"Write New Story"

Seriously, the button has been screaming at me the whole day! TT___TT And my brain is not helping me fight the urge either.. If ever you see "New Author Stories" and you find my name and a new title there within this week, PLEASE BLAME MY BRAIN AND THAT BUTTON!

As of the moment, I am still contemplating about writing another story knowing that I haven't updated or even started writing the others..

I definetly will update all my fics, I assure you.. For now, I will write down all the ideas that I have in mind..




Can I cry now? TT___TT


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baconyeolmae #1
Hey there.
LOL I have some tricks so you'll nott have writers block you know :)
Sketch your story first.
Just make the story line first.
So that when you are writting,
You know. What you gonna write.
And you won't get writers block :)
@MintyTop I know right! TT___TT That is why I am going to write it down first before I think of actually adding it up here..
I don't even want to start a story until I know for sure that I will not have writers block. e_e