Please Pray For Me,

I have finals tomorrow & Thursday, & I crammed in so much information for the past 6-6.5 hours. I don't want to fail my finals while I studied for that long, so please pray for me to do good on my test. I want to ace my classes. All those border line grades make my head hurt. Physically & mentally tired, I need to rest.


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hyo_511 #1
pray for you...
Here too.. I got a lot exam since i'm a senior @@
they got me to do traditional language exam that no use for sure *i'll be study abroad after this and don't need those traditional language thingy* -_-
and the teacher is *ehem* psycho you know!
If we wrote typos even just 1 letter we would get red marks -_- damnit! *where did my school found her?!!*