Pictures from Milano and Sovico (for those who are interested.)

So today I apparently went to Milan without knowing I did. To be fair my host family didn't tell me much of what we were doing, told me we were going to a castle ( THAT CAN BE ANYWHERE OK) and yeah. I also saw Monza aaand... we went to have sushi later. It was amazing, all you can eat but better than usual :D We ordered at least 100 dishes in total I think... XDD I'm glad we didn't have to pay bit by bit lol



As you can see, we also made Paella :D It was LOVELY. I helped lol. I was off from 12:30 but decided to stick around a bit because well why not lol.My plans for tomorrow is -  if they go out, go with the family -  if not, explore Sovico or Monza a bit. Maybe even take the train to Milan. So many possibilites :D

If anyone is curious, I will be posting other pics on my instagram, @katatheladybug.

Also, if you are bored, hit me up on kakaotalk, (Katakatica)

Just tell me who you are. 

Have a great weekend ya'll,





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LuckyGirl97 #1
wow so beautiful... you really good take the picture.
some of these pictures look like they can be used for stock images on a poster lmao
but they are lovely and i hope you had tons of fun there! <3

p.s. you have great angles/photography skills!