JTBC Presents ☆ Kim Jinyi

Kattirompa★ Katti

Kim Jinyi


// Nickname Jiji - just a cute nickname from Nohee


// Language  Korean - native
// Language  English - She studied abroad for a few years in the States, so her fluency is fairly up there.

ETHNICITY, NATIONALITY [ ★ ] Korean, South Korea
HEIGHT, WEIGHT [ ★ ] 166cm, 62kg

FACE-CLAIM [ ★ ] Hyejeong - AOA
BACK UP [ ★ ] Haein - Laboum

FASHION STYLE [ ★ ] PINK HAIR. Ahem. Jinyi is a bundle of eccelectic colorful fashion energy. Does it neccesarily go well together? USUALLY. But she's not scared of trying no fashion choices or unconventional combinations. Dying her hair various colors since she's been allowed to, you won't see Jinyi with the same color within 3 months. Currently, she's loving some pink. With a fondness for sweets, it's lucky for her that Nohee makes her run and walk everywhere to keep her health (Jinyi has said her destiny is to one day be a circle with eyelashes...and Nohee is not amused and refuses to let her just sit idly and gain weight indiscriminantly). Otherwise, Jinyi has always been told she is a pretty girl with soft features...which betray how fiery anf fierce she can actually be. Its one of the reasons she needs wild hair ("I CANNOT ALLOW ANY TO UNDERESTIMATE ME!!" "Sweetie, I don't think that will ever be a problem..." ^^; )Samples of her favorite fashion choices below:


oc1NAME [ ★ ] Kim Jinyi
D.O.B [ ★ ] April 7, 1990
BIRTHPLACE [ ★ ] Busan
HOMETOWN [ ★ ] Busan, currently Seoul

oc2SINGING [ ★ ] twin with link
DANCING [ ★ ] twin with link

RAPPING [ ★ ] AOA Chanmi


// Jinyi sighs and shakes her head, smiling slightly, "My friend and family insisted I try. They say I should have pursued music more when I was younger. At the very lest hopefully this will get them to leave me alone!"


// "Ehh," she pauses to consider it before shrugging, nodding, "Have you ever had to re-make a whole wedding cake for a particularly irritable bride because your partner 'forgot' to write it down in our leger? I had three hours to make it happen. I think I can handle the hard work and pressure."


// "They SAY rap," again, she shrugs, "but I really think it's my diligence. If I do rap even remotely well, then it's from just practicing over and over."


// "...you're going to make me dance, aren't you? *insert expletive*"


// "Truthfully, if I end up succeeding, what will I do with my bakery? And what about my business partner? I worry she might have trouble while I'm gone."


// "Soleil Bakery makes the best macarons in the district!" She seems way too happy to say this and the interviewer reminds her she is there to perform, "Oh, right, yeah. I'm going to show you my  Uh...I'm sorry if you have to go through episodes of my nonsense. Blame my family. I do." This is followed by some amused laughter which gets Jinyi to smile broadly.

PERSONALITY [ ★ ] Fiery, Diligent, Expressive, Liberal, Happy, Obstinate, No-Filter, Go-getter, Unforgiving, Unyielding, Loyal. 

// Enter the room, and happy, outgoing Jinyi will be the first to greet you. With a flirty smile and loud "Helllloooo~!", Jinyi is a bundle of optimistic energy that cannot be stopped. Jinyi doesn't know the meaning of repressed. She is happy to express herself, be it happiness or sadness, as she firmly believes it's not healthy to keep emotions buried. And she is ever ready to offer an opinion on a subject, right or wrong, and does so without any resevation. There is no shame in feeling and expressing yourself for Jinyi, and she wants others to think the same. Unfortunately, this also means she tends to not filter herself well. Her parents blame themselves for being too liberal with her as a child, but Jinyi often speaks without thinking through her thoughts. This has more than once gotten her into trouble at school, and even in her bakery where she flat out told off a customer and chased them out of the store. Do not get on this girl's bad side. She has a fierce temper, and will fight and bite if you corner her. Fiery is putting her anger moderately. She is indeed a firework: one that will explode in your hand and leave it a bloody mess. But at least it's pretty, right?

But along with this, Jinyi is very liberal with her views. She won't judge you. You don't have to agree with her, and even if your opinion is wrong, you are perfectly entitled to it. She doesn;t care about your lifestyle. Who is she to judge? Do not judge her, and she will accept you for you, flaws and all. Once she is loyal to you, she will face the end of the world at your side if you need her there...and sometimes when you don't. But to couple this, if you ever break this trust with Jinyi, there is no coming back from it. She hold too hard a grudge, and very rarely regrets her choice to do so...and even if she did, she is hard pressed to admit to it. 

But under this happy, fiery veneer is a woman who works very hard for what she wants, and what she believes in. She will work 48 hours at her bakery unflinchingly if the need is there. Despite her brevity in her social interactions, business is business. If she is going to be an expert in her field, she is going to make sure she is an expert. This is a great quality until it makes her so stubborn she doesn't know when to quit. Jinyi is the kind of person who knows what she wants, and will run after it relentlessly. Knock her down, and she will jump right back to her feet swinging. She doesn't want anyone to assume she did not work her heart out to get to where she is. Yes, mom and dad were supportive and helped, but in the end she had to do this on her own.

Nice girl, feisty, but watch out. When Jinyi has a goal: no one gets in her way. And if you do: you better be ready to hit a brick wall with the name KIM JINYI IS YOUR DADDY on it.

BACKGROUND [ ★ ] Truthfully, Jinyi never really wanted for much in life. Both of her parents were well off to begin with, and had their own travel agency that was quite successful. There really isn't much to say about it. Taking yearly trips across the globe, being well liked in school, Jinyi really lived a good life. Her parents were always supportive of anything Jinyi wanted to do...and these often meant her asking to try this, try that, go here, go there...she once wanted to be a pianist, a chemist, a botanist, a hair stylist, and a fashion designer all over the course of her first year in secondary school. She didn't know what she wanted until she happened to take a culinary class on a whim...and she fell in love with baking. From there, you could not stop her from baking you cookies or a cake, or bringing cupcakes to the study session after school. Really, Jinyi was uncomplicated.

There was a time when Jinyi was really, REALLY into kpop and khip hop. In High school she and some friends once tried to start a youtube channel where they did covers of artists. She was designated their rapper, and she practiced for hours. To this day, she is still okay at it, and likes to rap songs at karaoke, but she doesn't really consider it anything spectacular. It's just in good fun. But of course Jinyi, being Jinyi, can't just let it be mediocre, so yes...to this day you will see her practicing with her headphones on, sometimes in the shower, and she watches rap battles avidly (she is very fond of the rap show Unpretty Rapstar and SMTM). Some even joked she should go find a company and get training, but Jinyi didn;t want that. She was going to be a baker, and the best baker damnit! 

Sent to study abroad in the U.S. for her first two years of university, Jinyi then met Nohee. And things took a complicated turn. Having run through a string of boyfriends, here comes this quiet, studious, sweet sweet beautiful girl, and Jinyi was done. Both being foreign students, Jinyi often helped Nohee with english and discovered they both had a passion for baking. Beautiful sweet, and cook make her sweets. Soon enough, they were in love. Unfortunately, Nohee's parents were not so accepting of her choice in partner, and demanded she stop seeing Jinyi. Nohee declined, and was disowned. Fortunately, after the intial shock, they were welcomed to Jinyi's family, and began their great plans to travel the world, and learn all there was to being the best bakers.

Fast forward a few years, and they have opened up Soleil Bakery in Seoul. A small, chic shop, theyve been growing a steady customer base. Jinyi is determined to launch themselves out of Korea one day, perhaps to Europe where they won't have to hide themselves. And to that end, she is working her heart out to get them to that point without having to rely on her parents. But then, her sweet sweet, beautiful, wonderful Nohee hears her rap at karaoke...and now here was Jinyi auditioning for an idol show. Truthfully, Nohee always wanted to be an idol, but was never musically inclined...so she sent her girlfriend to be part of this bootcamp so she could live vicariously through her. After much prodding, and puppy eyes from Nohee and her family (who thought it'd be hilarious to see Jinyi make a fool of herself on TV), she agreed to at least tryout. It's not that Jinyi didn't like performing: it could be fun. But she had better things to be focusing on right now...at least, if she did well, they could promote their business...and get closer to Jinyi's dream of escaping a society that may not accept her love of Nohee.

FAMILY [ ★ ]

// Choi Minseo, Mother  52  Travel Agent (retired)  Lively, Ecclectic, Obnoxiously loud  Cleary, CLEARLY Jinyi is like her mother. These two like the same person, and the joke is that her father must always be mentally tired from them. But in reality if Jinyi didn't have Nohee, her mother would be her best friend. Together, they're are a fearsome duo.
// Kim Jinyoung, Father  55  Travel Agent (retired)  Happy, Obliging, Liberal  If her liveliness comes from her mother, her accepting and liberal nature is from her father. He travels the world, and has a very worldy perspective on life. May shake his head at the women in his life, but is a very happy man regardless.
// Kim Minki, Brother  23  Travel Agent  Suprisingly bratty for his age, Stubborn, Loud  Typical big sister, little brother dynamic. There's supposedly videos of these two as children doing rap songs together...but he refutes their existence (hint: mom is saving them for someone's wedding day). Despite their sometimes antagonistic relationship, he loves her a lot and will fight someone for her...or rather Nohee. He likes Nohee more. ("YAH! YOU BRAT!!")

OTHERS/Friends [ ★ ]

// That useless part timer, Lee Eunwoo  20  a part-time worker at Soleil  meek, well meaning, intelligent  the loser needed a job  As much as Jinyi gives this person a hard time, Eunwoo is a nice guy. He came into the shop one day, and promptly broke a display. This was a year ago. He actually thinks of himself as Jinyi's apprentice, and wants to work at her bakery forever and make beautiful cakes and pastries and...Jinyi has made it clear she only tolerates him for the free help. She doesn;t know Nohee has been paying him for the whole time as their employee. ^^;; He is one of their biggest supporters though, and is actually like their little brother.

LIKES [ ★ ] 

// Espresso, coffee, americano, latte, *insert all sorts of coffee products here*
// COLORS. ALL THE COLORS. Balc kand white are boring damnit!!
// Hip Hop music.
// Fruity drinks and foods.
// Travel


// Is actually not a fan of chocolate.
// Pumpkin spice (WTH even...)
// Closeminded people
// Plain, boring, neutral colors...
// Dancing (She's awful at it...)


// Casually rapping. She likes to practice because it;s fun to make a random rap about "Bake, bake, bake the bread, throw it in the oven, watch it rise like gold and the sun!" Nohee: "Babe...that was awful..."
// Is being allowed to run every morning an option? Because it's one of her daily morning routines ("Thanks Nohee...! /grumble/").
// She's a pacer. Jinyi can't hold still. She paces when she's on the phone, when waiting, when baking, etc. 
// When she is ready to go on an angry tirade, she actually takes in a deep creath as if trying to calm herself...but really she's getting her breath for the verbal onslaught that's about to happen.

TRIVIA [ ★ ] 

// Nohee was her first girlfriend, and she hopes the last. She only dated boys prior to her, and they were all short lived.
// Her favorite thing to make is Japanese Cheesecake. (HERE)
// But Soleil is known for it's pies and macarons (Sweeeeet like apple pie~ pie~)
// Her youtube channel still exists. She hasn't uploaded content for a couple of years, but its still there. Viewers could go find it if they want to see fetus Jinyi making a fool of herself. 
// She is actually a fan of most rappers, but currently really likes Yezi and listens to her album endlessly.
// But she listens to THIS on repeat all the time.
// She once got really sick eating too much chocolate as a kid, so now she feels sick if she eats it.
// She will flirt with just about anyone, but will never go beyond playful banter. Nohee is her heart afterall.
// Was voted worst dressed one year..."Those fools can't appreciate my color!"

PERSONALITY [ ★ ] Bubbly, sweet, honestly like sugar., intelligent, but clumsy and is the dreamer of the two. If Jinyi is fiery, Nohee is like a quiet flowing brooke. Bascially, the normal one of the bunch. But she is a bit more timid and forgetful on things, and has to rely on Jinyi to be the forceful one in their relationship. She is learnign to stick up for herself more, but it's obvious she is a sweet pushover.

RELATIONSHIP [ ★ ] Life long partners/lovebirds~

HISTORY [ ★ ] Nohee and Jinyi met in highschool while both studying abroad in the States. Nohee came from a poor family, and had managed to  But it wasn't until culinary school that they realized they were smitten with each other. Aside from the backlash from Nohee's parents, it felt very storybook for them. After culinary school, they travelled the world together sampling all the desserts they could find, and finally settled in their own little place in Seoul, thanks to the backing of Jinyi's parents, and opened Soleil Bakery. *covered in the history really*

OTHER [ ★ ] Nohee's parents are...pretty awful. Fortunately, they moved out of the country, and they don't talk to them at all. Jinyi's parents, while not pleased at first, are surprisingly liberal, and have come to treat Jinyi like their other daughter. They live together in a shared apartment.

lo1NAME [ ★ ] Lee Nohee
FACE CLAIM [ ★ ] ZN (Laboum)
OCCUPATION [ ★ ] Baker, part owner of Soleil.
D.O.B [ ★ ] Jun/20/1990

ANY LAST COMMENTS [ ★ ] It was so hard for me to find a non-underground female rapper. TT I chose Chanmi, but feel free to use Jimin instead? I didn't put much in Nohee because I'll leave it more open to how you want to include it if at all. ^^


// You got dis!!




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