Torn (singing torn in the background)

I was wandering and no destination in mind, i saw AGO, an art gallery, I'm tempted to go and take a look for i am fascinated with arts, designs, patterns, etc but heck I remembered i have to go to my part time work after an hour. 1 hour isn't enough for me to admire every thing on display and even the interior of the building. so i kept on walking and made a turn on a street, till i saw OCAD, a university for art and design, i stopped and looked at it. Beginning to ask myself: "do you want to take design programs?", "Do you want to take arts?", "do you want to pursue designing?". I'm torn between taking tourism and design this year. Torn between what my parents want and what i want. Torn betweem guarantee and possibilities. Torn between myself and other half. 


My friends have already have paths that they want to take. While I'm here in the corner still figuring what i really want for years.


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Wow, looks like a hard decision to make. But you know, no one know you better than you do :) Before i became a veterinarian, this kind of problem always be the main challenge for me. Fortunately my parents support me whatever i'm doing but they did said they wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer. I never took interest with any of the careers and somehow i ended up being who i am today. Animals are fun and entertaining to me. Different people have different passion right. Anyways, goodluck for your future!
clockworkangel #2
Omg I go to OCAD!!!