☼ Highlight ☄ Min Jung ☼ PINK

Park Min Jung

mello_marshmallow — quinn — 9/10


name — Park Min Jung

nickname(s) — Minnie Jung

birthday & age — June 18, 1993 (23)

birthplace — Incheon, South Korea.

hometown —New York City, USA

ethnicity — Korean

nationality — American

language(s) — English - More more fluent than Korean

                                        Korean - Native Language

face claim — Baek Jin Hee (gallery).

Backup — Kim Ah Young (Yura, Girls day)

Pick me, Pick me, Pick me up! 

appearance — Min Jung kinda short with the height of 157cm and weighs 50 kg. She has a round face and deep brown eyes which match her brown hair.

Fashion/style — With specials events Min Jung pretty much goes all out with formal wear. Her casual clothing gives off a more vintage 20s - 50s style but still taking in bits and pieces of the lastest fashion. Her practice/training clothes are basically a pairof track pants and a hoody because it most comfortable to move around.

Formal: http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/baek-jinhee-attends-the-50th-paeksang-arts-awards-at-grand-peace-in-picture-id494115169?s=594x594





Practice/Training: https://resources.mandmdirect.com/Images/_default/v/r/1/vr143_1_cloudzoom.jpg


personality traits — 

Negative: clumsy, naggy, annoying, uptight

Positive: Protective, creative, kind, caring, socialable, energetic

personality — When it comes to Min Jung's members she is very protective of them and would do anything to make sure they are ok. To some she might seem a bit over protective but she can't help it. It's in her nature. For example someone was bullying one of her fellow trainees she would instantly stand up to the bully even if that meant she would get a bruise or two. Or if there was a scandal about one of her members which wasn't true she would go out of her way to protect her memeber and try to prove that her member is innocent. 

With that kind of nature she was named the umma of the group. She's kind and would be the ear to listen to if any of the members needed to talk or rant. She makes sure all the members takes part in everything they do as a group. However she would nag the memebers like a mum. Since she is the main person that cooks she is kind of uptight about the kitchen. She can also be annoying because she is naturally an energertic person but if not one wants to join her when she's in her energetic mode she gets bored and starts annoying people or starts singing. She is a really clumsy person when dance practice and sometimes on stage.


likes — 

-Jazz and Sing Music

-Hot pot

-Anything sweet

-marvel movies 


-Italian food


dislikes — 

-horror movies

-slugs and snail



-bitter melon

habits — 

-crack her fingers

-after a long time practicing she would lay in one spot and would not move for at least 5 mins and no one came move her during that time.

-Starts singing when bored

hobbies — 

-composing music

-cover recent/current songs (western or kpop) with a jazz twist

-jam on the violin or cello

-Put on a vinyl record that she got from the old Harrison couple


-learnt a bit of tap dancing while she was working with Postmodern Jukebox

-her stage name comes from the Roman goddess that protects women and marriage

-her neighbours in New York who are known to her family as the old Harrison couple are like her grandparents

-her favourite song is "In the Mood" by Glenn Miller and would always remind her of the fun times she had with Monica while at the old Harrison couple's home.


i want to believe in my path. 

background — Min Jung was born on the 18th of June, 1993, in Incheon, South Korea. She is the only child in her family. Her father got a job offer in New York City, USA so the whole family moved over there when Min Jung was 5 years old. Once there, they lived next door to an elderly couple who were later known as the Harrison couple. In her younger years she use to go over to their house to keep them company and play with their granddaughter Monica who was 2 years older than her. The elderly couple would play old vinyl records of jazz/swing music which Min Jung grew to love. From middle school through to high school she would hang out with Monica. The two were really close best friends and would go to to the same after school academy together but Monica focused on acting while Min Jung learned the volin and later the cello. She met her first boyfriend at that after school academy and they dated for about 8 months when she was 16 but broke up. A few weeks later she noticed her ex was stalking her to the point it drove her crazy. So her parents filed a restraining order which kept him away from her.

 In her senior year of high school while she was exploring New York City University she met with Scott Bradlee and his group of friends. Scott pitched the idea that he was starting a group that takes current pop songs and gives them a jazz spin. Min Jung thought it was an awesome idea and asked to join Scott and his friends welcomed her and she really enjoyed it. She ended up doing an Art's course in Uni majoring in classical jazz music. Near the end of her second years she wanted to explore more genre of music and found that kpop was rich in styles of music so she decided to quit uni and told her parents that she wanted to try out in the kpop which they supported her. So she flew to Korea and lived with her aunt in Seoul. She tried to audition of JYP but was rejected then auditioned for Pledis Entertainment which she got through.


family — 

▪ Park Young Soo | Father | Chief of Finance of OPPO in USA | 49 | Even though Min Jung has gone back to Korea to find her passion, she still calls or skype back home to her parents and when ever she can she will try to visit them back in America. Takes the advice that her parennet give her to heart and try her best to contact them.

▪ Kim Kyung Hee | Mother | Housewife | 45 | Same as above.


friends — 

▪ Monica Harrison | Best Friend | Aspiring Actress | 26 | Not as close like how they were younger because of different careers but they try to catch up whenever they can. Granddaughter of the old Harrison couple that lived next door to Min Jung's family. Her grandpartents where the ones who introduced Min Jung to classic jazz music.

PLOTLINE HERE ☼ Backup here 

Stage Name — June

trainee years — 1 year & 3 months

trainee life — Being trained in jazz and swing music before arriving back in Korea made her noticed by the trainers that trained the trainees. When practicing her vocals a unique style shines through her singing which she was prasied for. However she found that she was falling behind the other trainees when in dance practice which is why she spent most of her nights practicing until she caught up with the other trainees.  

Stage personality — Ball of energy. She's really energetic. She really enthusiatic and is the communication medium between the group and fans. Loves interacting with fans

talent twins (include a backup) — Singing: Minah, Girl's Day (Jiyoon, 4minute)

                                                                                           Dancing: Jessica,SNSD (IU)

Predebut experiences — Sang and played the cello & violin for a lot of Postmoderen Jukebox's videos back in New York while studying at University. Postmodern Jukebox is popular group that takes recent pop music and gives a vintage jazz/swing spin.

Sang: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mphD90urEp4

Sang and played violin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCX56h12dT4

Played the cello: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jemgIOAjGDw

Also played the cello: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3iL596QKII

Also played in a few of the annual concets that the music school where she learnt violin and cello held. She played she cello in this song (her favourite Jazz song of all time):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcknIbp-A4Y

scandals — Numerous articles and pictures of Min Jung running around the streets of Seoul. She was running away from a caucasian guy. Later confirmed to be her ex boyfriend which she broke up about 1 or 2 years before she came to Korea and entered Pledis Entertainment. Despite the restrainting order he still followed her, determined to get her back. She asked her managers and the higher ups at Pledis Entertainment. She even  reached out to her father who was in the US to help her get a stronger restraining order so that her ex boyfriend would stay out of her life. It took a few months for it to blow over. During those months and maybe a few months after the whole incident she wouldn't leave the dorm or talk to anyone except her band members or manager.

lOVE Int name here

love interest & group — Baekhyun (EXO)

backup(s)  — Minhyuk (Monsta X)

personality — bright, bubbly, funny, romantic, energetic and a bit goofy

First meeting  — While living with her aunt after being rejected at JYP but before applying for Pledis Entertainment she was in the park with some kinds in the neighbourhood playing soccer with them. During this time Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Lay were heading back to their dorm and decided to cut through the park to get to their dorm faster. One of the kids kicked the ball to her which she kicked high in the air and it was heading to the EXO members. It just missed Baekhyun's head but hit Chanyeol on the side of his face. "Oh My God!!" she exclaimed in english while running over to them. She checks if asks if they ok then helps Chanyeol while Baekhyun picks up the ball and give it to her. Just as she takes it from him one of the kids yells "Noona pass the ball" so she kicks it from where she is at and it lands in the goal. When she turns back they all had their mouths open because the goal is pretty far. "I'm Baehyun" Baehyun suddenly said and Lay and Chanyeol introduced themselves. "I'm Min Jung. I'm kinda new here" she said and they nodded. "You guys wanna join?" She asked them. Another kid suddenly yelled "Noona come and play" "Coming" she yelled. "We should be getting back" Lay said. "Oh ok. It was nice meeting you all. You should get some ice on that to stop the swelling" She said. "Bye Min Jung" Baekhyun said and they all waved and went their seperate ways. But Baekhyun hoped that he would meet her again.


love story & interactions   — After Min Jung became a trainee at Pledis Entertainment she met Baehyun in a coffee shop after dance training. He was under cover hiding from identity from fans but when he saw Min Jung again he just had to talk to her again. When she saw him again it was a surprise because she wasn't expecting to see him again. He told her to quiet down scared he might get caught be fans which she was confused. It wasn't until he told her he was part of EXO that she finally understood. She didn't know many bands because she only listened to a few before moving back to Korea. They talked for a while over coffee and Baekhyun encouraged her to keep training. After that they became friends and would hang out when Baekhyun just wants to get away from being an idol for a while. 

Baekhyun started liking Min Jung but what made him really fall for her is her unique voice. He heard it after she debut and was on stage at Music Core and he was back stage with the rest of EXO.

Over the time of their friendship Min Jung also liked Baekhyun but is scared to tell him. Thinking that it's good to just be close to him.


ending & status  — Hopefully either Min Jung or Baekhyun grows the balls to tell each other how they fell. If not get either get the other Highlight members or EXO member or both groups to help them get together.

last messages.

comments/suggestions — This was really fun to do. I'm really interested how she would fit in you story. Hope the story goes well.

scene request — 

-Weekly Idol Appearance

-Star King Appearance

password — 

Debut: Twinkle Twinkle by Girl's Day

Sub-group: Banana by G.NA (somehow split the lyrics to all the memebers of the group)

turn inback to story


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