Honey Crush's _Ahra_ is ready to hit the stage!

Kwon Ahra
Kyulkyung (Pristin) / Jiho (omg)
AGE / 20
d.o.b / December 27, 1997
quote / "I think people don't need plastic surgery, but in your case, go ahead."
Incheon, South Korea Straight 166cm & 47kg
Nickname  Ari: the nickname her brother made for her since she doesn't like her name because it was too 'basic'
Nickname 2 Princess: she's a huge fan of Disney Princesses. That, and the people around her also treats her like one
Nickname 3 ...
Languages Korean (fluent - it's her mothertongue)
Language 2 Chinese/Mandarin (fluent - she stayed in Shanghai for years)
Language 3 Japanese (basic - studying at the company)
APPEARANCE / Tall, pale and adorable, these are just the things Ahra hears about herself when people talk about her, those who doesn't know her personally at least. When she smiles, you couldn't help but to smile as well, seeing her lovely eyesmile that captivates both male and female fans. She has a long black hair, which she is not afraid to dye (the best one for her was her pink hair). She usually just lets it down when her stylist is not around, but always has it tied up or braided when she's training.
STYLE / Ahra believes that beauty is power, hence the reason why even if she dresses up simply, she makes sure she still looks good on and off cam (just in case she gets photographed by someone in the streets). She's not afraid to show some skin even in winter. She always know the latest trends since she spends most of her free time on her private Tumblr blog, stalking fashion blogs. When she goes out, her favorite item to wear is a leather jacket is a must. Another favorite of hers are her ripped skinny jeans/shorts.(examples: 1 / 2 / 3) Her training wear would be much more simple, but she still manages to look good/chic (examples: 1 /2 / 3)
"Oh, wow. How interesting."

positive: hard-working | skillful | patient | artistic | stylish |athletic
negative: disloyal | dishonest | bratty | sly | weak | insecure

If there's something that people can agree on Kwon Ahra, it's that she's hardworking as she doesnt want to be the problem to the group. She's quite the perfectionist and doesnt usually stop training for the day until she hits the high note and do the right moves. She's also quite skillfull - knowing how to play three different instruments - guitar, piano, and the pipa (a Chinese instrument) - and having the hand for art. It is obvious that she's great when it comes to painting and drawing as shown to the work that she uploads on her SNS accounts.

Training for a decade is no joke. Most people would have left the company if they wait that long, but not the patient Ahra who wasted her youth waiting patiently for her debut day. Still, she doesn't regret anything, knowing that the stage is where she really belong. And to be a star, one must have the right clothes. To Ahra, the more stylish you are, the more fans you'll get. Since she is a young millenial herself, she knows that teenagers are always following the trends and what's hot - and that's just exactly what she's going to show them.

When it comes to her friends, Ahra will her everything for them but it's quite the opposite for her boyfriends. It's no secret that Ahra isn't the most loyal one when it comes to relationships. It's not like she wanted to cheat or break up every five minutes anyways. If she could put it up in words, she's just not very content with the boys that she has dated since there is only one that she wants to have, but sadly he is the only one that she can't have. Though she does enjoy playing and breaking hearts. Her dishonesty has caused most of her relationships  to fail, not that she gives a about that anyways. She does, however, secretly hopes a certain someone would open his heart to her again.

What she wants is what she gets, and it's pretty obvious by the things that she has. She, despite being the youngest, is often followed by their own manager. With a little aegyo and flirtasious gestures, Ahra gets more advantages than her own unnies all thanks to their manager oppa who for some reason has a thinf for the 20 year old. She'd offen and throws a fit when she doesn't get what she wants. Even she has a secret though, she was and still is, have a weak mentality. There was even that time that she was bulemic, thinking that she's fat and ugly when in fact she was not. That was a long time ago, but a simple hate comment still gets to her no matter how strong she may look on the outside.



The youngest of four siblings and the only daughter, you would think that Ahra would be treated like a princess. However, the earliest memories that she can remember is her parents divorcing when she was just 3 years old, and her mother remarried quickly after to a much younger Chinese man. Because of this, she grew up believing that true love is nothing but a myth. She and her brothers to move to Shanghai, but they, especially Ahra, really never got along with her step-father who often hit her for the littlest things that she did. Her mother wasn't much of a good parent either, with her only paying attention to his new husband and their baby daughter. Not wanting to spend more time with them anymore, her oldest brother Seojun decided to bring his siblings back to their father in Seoul. Shortly after that, they find out that their father have been having an affair with her married boss, long way before her divorce with his ex-wife.

Ahra was still so young, but a lot of things have already happened to her. This causes her to vow to have a better life, no matter hard life would be. And is there anyway to have a better life than climbing up the superstardom ladder? Her looks and voice would definitely help her with that, with her music teacher once saying that she had a really nice voice. Since SM was the biggest company when she arrived back in Seoul, she thought of auditioning there, and with much luck, she got accepted. What she didn't expect was for her debut to take so long. All of her trainee friends were already debuting one by one, and she was still stuck in the practice room when she trained longer than them. This caused her to think that maybe she wasn't pretty enough, that she was too fat, or she was untalented. Even if this had cause her eating disorders and much stress, she didn't give up or even thought of leaving SM.

Of course, she did some gigs here and then - music video appearances, small acting roles and photoshoots with the other SM Rookies, being one of SM's favorite trainees back then. This wouldn't compare with her debut stage with the girls though. Unlike her unnies, she just graduated from SOPA and recently got accepted in Sungkyunkwan, majoring in Theatre.



Likes, Dislikes, Habits, Hobbies, list anything you want here:

- Fashion (her favorite item being leather jackets & ripped jeans)
- Disney movies (especially the ones that has princesses. Her favorite one is Princess Aurora)
- Bubble baths and bath bombs
- Being complimented
- Tea
- Painting her nails
- Vlogging (basically the one who always have the camera when they have reality shows)
- Polaroids
- Gossips & dramas (not like Korean series, but the problematic things that happen around her. She enjoys seeing people fighting and is probably the one laughing secretly.)

- Peanuts (she's allergic to it)
- Not having much attention
- Fast food (she refuses to eat any of it)
- Being scolded at
- Having mistakes
- Pimples
- Insects

- Going to Tumblr
- Internet shopping
- Practicing her singing/dancing
- Baking
- Editing and making sure her Instagram feed is perfect
- Drawing & Painting
- Jogging

- Rolling her eyes when she disagrees with something (when the cameras aren't rolling, of course)
- Spending too much time online
- Checking her hair/make up 
- Fixing her hair/make up
- Falling asleep everywhere

- She's can paint and draw really well. She says if she didn't get accepted in SM, she would have probably been a painter instead.
- Her favorite color is white.
- She's not a great cook but enjoys baking.
- She takes her Instagram very seriously. She even edits it to be perfect.
- Has secret accounts in Instagram, Twitter, Weibo - all she uses to stalk her fans.
- Since she has tried playing in small roles, she'd like to act some more. 
- Her favorite non-Disney movie is Inception. She'd like to act in a thriller movie like that too.
- If she could act with someone, she chooses her Park Shinhye sunbaenim.
- Despite being very different for her stage persona, Ahra is actually pretty talented and can play the guitar, piano, and the pipa (a Chinese instrument)
- She has dated a lot of older men, but she has never actually loved any of them.
- Her first kiss was with Gongchan of B1A4, her first boyfriend and senior of hers back in high school.
- Apart from Gongchan from B1A4, Johnny from NCT and Kevin who was a former trainee, she also dated Lee Sangyub from AJAX, No Minwoo from Boyfriend, Lee Jisung (a guy The Abandoned One hooked her up with), Kim Minjae (an actor), Jang Doyoon (an actor and former Pledis trainee) and JB from GOT7 (whom she met at a club, so she also lied about her age when she met him). Most of them were her seniors from SOPA.
- She doesn't believe in true love and says that it's just a myth, having seen her parents divorced.
- She still, secretly though, wishes that somebody would love her dearly.

Trainee life
PERSONA The cheerful and bubbly Kwon Ahra turns into a total Femme Fatale when the cameras stop rolling. She tends to be a lot more serious, especially when it comes to work.   

POSITION Lead Vocalist


Ahra trained under SM for a whooping ten years, first starting at the young and pure age of 10 until she finally debuted in 2017. Her trainee life wasn't so fun as she thought it would be, but she'd rather stay there than be with either her parents. Surprisingly, she didn't get into fights, apart from that messy fight that happened between Johnny from NCT and a former trainee Kevin in which she got caught kissing Johnny's cheeks by Kevin when he entered the practice room. She didn't admit that she two timing at first, but the two were already fighting and she knew that they weren't dumb so she did in the end. Outraged, the boys fought in front of her, and she didn't even waste her energy by trying to stop them. In fact, she was so amused and was even smirking as they punched each other and only stopped the boys when other trainees started to interfere. She pretended like she was very sorry by everything as she fake cried, and it seemed believable enough. Maybe SM should push her as an actress too.
Though it is very known that she's very insecure when it comes to her fellow trainees who have debuted already, as example of that time she was seen (more like, heard) crying in the bathroom when she heard that Red Velvet was going to debut and she was not in it. While waiting for her dreadful debut day, SM have put her in differrent modeling and acting gigs and was once even feature in a magazine with her fellow SM Rookies. What she didn't understand is why SM took so long on debuting her, when she has been there for a decade and is one of their preferred trainees.

- underage drinking/smoking
- got caught talking back to one of her unnies
- a netizen shared a compilation of her acting rather strange from her persona, catching the attention of a lot of people.

love interest

(Oh Sehun)


NAME: Oh Sehun
D.O.B: April 12, 1994

Everybody knows and loves Oh Sehun of EXO. Every girl wants to have him, every guy wants to be him. Underneath the chic aura that he has, lies a dorky and adorable boy who once had his own insecurities that he shared with Ahra. 


The first time Sehun met Ahra was back in 2008 when he was just new at the company and she was already there for a year. The 14-year old boy was very much surprised to see an 11-year old child at the company (heck, she wasn't even a teenager at that time) since he thought that everybody would be older than him. He then vows to protect the younger, charming girl, whom at that he thought he just liked as a sister.

It was on her 13th birthday that he realized that he has a crush on her. It wasn't that hard, really. The girl was pretty, has a nice voice, and day by day was getting much better in dancing. However, things were starting to get weird with her. She was getting a lot thiner and was sick almost every week. He had tried to help her with whatever she was experiencing, as she had been her helping hand when he was struggling with his own depression during his training days, but the more he tried, the more they became distant to one another.

The night before his debut, he confesses to her. He tells her that he liked her. Past tense. At that time, she had turned into a different person. He even heard that she smokes now. He didn't let her answer him. Instead, he immediately leaves the practice room where he confessed, leaving a stunned Ahra.

The future seems bright for them, however. Even though Sehun practically ignores Ahra when he heard that she started to dated a lot of boys. Once Honey Crush debuted, they seemed to see each more now, no matter how odd that sounds. At the backstage, at awardshows, at parties and photoshoots, Sehun doesn't have a choice but to greet Ahra, whom at that time he confessed, had a crush on him. 

CURRENT STATUS: Their relationship is rather awkward, with Ahra pretending to forget that he confessed to her which he is lowkey glad about since he didn't want her to go around and brag about it. There are a lot of ual tension between the two, with Sehun not admitting but knows that he hasn't stopped liking her after all that years.

This section is about all your character's friends/family and others. Make sure to explain the relationship between your character and the other members and the manager, everything else is optional (except for some relationships that are mentioned in certain plotlines).

The Feisty Leader: if there's someone she can't around with, it would be the leader. Ahra's smart enough not to cross the line her, so she respects her a lot.
The Vitamin B-Bomb: She's not very fond of her, just because she knows that she hasn't been in SM as long as her other unnies. That and she's also a lead vocalist, which means less lines for her. However, she is very impressed by the fact that she only got accepted for dating a famous actor/idol.
The R'n'B Soul: Ahra likes her a lot as she has been in SM for so long. She's probably the closests to her, and often asks secrets about the company.
The Experimentalist: And now this is the unnie she secretly dislikes. She might not have caught them yet but she's almost sure that there's something up between her and the manager. She doesnt have any romantic feelings for the older guy, but she doesnt want any shared attention either.
The Abandoned One: Since she's as hardworking as Ahra is, she likes this unnie a lot. They sometimes train together until dawn, and during those times, she'd always ask her if she could hook her up with his older male friends and if she could help her sneak in clubs (that is when she was still underage, of course)
The Spoiled Maknae: - 
The Powerhouse: She doesn't get along with her at all and hates how she always throws a tantrum (though Ahra herself does that a lot too). However, she does enjoy seeing her fight with the leader.
The Runner-Up: Since she has fought with everyone, Ahra likes her, and even finds her quite cool. But the runner up doesn't seem to like that much though.
The Foreigner: Being the hardworker that she is, Ahra tries to talk to her when she's around in Japanese but that's only because she wants to be fluent in Japanese as soon as possible to appeal to their Japanese audience.
The Manager: Ahra knows that the manager has a thing for her, which creeped her out at first, but started to play along since she's been given everything that she wants by the older man. Even though she doesn't feel any romantic feelings towards him, she doesn't like sharing him with another woman, hence she dislikes the experimentalist.

Any others like friends and family follow here:
Park Ahyoung / Mother / 53 / She has a really bad relationship with her mother, ever since she married her Chinese husband and had her daughter with her who is 3 years younger than Ahra. She doesn't even remember the last time she has talked to her.
Kwon Daewon / Father / 54 / On 9-year old Ahra's eyes, her father was the best. That changed when she and her brother found out that he had been cheating on their mother for so long. Though her brothers does still live & talk to him, she rarely even contacts him, much more when she debuts. She does still send some money when he needs it.
Kwon Seojun / Brother / 28 / The oldest one, and the least closest to Ahra, but maybe it's just because of their huge . He has a good career as a doctor, and is happily married. He is not very content with his youngest sibling (dating older boys/smoking & drinking when she was underage) and blames himself for not taking care of her well.
Kwon Songho / Brother / 24 / The carefree of the siblings. He's a cheerful guy, and Ahra's inspiration for her cheerful act when she's in front of the camera. He's a great cook and one of her wishes is to save up and open up a restaurant for him.
Kwon Sunwoo /  Brother / 20 / Probably the closest one to Ahra, he is the black sheep of the family. The only one who didn't even try to enter university, he makes money off as a DJ in clubs and he's also the one who encouraged Ahra to smoke and drink when she was younger.
"y'all fake es tryna act like me"
none / I hope you liked my app! It was really fun to imagine a y character who is at the same time pitiful lol / A SehunxAhra photoshoot / Honey Bee
/ trxsh /


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Oh my god we applied for three of the same fanfictions, I wish you the best of luck, dear!