
So a while back I ordered this face mask stuff lol. Well, I finally put it on my face for the first time and I'm currently hiding in my room because my mother is over :D Wait, what am I saying? I'm always in my room. I live in my room ;D haha. I'm hiding from my mom because she doesn't know that I used it and it will probably scare or shock her if she suddenly sees my black face 😁

Anyway. I put it on and it has definitely hardened because I can't hardly move my mouth lol It's been about 30 minutes so I think I can try taking it off now. Hopefully it actually worked ;D


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lol I would want to try those black masks!!
Demitria_Teague #3
Haha. I've seen that stuff. I'd go out there just to laugh at their expressions. I've done it with the clear stuff. Good luck.
Good luck hope it works!! ^^ PS I love your blogs :)! I just don't have time to comment TT school and stuff