Twitter and Other Updates

Okay... So it's been a while since I've been particularly active up here.  It may be a while yet before I return for any serious posting (for which I apologize).  I'll explain shortly.  First!


I now have a Twitter account.  I don't know what to do with it half the time, but I'm giving it a go.  If anyone cares to take a peek and/or follow along, you can find me -->>here<<--  I'd be happy to return the favor.


In other news, I went to Japan and loved it.  Not that I was surprised I would.  It was more a matter of how much I felt at home and like I belonged there.  I've been telling people for a while now that I've been looking for a place that feels like home and Japan did.  *gasp*  If you have any questions about that trip, by all means, feel free to ask!  ^_^  It was glorious and amazing and I continue to pine for what I had to leave.  T_T  haha

But partially because of that, I have been looking for work abroad - yes, I'm focusing on Japan. Finding jobs and submitting applications is time consuming and taxing.  *sighs*  It's also promising since there have been some responses.  Yay!  But now I have to set up interviews and all that fun stuff.  Joy...  heh  But the ball is moving for which I am happy.


On the other side of things, the semester in China has started with a bang.  I'm only teaching 6 classes (2 more are being added on next week with my first oral English classes ever), but if anyone has taught reading/writing before, you know the latter in particular is rather work intensive if you're doing much error correction and writing practice in general.  In that train of thought, I have swamped myself with a rather ridiculously silly work load and, unfortunately, work comes first.  I do hope to iron things out so that I can resume having a life outside of grading and marking again but it will take time.  Until then, you'll probably see me around here and there.  I'm not gone, just not particularly active or engaged with my writing.


Currently I'm blessing and cursing BAP and Cross Gene for their new songs/MVs because they are desperately trying to snag me with some kind of plot bunny (Yes!  But no...  T_T - seriously, go check them out if you haven't), but I've got plenty of other things I've left in limbo to get back to before I try to do much else.  If anyone has messaged me and I haven't responded yet, I apologize.  I may have missed it but I shall do my best in the near future to get back to you!


I appreciate everyone's understanding in this matter and I wish you all the best and happy reading and writing!  A belated Happy Women's Day to all the ladies as well!  ;)


This is Amalya, signing off.  <3


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Ohhhhh nice to hear from you again in any form!!! Nice to know you had a good time in Japan too :D Take care ♡
Good luck with work and dont overwork yourself ~
I saw Cross Gene and I screamed bc omg black and white (as well as the other songs) are good! Good luck on your work Amalya-nim! ^_^