Study tips~

I've been in a dump the last couple of days. Although I managed to do well on one exam, my other two exams have failed in comparison, thus bringing my grades down 1-2 letter grades. I'm starting to think that perhaps my study methods aren't good enough and that I should adapt some new ideas from y'all.

I would appreciate if you guys could leave some of your study tips and tricks and what works well with you when it comes to study for class.

Thanks ♥



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Aside from the tips given below, you should also strive to be more organized. An organized desk, set of notes, and plans make you more productive. Make sure that you have scheduled study hours, and stick to that schedule! You should also try color-coding your notes by using highlighters or pen. Having a set code for the colors (ex. yellow- important word, green- definition, orange-important date, violet-explanation of why) can also help. One week before an exam for a specific subject, cut up the info that you have to memorize and assign specific days where you have to study parts of the info. Let's say you'll study x for Monday, y for Tuesday, and z for Wednesday. On Tuesday, you have to study y, but you have to remember to go back and revisit important parts of x. For Wednesday, focus most of your study hour on z, then dedicate time to revisit x and y. Studies have shown that constantly revisiting information for a long period of time helps you in memorizing and storing information for the long run. Next, you can also use study cards. Study cards, especially those with questions on one side and answers on the other help you in understanding information better. I also suggest studying with a friend (a serious study friend, okay), and have them ask the questions on your cards. Studying with friends makes studying less boring and more productive. Before an exam, make sure you are well-rested. Don't cram the info! After your study sessions or exams, it's important to de-stress so that your mind is not overworked.
Always sit infront so that you don't slack off.. Listen attentively to your teacher / lecturer , jot down important notes. As for me I find it helpful that I always play basketball early in the morning before school starts to keep my mind and body fresh so that I can learn better. I also play basketball during breaks to destress and just recharged . I do know some people who swim early morning before lesson starts. Also always revised back what you learned for the day. Don't just study the whole thing last minute . Make mind map I always brainstorm and do mind map. Lastly try to apply what you learn in your daily life that would make you remember better without having to force yourself too much. All the best