Writing contests

Just curious, but as I was looking around AFF, I stumbled upon some writings contests that started from back in 2011. As I was looking at many of them that say complete, there were quite a few that said either closed or nothing at all. I was just wondering if those writing contests were still active, even though they haven't been used since 2011 and 2012. There is no green completed on them. Some of the writing contests peeked my interests, but they were back in 2011 and 2012. I was going from the oldest to the newest, because I wanted to see what there were for contests. Especially ones that don't require you to give karma points if you enter your stories. I really don't want to waste my karma points on entering my stories. I know I sound selfish, but I don't have thousands of karma points, and I can't just throw them around because I know my stories are not the best and most people are not interested in my kinds of stories anyway. Sometimes I even wonder why I would even want to enter them in contests. So, I'm still deciding on whether I want to do that. I enjoy writing my stories for myself, though I am a little annoyed when I get someone telling me that my forward is too long, which causes them to not want to read the story. Really? I've read forwards that are WAY longer than mine, and I still end up reading the story. Not sure why it bothers them that much, but oh well. I'm not planning on changing it just because someone doesn't like the forward. I like reading forwards that have a LOT of information so that I know a little about what is going on in the story, or a little about the characters. 

Anyway, I'll go through the list of older and newer writing contests and see what might still be active. I know some people have given me some writing groups, but some of them I'm not really interested in them. But, I'll look through the list probably later today after I come home from work, if I have no homework to deal with. I know many people don't like song fics, which to me I don't understand why not, but they are so awesome to create. I've written 2 song fics and they are so much fun to write. Too bad, contests don't really care for things like that. I had one contest tell me that they don't do song fics, because they don't like them and they are confusing. Oh well. I know I have many stories to write, but lately, I've been listening to some music, and thinking about writing another song fic. I haven't decided on what song or what characters I want to use. I hate it when I want to write my stories, and other stories invade my brain and try to make me want to start another story. Which means that some of my stories will have to go on hiatus until I can get back to them. 

But, anyway, I know this is a LONG post. I REALLY need to stop writing these long posts, but anyway, just wanted to mention about the many writing contests that are still active, though they haven't been touched for 5 or 6 years. 


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There are some smaller ones you could try first. I entered a weekly challenge once, only for one time because you don't have to do it every week, and it wasn't that bad. It was about writing a one shot with at least one of the given prompts and there was a length limitation to it. The only thing that wasn't great was the time given to write it. But I think you should definitely try one if one catches your eye. I recommend you go from the newest to the oldest because otherwise the deadline could already be soon. Besides, having to make something from a given prompt can be challenging but also fun. I'm not sure if you even got anything out of this haha but anyway. Maybe you should try.