Depressed :(

Ok, so since last month, I've noticed how empty I've been feeling, how sad, lonely, how dead I feel inside and I know now that it's because I'm depressed. A lot of things are going on right now in my life and I guess u could say I'm depressed because of that but it's also how I feel, like the unfairness, the reality of how my dad sometimes does treat me and I guess it has got to me.. 

Before Christmas last year, I met some other people who were like me and I felt abit happier knowing I wasn't the only one going through it but then things just got worse.. Schools fine, but home.. I've also been really satisfied seeing blood and I did self harm but I haven't done that for weeks, I'm so down, so depressed, so dead inside.. 

Sometimes I cry myself to sleep, not wanting to go school the next day or just feeling so depressed and crap.

But I've told one of my friends who's given me advice but I dnt see her unfortunately, she's been though the same thing so she kinda knows what I feel like inside but since I can never see her, I feel as though I wanna tell a close friend of mine.

She's been with me through everything and she knows my situation and my family but I feel as though should I tell her or not? I don't have the confidence yet but my other friend who I told, told me to either tell her or speak with someone I trust. 

And I'm also sorry to all my readers who subscribed to my story, 'So.. I've become a God' because I haven't updated it since Christmas Eve and I'm extremely sorry to u all, it just life right now just isn't going the right way, again I'm really sorry to u all but thank u for still supporting my story <3


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sya2alaaawani #1
Heyy!,you know all the problems will have their own solutions and everything happened have their own reason.Self harm is not good for yourself.I'm just like you,I've problems and quite depressed. I don't want to tell my prob to all my friends because I don't trust them and don't have confidence(something happened) but lately I decided to tell one of them.She is not the closest and the trusted one btw but I just felt comfortable when it comes to her.You have to be confident in whatever youre gonna do.I think sharing our problems can lift a bit our burden.Stay strong okay!And I'm sorry that I always interrupted you before because IDK what you've been.Stay positive OK!Fighting!
I hope that things get better for you . Continue to stay strong and think positive. Nothing last forever so does your pain and sadness. Self harm is never a solution . Please do not hurt or harm yourself in anyway. Go seek for all the help that you need. Go to your school counsellor , social support group, friends or even your relatives for help. Try keep yourself busy so that your mind are occupied . Do some fun activities . In life everyone will face problem and some kind of pain. Just that the type of pain and level of pain is different from each other. No matter what it is never give up. Continue to live well and love yourself even more . You can do it!
Hey! I feel you, really...I've been through quite a lot, but I've been fine for some years. Last November something happened, It wasn't something major, but it had a certain effect on me, add the fact that ty things kept happening...let's just say that I'm back in my slumb. I'd like to seek help, but I don't want to worry my parents since they already have a lot going on. I never did self-harm though, I do other things. I'm giving myself a couple of weeks and if things don't get better then I'll have to talk with my parents about this...stay strong, I'm sure we can can make it
It is okay :) be strong!