◜ SOD: sound of Hoo Na Young ◞



PERSONA + Baby angel

singing twin + Jennie Kim
dancing twin + Jennie Kim
rap twin + Jennie Kim

TRAINEE YEARS + 8 months

TRAINEE LIFE + Being a trainne was so weird for Na Young. She was totally out of her element but she was a natural. Never, in all their years have they seen such a young face come in with such talent. 

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2001: Na Young was born at 6:43 in the morning, May 29 at the Samsun Medical Center. She was four days early, exactly 50 cm long and weight 3 kg. She had shockingly dark hair and her skin was so pale they werent sure she was getting the oxygen she needed. Thankfully she was a very healthy baby. 

2002: Na Young was a very loud baby. She seemed to cry when ever anyone put her down and she wouldnt sleep in her own room. Her parents got a kitten for baby Na Young and that did seem to help. 
She started walking when she wsa only ten months and talking a month later. After that she seemed to do nothing but talk.

2003: As Na Young began to develop she developed her attitude very fast. Her terrible twos came early and left late. She was needy and always the center of attention. 

2004: Even at the age of three Na Young knew that if she cried for it, her parents would give it to her. Her parents spoiled her too much. She started school and evry quickly the other stuents liked her. She had the best everything, crayons, toy and shoes. 

2005: Nothing very important happened when she was four. Her gandmother passed away, but she was too young to even know. 

2006: First grade was when things get interesting. Na Young comes from a very affluent family and she does love to show that off. Some of the other kids dont however. There were a few incidents at school where other kids tried to take things from Na Young adn she would retaliate, she even pushed a child off the top of a slide because she wanted her jacket. 

2007: Na Young's parents decided to transfer her to a school that more fit their lifestyle. All of the other familes were wealthy and she wouldnt stand out as much. She still however was the most popular girl in the class. 

2008: Na Young just started to get an interest in fashion. She was enthralled in it and wanted t become a designer when she grew up. 

2009: Na Young's interest in fashion grew even more. Her parents flew to Paris for her birthday and attended spring fashion week. She got to meet designers and models. She loved it. 

2010: At the age of nine Na Young designed her first outfit. It was rough, but he parents hoped she wouod be a child protoge in the fashion world. 

2011: Young Na Young had her first outfit designed when she was ten, but it wasnt really popular. She didnt give up though, she wanted people to like it. She still told people it did great in Paris.

2012: The more popular she got, the more controlliung and mean Na Young got. She could have the other kids do things, mean things to kids who didnt like her. She was a bit of a bully in her young age. 

2013: As soon as Na Young got into secondary school she really turned into a bully. There was a girl at their school on a scholorship and Na Young tormented her endlessly until she moved away. 

2014:Na Young's fashion got more serious. She actually had a meeting with one of MArc Jacobs people to look over her work and they liked a few peices.  

2015: Na Young sang for the first time in her life, but she didnt like it. She only did it to impress a boy, but he wasnt impressed. She tried to rap along with a song she knew and he was impressed with that. Everyone was impressed with her. 

2016: That  same boy she was trying to impress dared her to audition for SM Entertainment. He wanted to be a singer and he secretly wanted her to want to be one too. He thought they could do it together. She was accepted though, which he didnt plan.

2017: Na Young didnt really want to be there, but her parents were dissapoiunted in her for even auditioning. They said she had to stay and no matter how big of a fuss she threw she couldnt get out of it. 

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If you just looked at her, Na Young seems like a very sweet and kind girl, the kind of girl you could trust; and she is very good at playing that part. She can make people fall for her with out a problem and adults just seem to love her. There are very few people who can resist her charm. She has gotten quite good at using people and getting them to do what she wants them to do. 
Na Young is a selfish person. She only wants to be close to you if she can use you to get herself somewhere better. She is used to being the Queen B and having peopke listen to what she says. If you dont, she will have her people come after you to make your life as miserable as possible. 

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Hoo Na young

dob  + May 29, 2001 
birthplace + Gangnam, South Korea
hometown + Gangnam, South Korea
ethinicity + Korean

face claim + Yeoreum
backup face claim + here 

social circle

» Father, Hoo Gi Seong | 42 | Bigwig Lawyer | Very distant, invested in work | Na Young's father has always been distant 

» Mother, Hoo Il Na | 41 | n/a | Uninterested, distant | Na Young's mother spoils Na Young endlessly


» Lachie, Shin Na Woo | 16 | Student | Very bland | Na Woo follows Na Young around everywhere she does what even Na Young says
» Friend, Hwang Tae Kyung | 16 | Student | Fiesty | TK listens to Na Young as well but she isnt so brainless as Na Woo


» Fashion
» Cats
» Summer
» Chcolate milk
» Pink


» Trains
» Winter
» Cold
» People not listening to her
» School


» She rolls around a lot in her sleep
» She gets her nails done all the time
» She clicks her nails when stressed


» She has neat penmanship
» She hates the rain
» She has a pet cat named mochi who is 15
» Pink is her favorate color
» She is the most unathletic in the grouop
» She loves sweets
» She hopes to be a fashion designer one day
» She doesnt like people touching her in her sleep


Na Young has light brown hair that falls just past her collar bones. Her pale skin is always soft and clear. She is 161 cm tall and weighs 40 kg. 


STYLE + Na Young likes cute outfits, but it is usually something she designed. She is all for skirts.


» Korean, fluent | Mother language

+ hyunglovesoppa + Amanda
+ #08

PASSWORD + Catch me if you can



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