Tumblr Questions (Take from sjlover274 and JaeKnight)

Name: Sonal ^_^ 

Nickname: Sonu

Gender: Female

Star sign: Aquarius (?) but my mom says it's Cancer according to Indian calendar so... maybe both :P

Birthday: 22ndJanuary

Relationship status: Single and happy :D

Pets: I had two bunnies which were given away later (sad story :'( ) and then we had fishes for around 3 years which were later sold back to the pet shop *sigh* pets don't have a good future in our family

Height: 5'2"... DON'T YOU DARE JUDGE ME!!

Favorite color: Sapphire Blue (nope, it was my favorite even before I was an ELF), Lavender, Red, Black.

Average hours of sleep: 4-5 hours. I should get more sleep because I look like a panda...

Lucky number: 7

Last thing I googled: Let's see... *checks history* I searched about the kdrama Sassy Girl Chun-hyang. Why? An ost from it is copied into a bollywood song so I was sending the links to a friend of mine.

Numbers of blankets: 4. But I use only 2. The others act as pillows keke

Met a celebrity: I've met 2 famous Indian singers and 2 famous Indian comedians so yeah. But I wasn't a fan of any one of them *sigh* I want to see celebs I care about.

Favorite fictional character(s): Fictional characters of... Anime - Usui Takumi from Kaichou wa maid-sama (my anime crush if that even exists ^.^), Kdrama - Lee Dong Wook as the Grim Reaper from Goblin (wasn't he the cutest ^.^)

Favorite book(s): This is super hard for me since I read tonnes of books. The one I enjoyed were Around the Earth in 80 Days, Time Machine, Great Expectations, Odyssey, Goose bumps series, Nancy Drew series, Famous Five series, a book whose name I forgot which is about the school experience of twin sisters, Malgudi Days, Wings of Fire etc etc etc. The list will never end so let's stop here.

Favorite band(s): Super Junior and Super Junior and Super Junior and Super Junior kekekekeke

Song stuck in my mind right now: Very Very Very from IOI. I shouldn't have heard it yesterday since that's the only thing going in my mind. Nom, nom, nom... UGH!

Last movie I watched: The Werewolf Boy

Last TV show I watched: New Journey to the West 3

Last song I listened to: Wind by Kyuhyun.

Dream trip: Going to South Korea and Japan.

Dream job: IFS (Indian Foreign Services) with South Korea as the country I work in.

What am I wearing right now: pajamas

Time right now: 11:42 p.m. I sleep late at night.

When did you create your account: March 22, 2016

Current amount of subs: Unique subs - 950, Total subs - 2950... wow, I'm a new author yet this much!? I'm very thankful to all of them.

What do you write about: Wonkyu, Wonkyu and Wonkyu.

Do you have any other accounts: Nope

When did your account reach its “peak” (when did you get more subs, have a popular story, etc..): When I was updating 'Forced' Marriage!?. The subscriber rate was something I never imagined at all. And that is my most popular story as well.

Do you get comments on a daily basis: Nope, I get a few when I update a chapter then they stop.

Why did you choose your url: It's not applicable here, eh?

Lemonade or iced tea: Ice tea.

Cats or dogs: Both! I can't choose >.<

Coke or pepsi: Coke

Day or night: Night. I love nights.

Text or call: Text. I hardly call anyone.

Makeup or au naturel: Makeup, though I have never done makeup, My skin isn't good so au naturel won't look good.

Smile or eyes: Why don't you kill me instead? Those are the first things I see in a person!

Light or dark hair: Dark hair. I have jet black hair and I love it.

Shorter or taller: Definitely taller since I'm so short (even for short people).

Intelligence or attraction: Intelligence. It you're intelligent, then you're attractive.

City or country: I currently live in a city so... city. Ha, did you think I'd say country? I will go to country someday but that's like years from now.


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Wonkyu is Love.
Wonkyu is Life.
Lol this was interesting! XD