꽃소녀 (flower girls) - 전유리 (carnation)。

replace with fc




✩ Baby Doll -  Ah, definitely the most common of very many nicknames from her  brother, Yuri is pretty much an angel in his eyes and she let's him call her anything he wants even if she doesn't like them, since he's raised her all these years.
✩ Brat - From her best friend, well, it's been a running joke for five years now. It's a long story involving a lamp, a Jack Russell Terrier named Ice Man, and an ice cream come. That's all you need to know.
✩ Chimpmunk-  From fans and her bandmates alike, Yuri is, well, she really is a...
✩ Kiddo -  Yisoo calls her Kiddo once they get closer, for no reason other than that it's kinda cute


✩ Korean - Fluent, native language
✩ Greek - Fluent, from the time she was a kid Yuri loved Greek mythology, and thus when she started middle school demanded a Greek tutor. Somehow, her father found one.
✩ English - Basics, she's being forced to learn in school
✩ Japanese - Basics, her high school forces you to learn not only English but either Japanese or Chinese. She chose Japanese since she wants to be an idol and many girl groups expand to Japan.


✩ The thing that Jeon Yuri is really known for are her chipmunk cheeks. I'm totally serious, no joke, Yuri is a real chipmunk. The following will prove this accusation:



I hope you're satisfed with the proof. Now, beyond her chimpunk features, she's a very cute girl. She doesn't have perfectly-pale skin, she actually is a bit darker and she is proud of that. Yuri's hair is naturally dark brown, but she's dyed it lighter brown and even wants to try an orangey-blonde. Her eyes are almond-shaped and when she smiles, well, Yuri has a very strong eye-smile. Her face is really an oval-shape but her defined cheeks and jaw really make her face more shaped. She has a nose slightly too bulbous but Yuri thinks it really cute. Her lips are thin but have a good shape. She has A-cup s, she's really hoping for B sometime. Yuri really doesn't have must to boast body-wise due to her age and the fact that she hasn't really developed yet. But she's hella cute.


✩ There's no real way to describe what in hell Jeon Yuri's style is. Can it even be considered a style? She buys whatever she thinks looks cute and then throws it on. Sometimes the results are good, other times, not so much. There's literally nothing uniform about what she wears. She definitely does like sweaters, cute things, shorts, and skirts though. But that's literally all we can really say about what she wears. Oh, and speaking of uniformity, this is her school uniform. It isn't very cute but what can you do?


Jeon Yuri is just another spoiled kid trying to make it in the industry. After taking a shocking win on the non-trainee surival show The Unseen Rookie Royal, Yuri was offered training by Bloom Ent. and took it without any thought. However, now she's been forced into their old girl group, who already had twelve girls. This spoiled kid isn't okay that she didn't get her way and she intends to make that known.

BIRTHDATE: May 1st, 2000
BIRTHPLACE: Busan, South Korea

FACE CLAIM: Yang Yena of April
BACK UP: Kim Hyunjin of LOONA or Umji of GFriend
HEIGHT: 164 cm
WEIGHT: 49 kg

Section ONe

the basics.

(+) Ambitious, observant, modest, charming, resourceful, humorous (=) Venturesome, loyal, prideful, protective (-) Spoiled, capricious, nosy, loquacious, shortsighted, unrealistic

PERSONALITY: An important thing to know about Yuri is how ambitious she really is. This girl aims high and she will get there. She sincerely wants things and will work to get them. She siezes and even makes her own opportunities, to attain her goals, to get what she wants. Because of this, Yuri is very resourceful. She uses her surroundings and the things in them to make herself a good situation out of a bad or uncomfortable one. She can think of creative ideas and how to achieve them with just what's at hand. Yuri's persistent and hopeful, and she truly always open to improving herself. There's always more she could do for this or that person or this or that situation. Observant is a key word to describe her. She's very in-tune with her surroundings and easily notices if there's something wrong or changes. If someone is hiding something, Yuri is observant enough to know. Not a single detail misses her well-trained eye. She takes everything in and analyzes it naturally. She's always watching what's going on. However, at the same time, she's very charming and people don't often notice they're being analyzed with every move they make. It's an aura about her, that naturally draws someone in. They tend to look at her and her cute smile instead of what she's doing (It takes another highly observant person to really notice). It makes people very attracted towards her, particularly with her humor. She's funny to nearly everyone- She's yet to meet a person that hasn't nearly died laauhing at at least one of her jokes. From dry sarcastic humor to a witty comeback or puns, Yuri does it all. There are times where her brother says she should try being a comedian instead, she's just that good. Yuri always replies with, no, I'm not that good yet! *ha ha!* Thank you though. She'll always accept every compliment with a little smile but reply that she has more improving to do, but thank you. I'll work harder. In another sense, she's humble in the way of accepting others, by not thinking herself better than them due to differing beliefs or status. Yuri is grateful for her shortcomings and challenges, because it gives her a very important chance to improve herself. Her experiences with lide, death, happiness, sadness, winning, losing, they've all humbled her in some way or another. This all adds to the charm she exudes.

That being said, Yuri is still proud of her achievements. If you weren't proud of them, them you wouldn't want to succeed just a little more, in her mind. This is how she was raised- Humble but proud. She feels pleasure over her wins but doesn't believe this makes her better than anyone else. So many people say you can't be both, but that's how her environment was, even without her parents after a couple of years. She's proud of what she does but not to an overbearing, mean way. Yuri is loyal to all those who earn her trust- Admittedly not many at this point in time. She's "friends" with many people but not true friends, not the kind you'd put your life on the line for. When you earn her trust, you earn it for life, alongside her undying protection. It's a good-bad thing. One, this means that even if you do something that should break her trust, she'll still desperately cling on and two, she'll protect you anyway. Not only that, but her friends and brother get annoyed at the whole "I'll bite whoever comes near you" dog-like attitude she has. It's cute for a while but you get tired of it fast. However, she just wants the best for you, she doesn't want you to get hurt by people. Yuri is the type to take risks or go on an unusual course of action to get something done. She's not afraid to do something new to get her things taken care of.

Yuri is unfortunately capricious. She's very prone to random changes of mood and is often called a fickle child," or whimsical. It's normal for her to change her attitude drastically in very little time, and people aren't prepared. It can be very frustrating to deal with. This is especially bad when her spoiled side comes out, because Yuri is used to getting what she wants, when she wants it so long as she behaves. That's not a problem, but when she doesn't behave and thus is treated "less nicely." She complains when she doesn't get something the way she wanted it because she just wants it. That's it. Yuri wants it, so give it to her. I've been good, haven't I? I haven't caused any problems? So let me have it! Oppa, buy it for me!" Since Yuri wanted to debut as a soloist or in a fresh group, she's upset she has to be in Flower Girls as her ownly debut option. She's shortsighted and doesn't yet see how it can be beneficial for her in the future. Yuri thinks about the here and now, as well as the near future. Never the far, never the big picture unless something truly provokes her to. She's unrealistic in expecting to get what she wants, but that's not even the worst. Yuri oftentimes thinks of these amazing, fantastical scenarios that could never happen, much like a whild- There are times where her brother wonders if maybe she never truly grew up after their parents passed, because Yuri continues to shock him with unrealstic expectations of others, situations, and wants. It's like she doesn't know the world isn't a fairytale like she was promised as a kid. She's always talking about- Well, scratch that. She's always talking in general. Yuri loves to talk- loves it. She doesn't mean to but she's often butting into conversations because she has a lot to say. Yuri often takes a lot of screentime for that reason. She's actually very nosy and is always looking into business that's not hers. She'll listen into conversations, accidentally riffle through someone's things and find something kinda secret, and oh, is that a love letter? Whoops, was I not supposed to read these texts? You're smoking? Oh dear, you'll ruin the groups vocals, what to do, what to do...Yuri may or may not be a catalyst for drama naturally.

BACKGROUND: Jeon Yuri was born to an upper-middle class family. She lived with her father, Jeon Jungsik, her mother, Kim MiHee, and her elder brother- Jeon Minkyu. Her family spoiled her quite a bit, and she got everything she wanted for quite a few years. Minkyu loved her to death and was always playing with her even though he was much older than her. She got along quite well with her family and lived a very happy life. She was surrounded by stuffed animals, happiness, and love, and that's all this little girl needed. She was a ray of sunshine growing up, raised to be modest yet prideful, charming and loyal. That's the way Yuri's parents raised her for the first eight years of her life, and she followed the code to a T. She was spoiled, sure, but she knew better than to make a fuss or say no because then she'd stop getting what she wanted- Her parents weren't that big of pushovers. She was happy, until it happened. Yuri was having a normal day at school, just a few weeks ago turned eight and the school year nearly over. It was still the early morning, she was only there for a few hours until her prinicpal came to the doorway and called for her. Yuri felt her heart sink- Why is it sinking he didn't say anything was wrong- And she stood up, packing up her bag and held onto his hand as he walked her to the front office. Minkyu was waiting, eighteen years old and tapping his foot anxiously, evidence of hastily-wiped tears still traced on his face. He hugged Yuri tight and told her she needed to go to the hospital with him. Their parents had been in an accident. Oh, what a cliche, but aren't cliches cliche because they happen? Their father had died on impact, and their mother was barely clinging to life in the ICU. For a month while Minkyu fought desperately for rights to her and Mihee on life support, Yuri stayed with her principal and his wife. Her principal, Kim Hyunwook was a very kind man, and had always kept an eye on her while she'd been in elementary. His wife Eunjin would sing her to sleep every night. Once Minkyu finally became her legal guardian, thye moved into an apartment and he made the decision to pull their mother's life support. He knew she wasn't coming back. On June 8th, 2008 Jeon Yuri lost her mother, and she found comfort in singing. Mrs. Kim's singing had inspired her to sing, and so while Minkyu struggled with going to college, working, and raising her, she sang.

In middle school, Yuri met her best friend for life- Lee Iseul. Iseul was a beautiful, supportive soul who was always taking care of Yuri even if she was the younger one. She thought the fact that Yuri wanted to be a singer was wonderful, and cheered her on from day one. However, Iseul has been ill all her life. She was often confined at home due to a bad heart condition, so they rarely were able to meet anywhere outside of Iseul's home. She didn't mind though, she sincerely loved her friend. They often studied together, and for the first time in a long time, Yuri felt like things were getting better. Her brother was finally able to take breaks, she had an amazing friend, her grades were good and she was considering auditioning at a few music companies. She started to take interests in other activities, like pressing flowers and even swimming- She joined the school swim team, however quit the next year. Why? Iseul's condition had taken a turn for the worst. Forget auditions for training, forget pressing flowers, forget swiming, forget everything. She just wanted to be by Iseul's side. Yuri was there every second she could, running to and from school just so she cuold be with her a little longer. Thankfully, it was Iseul's spot on the organ transplant list just in time. Had it taken even days longer, Yuri could have lost her. She took a deep breath of relief and realized she couldn't just exist anymore- She had to live, because you never knew what would happen. She started to perform at every talent show at school and within the community she could find. Yuri wanted to show how good she was at the thing she loved, and make Mrs. Kim proud. Though they'd long lost contact, it was always her dream to find her again through music. Yuri worked very hard to be really good in school, and show her talents- Finally, she was "scouted" by a "survival show" staff member. "You're really good at what you do, so listen. I'm part of the production staff for a new survival show, The Unseen Rookie Royale. If you agree, you can get one month of free training and then you'll compete against a number of other girls. Here's my card." Yuri took it with a grin and immediately set to convincing her brother.

The Unseen Rookie Royal had an interesting concept- It was designed to give non-trainees a chance to be noticed. Their scouts would go to schools, work places, and even the streets to find the most talented individuals. Starting out with thirty-five trainees, they would narrow down to one winner who would get a one-time modelling deal with The Saem, release an OST for a later-decided drama, a single release (With no promotions) and the biggest prize of all- Exposure. There were five teams of seven to start divided by age: Team 29-32, Team 25-28, Team 21-24, Team 17-20 , and Team 13-16. Obviously at age fifteen Yuri was in Team 13-16, and she was randomly selected and temporary team leader. Each team was given one week to use given resources and perform the song to the judges. One member from each team would be picked off until five remained, and it would be solo against solo until one girl stood above the rest. However, once it got to duos, the girls would be covering songs instead of making new ones. As the leader of Team 13-16, Yuri was given the job of choosing the concept. They were all basically kids so everyone expected something cute, but Yuri wanted to start with a bang- So horror concept it was. Chase Me was very controversial and nearly had the show cancelled, people citing that thirteen-year-olds should not be singing about telling someone to catch them. However, this song also brought the show a lot of fame. From Yuri's team, thirteen-year-old rapper and dancer Min Soohyun left the show. Yuri was no longer allowed to be team leader after the Chase Me Scandal so she was stuck with whatever her other groupmates decided. The next song they released was Me Gustas Tu, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief as it was totally appropriate and worked out well. Their eldest and one of two foreign contestants (The other being her elder sister), main rapper Zhang Guiying was kicked out. By episode seven they were at five members and performed One Of These Nights. Youngest member of the show and main dancer Lee Jieun left. Yuri was feeling pretty confident, only having somewhat-broken her high note in Me Gustas Tu. Otherwise, no one had criticized her. She was a fan favorite in nearly every poll and everyone was pretty certain that she'd be the soloist from Team 13-16. Four members, Color, sixteen-year-old lead vocalist Nam Ahseong left the show due to illness.

Three members, I'm Jelly Baby, fourteen-year-old lead dancer Kim Mikyung. Two members, time to start the covers. It was Yuri and fourteen-year-old Kim Hyejung. They would have one duet with each other and one duet with a girl from another team in one episode. Then, one member of each team would be eliminated. They covered You Are The Best. After, she and Yu Yeojin from Team 25-28 covered 24 Hours and NoNoNo, featuring some of their close friends. Hyejung was eliminated, and then it was Yuri left from Team 13-16. Yuri sang Woo-ah (You Are So Gorgeous), shocking all with the genre choice, but she got second place in that round. Cheon Kyungok, age ninteen, from Team 17-20 was eliminated. We-ing We-ing, Min YuMin, age 32 from Team 29-32 was eliminated. A Goose's Dream, Lee Soojung, twenty-two, from Team 21-24. It was the finale- Yu Yeojin of Team 25-28 again Jeon Yuri of Team 13-16. Yeojin performed For 1000 Days while Yuri performed a Michael Jackson Medley. In the end? Yeojin was eliminated, leaving Yuri the winner of An Unknown Rookie Royal. The judges spoke, "This was a difficult choice. Yeojin-ssi, you are an amazing vocalist. Better than Yuri-ssi, but in the end Yuri-ssi, you really make a better idol. Your charisma, your energy, your dancing, overall, you suit the job better. Thank you both for working so hard." Yuri won. The same month, she was offered a trainee contract with Bloom Entertainment- She took it immediately, but right after got offers from bigger companies. Well, too late. Yuri was doing her one-tie model deal with The Saem, and got a lot of bitter looks from her fellow traiees- So much fame but only just then started her trainee life. Yuri's agreement with her brother was that she still had to keep her all-A average if she wanted to train, so the poor kid worked hard in school and at Bloom Ent. to keep her spot. She was excited to train and often bragged to her classmates about how much fun the show was and training is. Yuri honestly expected to debut as a soloist or in another girl group within the next few years, so imagine her shock when they said she'd be debuting in Flower Girls- A band that had already been around for a while. Now she's not nearly as happy as she used to be.


SHINee's If You Love Her, it's her favorite song ever
✩ Pokemon, okay, Pokemon. Soul Silver is her favorite, she currently has 282 hours logged into it. She's obsessed..
✩ Movies, she loves to just sit down and watch themh.
✩ The beach, she soent a lot of time with her parents there.
✩ Lotion, it smells so good and keeps her so soft??


✩ Birds, they're so gross and ugh--
✩ Not getting what she wants, we went through that many many times
✩ Scented markers and colored pencils, they give her a horrible headache
✩ A dirty floor, could you at least put it on a surface please?
✩ Wearing socks to bed, they roll off anyway...


✩ Swimming, she wishes she culd join the team again but now it's impossible...
Pressing flowers, she has tons of books from over the years.
✩ Hopscotch, it's her special talent, no biggie
✩ Scriptwriting, she likes to act and she likes movies and dramas so she's always writng her own scripts and practicing them.
✩ Makeup, she likes to do her own and she's pretty good at many styles.


✩ Biting people, she just gets nervous or too excited so she'll bite the person next to her.
✩ Messing with her hair, it never really stops
✩ Doodling, she can't draw worth anything though.
✩ Waking up early, I say that meaning about six-thirty in the morning on a day off. She likes to have an early start.
✩ Rambling, she just wants to tell everyone everything!


✩ Her aegyo though
✩ When she looks like an actual goddess
✩ Look at that childhood beauty!
✩ Selca queen!! (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
✩ Yuri attends Eunkwang Girls' High school. It's a private school "established under the spirit of Christianity." Yuri isn't religious so this school has kinda been ?? for her but she's managed. In sophmore year she has to chose between liberal arts courses or general science courses. Yuri happily chose the liberal arts courses.
✩ About her time on The Unseen Rookie Royal
✩ Yuri has a shrine to her parents at the dorm. There'sone picture of each of them and their last family picture in the middle. She also keeps a birthday card she got when she was three, a necklace that holds a bit of their ashes together, smooth beach stones, and a candle that she changes out when the wick gets too small. She plans on decorating it a bit for holidays. She lights the candle once in the morning and once at night. The other girls don't touch it.
✩ She writes sticky notes and puts them all over the dorm. About a lot of things. Most aren't important.
✩ Repeatedly buys fifty packs of hot chocolate online. And hides all evidence of it ever existing. She drinks it all within a week, that's why her diet doesn't work but she's pretty great at lying about it so~
✩ Her Instagram is @yu_is_here_flowers
✩ She's still hoping to make a solo debut
✩ Meet her Jack Russell Terrier named Ice Man (Often shortened to just Ice) who is involved with the nickname Brat.
✩ Ice Man tries to tell people what happened that night!
✩ Unfortunately, he's a dog so no one understands him. ✩ This is the apartment she most recently live in with her brother. It's pretty far from her school but closer to his main office so. They plan to move into this one next year.
✩ But this is what her bedroom actually looks like (Top right corner, the master. Minkyu can be a pushover sometimes). She love her room a lot...
✩ Closest with AppleBlossom, Fuchsia, Chanmi, and Hitomi.
✩ Not as close with Caira (I think she hates me help--), Yisoo, and Daisy. In fact, those three aren't close at all. Particularly Caira and Daisy.
✩ It'll take some times before Yuri gets to know the toher members well enough to rank them.
✩ Lowkey is glad to have taken hte maknae sot.
✩ People like to think that since she's so young and baby-faced that harsh langauge shocks her, but sit doesn't. Not coming from anyone, though she rarely says a bad word herself.
✩ Her most known quote is at follows:
"Stay strong..."
I whispered to my WiFi."
✩ Her favorite food is actually tonkatsu.
✩ Yuri's favorite color is cornfolower blue
✩ Favorite anime is NO. 6, go openly gay anime~
✩ Ha uality doesn't really matter to hr, nor does gender identity. You are who you are.
✩ Still owns a white lamp witha lavander shade from when she was a baby. Its pully-thingy is a moon. She adores it, since it was the first thing her parents bought for her Minkyu boats that he helped pick it out too.

Section two



✩ Elder brother - Jeon Minkyu (28) | Inherited various large hospitals |  Playful, warm, hard-working, perfectionist, exhausted | 10-10 (FC: Hyunseung, formerly of B2ST, solo)
           Minkyu has raised his baby sister for almost ten years and he'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. He wishes it didn't have to be that way, that they could still have their parents and that he didn't have to be running the hospitals yet, but he does and he did and Minkyu will live with that. He adores Yuri so much, more like a daughter at this point. Yuri's favorite person on the Earth is Minkyu. He means the whole world to her and hes's encouraged her dreams this whole tie- Just keep your GPA. He meant it as a joke but hey, if she ain't killing herself yet, who is he to stop her? He plans on going to every one of Flower Girls' performances live, so long as there isn't an emergency he needs to deal with at one of the hospitals.

In honor of:

✩ Mother - Kim MiHee (36 at death) | Heiress to Korean cosmetics company | Warm, intelligent, well-bred, controlling, spoiled | 8-10 (FC: Jun Ji Hyun)
          MiHee was much stricter and stiff than her husband, but she loved her children just as much. She always worried about what she'd leave behind after she died but she always tried to get her mind more on her family. MiHee was fond of cuddling her children in the rain. She loved her husband beyond belief.
This is how Yuri recalls her to be and may not reflect who she actually was.

✩ Father - Jeon Jungsik (36 at death) | Owned various large hospitals | Loving, easy-going, comforting, cautious, overprotective, my Appa was so amazing. | Was 10-10 (FC: Lee Dong Wook)
          Jungsik loved his family. Yuri adores him so, so much. He was busy but he loved his children and always put them first. Yuri  misses him and hopes he's happy with her mother wherever they are. He deserves happiness, he always worked hard, he deserves a rest. Even...Even if that rest takes the rest of her life. Yuri will always think of him. In the dorm she's set up a little shrine for her parents. She prays every morning and every night to them, even if she's not religious. She'll take two or three minutes to talks to them. The others don't bother her during this time.
This is how Yuri recalls him to be and may not reflect who he really was.


✩ Best friend - Kim Iseul (17) | High school student (Same year as Yuri)| Faithful, intuitive, appreciative, sickly, fearful | 10-10 (FC: Joy of Red Velvet)
          Iseul has been sick for so long. She will always be sick- Sure she has a new heart, but how long until that gives out too? She lives every day thankful, and Yuri is thankful too. She loves her best friend more than anyone besies her brother in this world, and she doesn't want her to meet her parents any time soon. She wants her best friend by her side, not dead, and she's so happy to have met her. Since Iseul is still ill they can't meet outside often, and when they do she's confined to a wheelcahir. It seems like it will be this way their whole lives. Yuri doesn't mind, she loves spending any time she can with her. Often, she spends any days off with with Iseul or Minkyu. Iseul watches every performance Yuri does on TV.

✩ Close friend - Song Kiha (17) | High school student (Same year as Yuri) | Humorous, organized, clever, moody, stubborn | 8-10 (FC: Mark of NCT)
          Kiha is a lovely yet moody friend that Yuri met in her last year of middle school. Soon, Kiha was also friends with Iseul and they became an ever-lovely trio. He doesn't work very hard in school but he does like having fun in high school while it lasts. He lives life free but doesn't like to get in any sort of trouble- It's that a bit of a problem? However, he's a very good friend and sticks by Iseul's side when Yuri can't. Kiha wants to run an orphanage when he's older, simply because it's something good to do. He wants to do good in his heart, even if his actions don't speak that- With the underage drinking, smoking, skipping classes, all that stuff. He's a bit of a delinquent, but a good kid in his heart. He holds a lot of love and Yuri knows that. That's why she often takes Kiha out to lunch and shopping since he can't afford to buy anything he wants.

✩ Friend - Kim Hyejung (15, almost 16) | Idol (Debuted under NH Media in a five-member group last month) | Determined, intelligent, competitive, overprotective | 7-10 (FC: Heejin of LOONA)
          Hyejung and Yuri met on The Unseen Rookie Royal. They were on the same team, and unfortunately Yuri beat her out in the last battle before they got to the final five. Hyejung lost gracefully and still wishes to be close with Yuri, whom she'd roomed with in their "showtime dorm" and got close to over time. Yuri does like Hyejung a lot, and loves how Hyejung didn't take losing personally. They call and text each other a few times a week, and Hyejung's group's debut promotions (With Pepe) will end short after the Flower Girls promotions start. Hopefully they'll get closer with time.


✩ relation - name (age) | occupation | personality traits | closeness

✩ relation - name (age) | occupation | personality traits | closeness


Lilac (Or I can make a new app entirely for Gladiolous)

PERSONA: The Fresh Talent

TRAINEE LIFE:  After appearing on The Unseen Rookie Royal, Yuri was lucky enough to be offered a spot training with Bloom Entertainment. Truthfully, she's only trained for about a year so there's not much to say. Within the year she was at Bloom, she went to school and still got her straight-A's, just instead of heading home to play, she'd head to the company to work her off for hours before going home late and heading straight to bed. She loved it. She loved the results of her hard work and how much she impressed the trainers time and time again. Yuri had a lot of fun and happiness while she was training. She didn't make many friends since a lot of people were jealous of her or just didn't like her, but she didn't mind. Yuri found a true love in singing that she hadn't before. It suddenly became even more important to her than before. Yuri had a loyal fanclub and she just adored it. Yuri was having the time of her life while training.


✩ Appeared on and won The Unseen Rookie Royal (2015)
✩ Modeled for The Saem (2015)
✩ Solo single entitled Hopeless Love, NO PROMOTIONS (2015)
Be Natural with Flower Girl's Caira (2016)
✩ Hwarang OST (2017)


The Unseen Rookie Royal Allows Minors to Perform Inappropiate Song? (2015) | True (??)
         Yuri didn't find the song to be problematic at all, but a lot of the public did. Chase Me was eventually cleared of all "inappropriate for minors to perform" complaints but Yuri was no longer allowed to be the temporary leader of the group afterwards.


✩ New Flower Girls Member Yui Unfairly Takes Attention From Original Members? (2017) | True because, you know, Yuri
         We already talked about this kid and how she naturally draws attention, plus talks a lot. She just gets excited! But people start to call her an attention and as K-netz are prone to, recieves death threats. She just brushes it off because she's gotten hate since she first appeared on The Unseen Rookie Royal. However it quickly because a new nickname, "The Youngest Attention ..." that KPOP has ever seen. -Shrug- Their problem, not hers.

The interview

first person

Hello! Could you please introduce yourself?:

✩ "Hello, I'm Flower Girls newest member and even maknae, Yui! Please take care of me!"

How do you feel about BEING IN such a large group?: 

✩ "Hm~ It's a little scary when you don't know the others as well as they know each other though." I hate it here why did they put me with them--

What are your goals in life?:

✩ "I just want to sing all day." "That's all you have for goals?" "Well, yeah! I mean sure I want to graduate high school, go to college, settle down and have a kid or two, but those are far away. Right now I just wanna sing all day long!"

Any final words?:

✩ "Oh no, this is at the end already? I hope I wasn't too boring! Please support my career with Flower Girls~"

replace with fc
replace with fc
replace with love int

love interest?

back up?


✩ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus. Vivamus vitae tellus fermentum lacus pharetra mattis. 


✩ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ac libero et massa rhoncus efficitur in ut sapien. Morbi neque mauris, finibus a pulvinar ut, pharetra ut lectus.

STATUS: here
ENDING: here

Yuri is pretty young and wants to focus on singing. She doesn't want to have a girl/boyfriend until she's at least seventeen! Also that's the rule in her house so like I guess I should listen to Oppa again...


Layni17 ✩ Tsuki

LAST COMMENT: Hope you enjoyed my second app! Yena is such a cutie. *^* I wanted to use King of Masked singer but all the performances were just too old for her. I hope my own show doesn't .;; I might add a love interest later, might not, for now I think Yuri's fine on her own. Sorry that most of her background is her show, but she's only lived for sixteen years. Not enough has happened to write too much. XD


Later Okay so like Daisy subunit is gonna have six members after Carnation right because they just have to do April Story the choreo and vocals are so on point--

I got school in like nine hours gotta run Let's do the clean version of truth or dare. Cliche, but admit it, we've all done it sometime.

PASSWORD: Thankful(s), as everyone is thankful to recieve a flower or bouquet



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