little monstar; lee jooyui; lee minhyuk


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little monstar mom : jooyui

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BIRTHNAME : lee, jooyui | yoon, jooyui (married |maiden)

▸ joo — her friends call her this as shorten verison of her name.

▸ jagi, jagiya, baby, angel, & queen  — These are just main few of pet names Minhyuk has for Jooyui.
▸ mama bear  — The other boys call her this as she is protective of Minjae and with Minhyuk.

DATE OF BIRTH : may 23rd, 1994 + 22
BIRTHPLACE : daegu, south korea
ETHNICITY : korean

▸ korean — native - has been speaking this all her life.

FACE CLAIM : park sooyeon
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 150 cm & 50 kg

▸ -----

You're a flower, I'm melting at your scent

PERSONALITY TRAITS : +;honest, responsible, loyal, observant, friendly, & affectionate. | -;clumsy, flirty, blunt, stubborn, quiet, & awkward.

PERSONALITY : Jooyui is a very easy person to approach even though she might not look like it or at times act like it. She likes people around here and listening to them or helping them. She makes friends easily and approaches others easily, but she can be quite awkward around people because even though she is friendly - she doesn't talk a lot. She can awakward sometimes as she can into conservations or say something out of the blue. She is pretty quiet and not happy virus type of person. She would rather listen to ramble and only pip in when she thinks it is important. She is a good person around when you need a rant or someone to listen to. Jooyui is also very honest with how she speaks in that she doesn't sugar coat things or gives people false hope. She is also very blunt and straight forward in how she feels. It is like she has no filter and anything comes out of .

Jooyui is also very responsible as she doesn't let others down and gets things done. People know that they can count on her for getting things done and they know whatever task will be done well and will actually get done in the first place. She is also very stubborn. Once she sets her mind to something, then it takes awhile for her to back down or changed her mind. She is also very loyal in that once she trusts you and gets to know you then you have a friend for life. You know that she'll be there for you when need someone and she won't betray you. She is also observant in that things usually don't get past her and she is quick witted, but she is pretty clumsy. She might be observant on other people and catching on subtle clues. She is accident prone. She sometimes trips over her own feet, things, or runs into things. She has been like this since she was little so she usualy just laughs at her self when trips or hurts herself. Jooyui is also very affectionnate with people. She isn't very good with words but she tends to show her intentions with her actions and how she acts. Sometimes on a good day, she can be a bit flirty and extra with her expressions and actions.

BACKGROUND : --------------


▸ ------

i can say words that make you cringe.


▸ best friend — yoo kihyun (23) / teacher / -------/ kihyun and jooyui are childhood best friends and have acted like each other siblings for a long time. they get along really well and act like real siblings. 

You're seriously so cute.

CHARACTER's JOB : Owner of her own business - cafe. 


▸ Jooyui owns the cafe and pastry shop named "Sweet Haven". She is a pastry chef by education, but has been working in cafes and pastry shops all her life. Her typical day is opening up the cafe and working there all day. She also does client work where people order pastries from her for parties or big events. Up and until now, she's been supporting her family on her own while Minhyuk is in school. They can't afford the high prices of day cares so she had been having Minjae with at the cafe and having Minhyuk watch him when he isn't in class at the cafe. 

You're like white sugar, adore me.

CHILD's name : 

▸ lee, minjae 

age : 

▸ april, 10, 2016 + eight months old

personality : 

▸ Minjae is very much a mix of Jooyui and Minhuk. He is very a happy baby that is very vocal and doesn't like to be away from his parents. He is very smily and likes to be around people, but tends to be kind of quiet if he doesn't know you but will warm up to you the more he sees you. He is very affectionate with people. He will pull on your jewelry or glasses just playing with them or trying to put them on. He likes to laugh a lot and watches other people. He will throw things when he is mad or upset. He will cry and scream when he is upset as well. He will whine and get cranky when he is sleepy or wants to be fed. Over all he is mix of the quiet and affectionate Jooyui and the loud, happy, dorky Minhyuk.

Trivia : 

▸ Minjae was born eight weeks early. His due date was closer to the end of May. So, he is smaller than other children his age and is behind a bit developmentaly.

▸ Minjae has to wear glasses to be able to see clearly.  They kind of look like googles since he can't keep regular glasses on his face well.

▸ Minjae also has asthma 

▸ Minjae is allegirc to seafood and dairy milk - he loves soy milk mixed in with Jooyui's milk.

▸ Minjae like his father doesn't like cucumbers.

▸ Minjae loves animals especially their house cat - luna.

▸ Minjae can't sleep with out his stuffed animal cat and blankie

▸ He is most comfortable around Hyunwoo & Kihyun amongst the boys.

▸ Minjae had a hard time holding his bottles as he is behind in his motor skills, so someone does have to watch him and help him.

▸ Minjae likes it when either Jooyui or Minhyuk sing to him or reads books to him. This means music class is his favorite.

▸ Minjae likes playing in flour and loves sweet tasting things over anything else.

▸ Minjae favorites times of the are bath time, food, and art. he likes finger paints the best snice it is the easiest thing he can do on his own. 

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : lee, minhyuk


▸  ----------


▸ -------


ENDING :  -------

username : nickname

LAST WORDS : ------



turn in : story : cheatsheet


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i just wanted to comment that Jooyui is so cool. lol
i can't wait to see her development throughout the story~ =]