Writing Schedule: Updates

Hi guys,

So last time I blogged, I mentioned this planned schedule:

  • November - Orb Bodies ch + Independent one shot
  • December - 2 Orb Bodies chs
  • January - For Kadi Only fic + an Orb Bodies ch OR Independent one shot
  • February - Whichever I didn't post in Jan. (Orb Bodies ch or Independent one shot)
  • March - Best Days of Our Lives fic

And I stuck to it pretty well! Here's what actually happened + my plans for the next few months:

  • November - Orb Bodies ch
  • December - 2 Orb Bodies chs + Independent one shot (For Me, You'll Always Be 18)
  • January - Epilogue to For Me, You'll Always Be 18 + For Kadi Only fic + an Orb Bodies ch(maybe, might get bumped to Feb)
  • February - Independent one shot (This one is iffy - I have started it but idk how much time my BDoOL fic is going to take...)
  • March - Best Days of Our Lives fic + Orb Bodies ch

I have 2 Orb Bodies chs that are partially written. I still have one more that I have sorta framed up but not written anything for, so it looks like Orb Bodies will end up with 7 complete chs. I'm looking forward to further fleshing out my BDoOL fic since it's just framed up right now with like 300 words actually written.

Work is going to be really busy in April, so idk yet what the plan will be. Thanks for reading, commenting, and reccing. Can you believe W&W is almost to 1000 subscribers??

<3 At1stsight / at1stsoo


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