Authors tag!!!

Authors tag
I stole this from pandalaxic who stole it from queenchul-minXD

You  should tag 5 other authors  I think (know I'm thinking of a book if anyone  thinks they know what book comment please the thing that made me think about it was 'I think')

1 mistressdean
2 teentopB2stexo 
3 you
4 agentwaffles 
5 you

1. What was your first story? 
When was it published? What was it about?

Because of the stars~ April 7, 2015   I'm just going to put the description 
Jr is a bad boy-- or at least, according to him he is... He falls in love with a girl that can't stand him, which totally goes against his 'bad boy' image.  One day he forgot a book on the roof of his school, the place where he and his friends always hang out. When he walked up to the roof that night to retrieve his math book (which he needed the next day) he found a girl laying down looking up at the stars. He thought She was crazy! She was singing happy birthday to the stars... weird. hearing a noise, she quickly turned around to see him staring at her. Jr.'s heart was pounding as he looked at the girl's beautiful eyes-- seriously, she was gorgeous! Without a word, Jr. grabbed his book and ran down the stairs, closing the door behind him. "That girl... she's going to marry me someday."

2 What's your favorite story you've written? And what's the plotline?

Mmmm I really like return of bangtan and the plot line is pretty much Nowone cares about V they don't care to now his real name nor his personality (besides the group and seo-yeon that is) 

3. Have you ever written for a holiday/special occasion? 

Yes I uploaded a Christmas and New Year's chapter for return of bangtan 


4. What username did you publish your first story under?

Got7andme I haven't change my username

5 How many stories do you have (published) on aff? How many are complete?

I have 4 and one of them are complete but only for a little I think I'm going to change it from a two shot in to a chaptered  story 

6. How many aren't published? 

1 it's just a poster shop thing where I can put the posters I make 

7. What helps you think or inspires you when writing fanfiction/stories?

Mmmm the people reading it and watching the group can help 


8. What date did you join aff?

February 27, 2015

9. What was the first tag you looked up when you joined aff?

I'm not sure probably GOT7,jr (now jinyoung) maybe BTS jimin idk


10. Who are your top three favorite authors, and why?

I don't know in order but 
1, mistressdean I only read the definition of jungkook her editing is amazing I want my writeing to be that good one day

2 TeentopB2stexo her story's are very funny and her writing is really good as well

3, agentwaffles  her writing makes you want to  read the whole story at once it's very good 

11. What is your opinion of kaistal?

I'm not really I fan of either personally so I don't really care and I'm happy for them and I would be either way

12. What type of story are you most in your element writing? Is it something you write often?



13. What type of story are you least in your element writing? 

Angest maybe I haven't really tried that so 


14. What is one thing you hate seeing in comments?

I'm just happy when people comment the please update soon thing is ok I don't mind I like that people want to read that story that much 


15. What sort of author's notes do you make? 

I like to thank the people for reading and   sticking with me and my story's this long 


16. Name three things you love doing when you write/update:

Writing Comdy, fluffy, drama can be fun even if I erase it 


17. What are you most insecure about in your writing?


18. What is your favorite band/pairing/whatever to write about? Why?


19. And your second favorite? Why?


20. Name something you see in comments rather often. 



21. Name a story you've (probably) neglected

A dream a day keeps the haters away 


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