Okay so... let me ask a dumb question.

What is so wrong about LGBTIQ????

Why is there so much hate and disgust? 

I've noticed, in my country LGBT is labelled as STD spreaders.

True there is a certain issue. But is that all? It isn't. why can't people think anything else other than STD?what about love? 

"LGBT and STD" Is a hot topic in newspapers here nowadays. What the heck? 

What's so wrong about LGBT?


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You know Hyung, they just blinded and just haeters!
Natzii #2
juss be dope man. Haters just hate. Why would you give a ?
I think people should try to learn and understand about them first before judging . People always have negative perception when it comes to something that they are not familiar with .. People are comfortable and more acceptating of what they already know so when things changed they feel alarmed .. That's just my opinion . I think and feel that everyone should be treated equally with respect :) Spread love not hate. After all we are all one - the human race .
nothing is wrong with LGBT and people should honestly shut the up about it.
i am not ashamed of myself being a biual although people tend to look down on me once they knew that.
love knows no gender , no religion and sorts. we're given a chance to live and love whoever and who the we want.
people have no right to judge but to treat and respect everyone equally and that's what everyone and even the gods would want.
Nothing is wrong with it. But I believe there still exists a predominant fear of "the foreign" and LGBT is not "the standard" in society (plenty of things wrong with that assumption but it is still true that cisheteronormativity is the default).
The STD-talk is probably a result of misinformation and ignorance because after the AIDS "epidemic" in the 80's in gay men, I think there has been a lot of focus on safety - at least the places where homouality is accepted. When you get beaten to death (exaggeration, I know) for being homouality I assume sources on how to do same is pretty limited. However, I still think the STD-talk and the correlation to LGBTQ+ is based more on misinformation than it is anything else. It's just assumptions and prejudices. It's hard to change, though, in societies that aren't very accepting of LGBTQ+ to begin with. ; _ ;
(But I do think the "love"-talk is the wrong way to approach it because it doesn't prove anything to the kind of people who dislike LGBTQ+ anyway. Love is love and all that ... It just doesn't seem very ... effective. In my opinion. And no, I'm not straight.)
I have no idea but I have homophobic parents. Like I don't understand why they find it disgusting.
I was watching a video about Kaisoo and I showed it to my mom and she scolded me and said that she will put some parent block or something
Just because of that I have to be careful around my parents when watching videos