I have been really behind, due to living in a motel and having to call the ambulance a ew times. With the lack of sleep, one-shots and chapter edits plus updates have been delayed greatly. My apologies as this is unprofessional and I don't recall having shared this info before hand! But I will be taking on a new deadline for my job; and instead of drawing fanart I will focus on writing more so. 

Slowly and shortly I have fallen away from Kpop mainstream stuff, and just kpop in general. So it wouldn't be a problem for me to pause fanart at this time. Also I wish have my attention focused on writing and illustration as those are my strong parts and I actually have a job doing both :) 

Thank you for understanding me and FIGHTING! 


Image result for onew Kiss gif


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
I appreciate the fact that you're so professional and serious about your "job" as an author :) But there's no need to apologize! I hope everything is okay now and that you don't have to call for an ambulance anymore, and you should worry about your health first, right? As much as I love updates, I definitely want the person behind the story to be healthy and happy as well :) Much love <3