The effects of smoking

So.....the tag says's kinda a warning about smoking.....but I'm doing it in my own way cuz I am who I am,not a commercial and I'm doing this for everyone....not for my own benefit. dad.....he's been smoking since I was too young to know if it's right or wrong....heck,I didn't even know the word smoking yet.

And until now,he's still smoking and my mom and him fights about it a lot and the problem is,he doesn't care when or when he does it except in public like when we went to Hongkong where it is prohibited to smoke except in designated areas for smoking.

Lately,I've been having breathing issues.Like,once I had to crouch down because I feel like there's not enough air and I can't stand uo and support my body without air(obviously).They'd last for a few minutes or when I exercise,a few hours. I didn't know what could've caused it.Then,I realized I've been near my dad while he was smoking a lot of times.So,I figured it could've been that.

My friend thiught it could be asthma....but I have SKIN asthma not the asthma itself and.....I've never really been like this before.I run for hours and will be out of breath but not to the extent of nearly collapsing and nearly crying because of the feeling of not getting enough air.....which is indecribably painfull but in a weird way......

It happens mostly when 8 exercise on a hot day or something....and it's been happening just recently....but I was still doing the stuff I've always done for years.....and yeah..lone of my tutor-mates yaya(nanny)told me that I must have weak lungs or something so yeah...idk


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I'd say it probably is asthma anyway, maybe combined with second-hand smoke. (it could also be an infection if it's very recent) You should get it checked with a doctor and if it is caused by second-hand smoke, make sure you air your room a lot and ask your dad if he could smoke in certain parts of the house. It seems you have your mother's support so make out an arrangement so he can smoke whenever he wants and still take care of you.
Probably second hand smoker effect .. It happens when you are always near to your dad. It's best for you and your dad to go for check up to be sure . Do take good care and try not to be too near whenever your dad smokes