File: Kim Haerin.txt
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faceclaim, keep the width 360

❣️ Rinnie ; It's a cuter version of her name
❣️ Marshmallow ; Her cheeks are chubby and white like a marshmallow
❣️ Princess ; Her brother calls her it. 
BIRTHPLACE. Seoul, South Korea
HOMETOWN. Seoul, South Korea
❣️ Korean ; 100% ; Born and raised in South Korea
❣️ English ; 60% ; Learning in school and on her own
❣️ Chinese ; 20% ; Self teaching
APPEARANCE.  Haerin is a small, petit, pale girl standing at 160cm and weighing 49kg. She has cute, slightly chubby cheeks and her eyes are large with a very prominent 'aegyo sal'. Her hair is naturally black and straight which goes a little below her bust. Her lips are a natural shade of light pink. She has a small mole on her left shoulder blade and one her right index finger. 
STYLE. Haerin's style can be categorized as cute casual. She's normally seen wearing skirts and a tucked in shirt. If not a skirt, then he's wearing shorts and her shirts are usually a bit baggy. She likes to wear dresses too. She hardly wears jeans because she doesn't look 'Cute' in them. Her shoes are normally sneakers. Her formal wear consists of High-low dresses in 'pretty colors' which is just colors she thinks look nice. Her PJ are just shorts and tanktops, sometimes they match, most of the time they don't. Her uniform is always neat and unaltered. She doesn't like making changes to her uniforms. 
▸ Casual ;  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
▸ PJ ;  1 2 3 
▸ Formal ;  1 2 3 4 5
▸ School ;  1 2

get out of my head.


💗 ; Calm, Hard working, Intelligent, Mature
Absentminded, Neutral ; 🖤 ; Passive aggressive, Strict
Abrasive, Blunt, Insecure, Oblivious ; 💔


💗 Haerin is very calm. It takes a lot to shake her. She is the type of girl to watch something fail and then suggest ideas calmly while everyone else is panicked. She believes a calm mind helps much more. She's also very hardworking. She gets most of her school work done in no problem. When she focuses she doesn't like to be disrupted. She tries her best at everything she does and it usually pays off. Haerin is also very intelligent. She's very smart and that's what keeps her grades up when she spaces out at times. She knows what she's doing and it's very hard to trick her. Thanks to that, she's also mature. She always handle things in a mature matter rather than looking at things in a childish manner. 
🖤 Haerin is absolutely, ultimately, absentminded to the core. She often spaces out for no reason, and sometimes it's the reason why he soul leaves her body to travel. She's the type to get distracted and doze off. She's also neutral. She doesn't like picking fights and taking sides so she looks at everything from a neutral point of view. She's the one to go to for an honest opinion. Though, Haerin can get awfully passive aggressive. When she gets mad, she won't say anything. She'll just make your life harder for as long as it takes until she's satisfied. Once, she got mad at her brother and shifted everything in his room slightly to the left every day for a month, needless to say, the last night he complained about his room feeling weird and everything squishing to his left. She can also be very strict on herself. She has a set schedule everyday with room for little flexibility. When things go wrong, she's always very harsh on herself and is always looking at her work like it's not good when often times it was the best.
💔 Haerin is very abrasive. She just doesn't care about other people really. Unless you interest her enough to befriend you, you don't mean anything. Most of the time, she's very reserved and quiet. It's not because she's shy, she just doesn't care for human interactions. She's also blunt. She says whatever's on her mind and she says it without problems. She can hurt your feelings without a care in the world. However, Haerin is rather insecure. She doesn't like the way she looks, she doesn't like the way she acts, she doesn't like who she is, but she doesn't care enough to do anything about it. She picks at herself, breaking herself down before building herself back up, ready to face the world. She is so oblivious. You could be very obviously flirting with her and she wouldn't notice. She has no experience with those things, but really, it so obvious it's almost directly asking her. 

❣️ Haerin was born on a cold December morning into a family of 4. She was blessed with an older brother that is 4 years older than her and boy did he love her. Her family was very normal, her parents worked good paying day jobs and her brother was what you would call a perfect son. He was smart, athletic, mannerful, polite, what you would think of a good son, he was it. However, Haerin's always been rather, different. She was a good child, don't get her wrong, but she's always been a bit... not there. She would often doze off as a child and not respond to anything and it worried her parents and they took her to the doctors countless of times, but they were sent right back because nothing was wrong with her, or, at least it was something they couldn't diagnose. She's always claimed to see things right after, like weird shaped things that lived. Everyone dismissed it as her imagination. If only they understood it wasn't. Haerin grew up doing that frequently, 'dozing off' and 'having her imagination run wild'. If only someone listened to her. Her parents didn't pay much attention to her after she was 5 and still telling them about the 'Monsters' she sees. They thought she was just making it up for attention. Her brother was the only one that listened to her and even then he would only say he believed her to help her understand that they weren't real. But they were real. After she realized it, she didn't bother to tell anyone so she started writing about what happens in a journal. She did that until she was about 10, then it stopped. She thought she was normal again and forgot about it. 
❣️ Her school life was normalish. She never told anyone at school about her 'adventures' and the 'monsters' she saw often, she was afraid of what they'd say. She often doubted herself, wondering if she was normal. She never felt normal. When someone read through her journal at age 11, she was made fun of. She didn't have any more experiences, but she still kep the journal with her, just in case. Someone found it and read it out loud. Everyone made fun of her after that and the teachers that were there suggested taking her to see a psychiatrist because the things she writes about 'aren't normal'. But she was never normal. She hated people from then on and never bothered making friends. How could people be so rude? She was only 11. She cried that night. Her parents scolded her for writing about such things and now everyone thought she was a freak. Thank god her brother was there for her. Her brother had cheered her up and made sure no one said anything mean to her ever again. (He threatened the teacher and students.) He helped her and she grew past it. She grew past all the silly things kids liked. She never went out, she was always stuck in her room studying while everyone else played with their friends. Haerin didn't need friends.
❣️ Then, it all started again when she was 14. She was sitting in class when she could feel her soul leaving her body. She watched her head hit the table before traveling to another realm. It was a realm full of demons that she's never seen before. She wasn't scared. They didn't look harmful and were actually quite nice to her. She made friends, but eventually traveled back. Haerin woke up at home with a patch over her head. Her brother was at her side sleeping. He looked like he was crying, but she had no idea why. She looked around and was attracted to her journal. She wrote about her adventure in it when her brother woke up and smothered her. After that, it would happen randomly once or so every month until she was 15, then it was twice a month. Now that she's 16, it happens once a week. She has about 3 Journals filled with her adventures, but not much had changed since she was 11. 


Brother, Kim Jaehyun, 21, Caring, Aggressive, Blunt, 10
Jaehyun is the one that takes care of Haerin. Her parents don't do it so he does it. Jaeyun loves his little sister down to the bone, despite how weird she can be. He's met everyone that attends the meetings and worries for her since everyone is just as weird as she is. It's bad and good. Jaehyun is basically Haerin's parent since he's so protective 


2nd Mother, Nam Yerin, 24, Empathetic, Protective, Emotional, 9
Haerin looks at Yerin as a mother figure. Yaerin takes care of Haerin well and she loves it. She lacks affection from her parents so when Haerin is with Yerin, she likes getting all the affection she can. 


Best friend, Kang Mina, 18, Responsible, Dry, Unreasonable, 9
Mina is Haerin's only friend. They're best friends and are so close they act as a couple. Haerin and Mina hang out a lot at school, despite what others think. Mina has met Jaehyun and Jaehyun had given her the stamp of approval so Mina is at Haerin's house often. She knows about Haerin's secret but doesn't mind it. 

Weekdays: Since Haerin has school, she normally wakes up at around 6 am to get ready and once she's ready it's about 6:30. She normally walks to school and barely makes it before 7am. Then after school, Haerin makes something to eat, does her homework and serf the internet before going to bed at 10pm and doing it all again the next day. 
Weekends; Haerin likes to sleep in late so she normally wakes up around 10am. She gets ready and goes out with her brother to eat before he drops her off at the cafe where she spends her day talking to the others that are there. She normally stays there for a bit before walking to Mina's house and spending a remander of the day there. On Sunday Haerin does laundry and once she finishes that, she eats something, She walks to the cafe around 1pm and stays there until 9 doing something on her laptop. 

❣️ Can't control her powers yet
❣️ Often faints when her powers are being used
❣️ Never used to be scared of the demons until they started being hostile
❣️ Currently has a 4.0 GPA
❣️ She only has 1 friend
❣️ Doesn't like people
❣️ Doesn't have a favorite food
❣️ She doesn't really like sweets
❣️ Or coffee
❣️ Or tea
❣️ Sticks with water
❣️ Only sweets she likes is Chocolate
❣️ Doesn't like bitter things
❣️ Will eat anything that has fruit in it
❣️ Lowkey thinks her brother is too protective of her
❣️ Isn't close with her parents
❣️ Motto ; Don't trust a person who doesn't trust you
❣️ Wants to learn how to control her powers
❣️ Not willing to use them
❣️ She's sort of friends with the others
❣️ She's really quiet
❣️ Pretty sure she's aual
❣️ Might just be because people annoy her
❣️ Loves her laptop and phone to death
❣️ Will fight for her phone
❣️ Isn't religious 
❣️ At first, when she was younger the demons were very friendly, but as she got older they started being more and more hostile towards her

i can't succumb to my own weaknesses.

HOW OFTEN DO YOU USE YOUR POWER? "Too often.." Haerin mumbled softly. "It happens once or twice a week, but I don't really like it." She said honestly and sighed softly.
HOW DOES YOUR POWER AFFECT HOW YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE? "At any moment, my soul leaves my body and it's hard to explain why I suddenly passed out." Haerin said and sighed again. "It's hard for me to go out places so I usually stay at home after school." 
DO YOU HATE IT? BEING ABNORMAL? "Yes and no." She confessed. "Yes because it means magic didn't die, but no because I can't live a normal life like the others." Haerin shrugged

WITHIN WE PSYCHIC FEW, WHO ARE YOU CLOSEST WITH? "Yerin unnie!" She said in a much happier tone.
WITHIN WE PSYCHIC FEW, WHO DO YOU TRY TO AVOID? Haerin paused for a bit and though about it, bitting her lips out of habit. "(Evocation). I try to avoid seeing creatures of other realms and (He/She) summons them.."
HOW DID YOU STUMBLE UPON THE SITE? Haerin thought for a bit, biting her lips again. "Uhh. I was searching the web for a research paper on Magic when I saw it. I got curious so I clicked on it."
HOW DID YOU FEEL WHEN YERIN FIRST MESSAGED YOU TO INVITE YOU TO THE MONTHLY GATHERINGS THEY ORGANIZE? "I was a bit skeptical." She shrugged. "I didn't know if it was true or not. Other people like me are rare."
WHEN WAS THE FIRST TIME YOU VISITED THE CAFE? WHAT DID YOU THINK OF IT, AND WHY DID YOU ENTER? "The first time I visited...." Haerin tilted her head a bit, another habit she had when thinking, "Uhh, last year I think.. It was when Mina had suggested we go to a new cafe near her house so we did. I noticed that it was the same one from the website, so I asked to meet the owner and told her that I had saw it... That sounds weird. but I though the cafe was cute."

let's stay asleep in this never ending dream.

love interest, keep the width 360

NAME. Applicant
BACKUP. Kim Donghyuk

ELABORATION. min two paragraphs.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc


TRIVIA. the more the merrier honestly

don't let them take control.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS. Wow. I finished-- I hope you don't mind that I changed the colors-- If you do I'll change it back. ^^ 
❣️ A scene where Haerin's power acts up i class so she passes out
❣️ Haerin's brother hitting on Yerin
PASSWORD. Password



faceclaim, 125x125





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