Questions by: ME! *insert applause*



 One: What are the first 3 songs that come on when you put your downloaded music on shuffle?

 1 'Supermarket Flowers' by- Ed Sheeran 

 2 'Hello' Boys Republic (love them) 

 3 'Coffee Shop' CNBlue (lol i don't even really listen to this anymore) 


Two. Put your music on shuffle but this time press it 5 times while looking away, then look to see what the song is.


 'It's Quit Uptown' from: Hamilton

I love this song and this musical, tho i haven't watched the play yet..but i'm going to see it.


 Three. Why did you choose your avatar picture?


Because Jimin is my ultimate bias. 


Four. Have you ever had a pet(s)? And what was it?

Yes, we had a cat but i was young so i don't remember it. We also had fish, dwarf hamsters for a short amount of time (My sisters had crabs) 

Funny story about the dwarf hamsters, my dad was letting get something smaller so i wanted a guinea pig but my sister was all like, "i really really want a dwarf hamster but if i get just one it will get lonely and die! Please get one to!"  Being the amazing sister i am (lol) i got one, anyway the same night we got the hamsters she realized she really didn't want them because they were gross and too small! (That's why a guinea pig would have been better!) She ended up giving it to my oldest sister so i was stuck with a dwarf hamster and so was my other sister. My dad would probs have made us get the same thing anyway but still! I hold grudges, i still bring it up and it's been years! 


 Five. Is there a show from your childhood (or just from whenever) that you want to rewatch?

Multiple but I've been wanting to watch ICarly so badly, even tho when sam and Freddy started dating it got sorta dumb for awhile. 


 Six. What was the first fandom you were in?


I was a  hardcore swifty! I don't like Taylor swift anymore but when it was her old song i was a fan.


Seven. Favorite color\shade?


My favorite shade is black, for color it's between green and blue.


Eight. Favorite fanfic?

'Next Stop Insanity' one and two  and 'The Definition of Jungkook', i like a lot more to!

 Nine. What is  your favorite book series?


'Mistborn' by Brandon Sanderson 

I also like 'Howl's Moving Castle' by Person i can't remember name of


Ten. Favorite manga series


'Orange' is a good one too it's about this guy who's going to kill himself but the main girl's future self sends her a letter to tell her how to stop it. It's just a friendship story that's super sweet! 


Eleven. Favorite drama?

I don't know I really like 'D.o.T.S' and a lot more. 


I'm loser so that's it


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