it’s another reason she doesn’t speak up against bullies (she feels as if she’s inferior due to her race). She used to have depression, but after becoming the optimistic person she is now, she’s been hiding it away, temporarily. She’s worried it’ll come back and haunt her...

BACKGROUND : She has a brother, who looks more Korean than his sister (he doesn't get bullied as much). They have lots of childish quarrels, sometimes you'll find him sitting on Eun Byul's face for stealing his hair gel. They do, however, love each other and spend time together. Her parents met in England, the dad being Korean and the mom being Indian. They moved to Korea after Eun Byul was around 7 or 8 for job reasons (Her dad works as a marketing manager under a big company that transferred into Korea, while her mom is a psychologist). They don't argue much with each other, and get along fairly well. She grew up in a strict household, though not an abusive one. She was forced to believe her passion for the arts was useless, and her parents wanted her to go into a medical field. She was raised to convince herself that whatever her parents say is for the best. The more and more she realizes that’s not the case, the more inner struggles and conflicts she has. Should she listen to her passion, or parents? They tend to get disappointed with her small mistakes, and are a bit strict when it comes to leisure time. They do genuinely love her, they’re just more protective because she’s a girl.


▸ Enjoys drawing, hiking, yoga (this is how she develops her optimism), dancing

▸ A passion of hers in the future is to combine dancing and art together and create a happy environment for those who are stressed in life and need to let go of their anxiety

  • Interested in psychology as well

  • Favorite foods are ice cream and mochi

  • She tries as hard as possible to be optimistic




▸ I have a major crush on him, and I often embarrass myself in front of him, trying to cover up my stupidity with humor. He slowly starts to enjoy my company, but he thinks I’m too cheerful. My relationship with him builds as he begins to see through my facade and unconsciously helps me get past my inner trauma. He’s the only person I can open up to, as my friends don’t understand my struggles as much, and they think I exaggerate whenever I’m sad.. He’s the one who starts to make me realize my life purpose should be something that I desire, and not my parents’, or anyone else’s. He makes me feel happy, and safe.


▸ I generally act similar, but am a bit more quiet at school. I try to maintain the same personality, but I find myself more lonely when I’m at school, as I’m occasionally made fun of and looked down upon for my darker skin.


▸ Art club, a science club (due to parent’s request), dance cover club(She doesn’t seem like it, but she really enjoys dancing. Her mom also enjoys dance, surprisingly)


▸ Myungsoo, Woohyun, Dongwoo/Sunggyu, Sungyeol, Hoya/Sungjong (Though I don’t pick Dongwoo as my love interest because he’s the type I’d like to be a best friend.)

Oops I forgot to answer that in my character ahhh here: Sunggyu, Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Dongwoo, Woohyun/Hoya/Sungjong





▸ More reserved, but not silent. Obeys rules, studies well. Thinks more realistically than Eun Byul. Enjoys singing and going out at night to take walks


▸ Like how I described in the “HOW ARE YOU RELATED TO "HIM" AND HOW IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM LIKE?” question. They initially just become friends, but the more he discovers her inner struggles, the more he finds himself wanting to protect her and be close to her. Eun Byul has inner struggles because of him too, because her parents aren’t super keen on her having a boyfriend while she’s studying either. But she has a major crush on him, and can’t help but rely on him and grow attached. They have a mature type relationship (they’re not childish, or too cheesy). Eun Byul is the excited type, while Gyu is the more reserved type. However, they both adapt to each others personality types and change.

Myungiepotato23 : Rika

LAST WORDS : I really want to be your OC, because as a student in high school right now, I’m extremely stressed, and I often have difficultly managing time for important subjects and also art. I tend to keep my spirits up and tell myself everything will be okay, but I have breakdowns very often and I sometimes just can’t handle it anymore. I find it hard to express it through my art, as our assignments are very specific at school, so I was hoping I could see some writing or books about the problem, to raise awareness about anyone else who feels the same way as me. Also I feel like lots of fanfic stereotypes show overly kind parents, while I at home constantly am subject to criticism about grades, my life, and my attitude. Many students aren’t necessarily depressed, but are on the verge of becoming depressed. I want to show through my OC that although there are people who look extremely happy on the outside, in reality they’re dealing with so much crap and negative emotions as well. Her personality might seem a bit confusing, but you can ask me if you are a bit lost. I myself am confused with my own self at the moment ahaha.

Also if any of the info needs to be altered, I’m cool with that xD. I just tried to keep it realistic, and surprisingly, scarily similar to my life o.O (MInus me being Korean ahaha)


▸ Something deep, showing Eun Byul break down unwillingly in front of Sunggyu or whoever the male member is.

▸ A scene between Eun Byul’s parents and Sunggyu. Him having an argument with them about her rights and passions. Eun Byul might get mad at him for doing that, and it’ll cause troubles.



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Yayyy!! Thank you for submitting!! I'm glad u had fun doing this. And honestly, I am very intrigued by the topic of racism. I need to you change a fee things though:

1 Can you change her name so it's only Rika, or smtg more Korean? Since you say she is half and half (but i'm kinda iffy about writing non korean names for a kpop fanfic xD)
2 Can you change so that she is not blood related to any of the Infinite members? Cause she is mixed, and Myungsoo and Woohyun are pureblood Korean xD But this touches the subject of racism well.
3 Can you look for a faceclaim that represents her race closer? Like in your case, it's okay if it's a non ulzzang or an idol, cause I know it will be hard to find. Even if its a random google image. As long as it's a good face shot i can use for the character chart if it gets chosen~
4 Can you elaborate more on the family. Like how did they come to Korea. What are the race of the parents? And since no Infinite members is blood related, will she have another sibling or is an only child?

Sorry these are a lot.. >.< you can make the use a different font color for the changes so I know what u've altered~ Yayyy thank u Leh <3