I want to be happy,

Lately, I have been having such a cruddy week. I hung out all week with friends, but my stupid weak body doesn't let me enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not super weak. It's that, I tend to get worn out if I go out much. On Tuesday, I went to go exercise with a friend, but she made me feel really angry when she didn't want to be friends with a church friend that will transfer to our school. On Wednesday, I practiced driving with my teacher, but he said that I at turning, which brought my mood down. On Thursday, I went to meet that church fried, but I was so tired and weak to do anything fun. Friday at night, my dad came home drunk and yelled at me for 2 hours. He said I was stupid and too young to understand anything when he clearly twisted up his words and made it confusing. He also told me the reason why I'm selfish and unworthy is because I don't think about other people. He doesn't know the fact I struggle in my life because I put myself in other people's shoes too much and I get taken advantage of. He always says no one knows me when he doesn't know me. For the next two hours, I cried myself to sleep. The next day, my mom told my dad I cried because of him and instead of saying, "Oh, really?" and apologizing, he simply said, "You're such a liar. She would never cry." Lately, I've been trying so hard to be strong, but it just doesn't work. No one understands. Not even my body. I'm weak, tired not strong, but nobody cares. I hate my life right now. I'm sure there are a lot of people who are in more worse circumstances, but for now, I have no one. I'm so alone. My so call friends don't even bother to listen nor ask about me. I just want to run away and leave everything behind. The only thing I am actually looking forward to is, 'Hello Baby,' with B1A4 & 'Ranking King,' with Infinite. I just... Ugh. I'm also listening to sad songs, bringing myself more down. My only wish is to be alone, sitting under the blue sky and hot sun on the grass. That way, no one bother me. I would just be alone and enjoying my life, how I should be.


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kinspiremae #1
Aww unnie. Cheer up okay. Yes times get rough and there are lots of people who will turn on you. Or won't care. You have to realize whose there and who isn't. You're family might probably only think that because you're a grown women whose a senior this year. And crying doesn't seem likely. But it's untrue. I've been in you're shoes and in some way I am currently. But you need to learn greater things. I honest look forward to those two things as well. Plus Teen Top 100% <3. Anywho. Always know you have you're KPOP friends who'll stand by you. Cause we all have a story behind us. KPOP just brought us all together. (yes this message is at 3am its so damn hot) love you unnie :3