Life is crazy but I'm alive

Been neglecting my duties majorly. But hey you guys. Still around. Adulting is awful. For instance, it's 11:30 at night. I have to be awake at 4:30am. Yikes. Don't make bad decisions, kids.

Not about the "new year, new me" thing, as that should happen gradually over the year and not right off the bat, but I'm getting back to some roots and getting better at time management. I knew I had to come back here eventually. I just didn't want to return out of guilt. Nah, I wanna be here, doing what I need to and what I signed on to without a guilty conscience.

Missing the old crew. We went far and wide but as I just spoke to Karlo the other day and he's still a frigging annoying lovable walnut, I think it's safe to say we didn't all go too far.


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Ahhhh!!!! I will forever remember you as "beautiful Homin writer" but god I'm not even an adult yet and I don't want to life ;;; good luck with everything
Aww.. Welcome back Andy! (I literally had to check your profile first to confirm it is you. Stop changing your username! XD)
Glad that you are still alive and well. XD