[Jan 5 '17] Help me pls?


Guys, help me!!

I have plenty of ideas, but I at writing and honestly, I don't find it always fun. But I really want to share my ideas.

I want to write, but it just doesn't go so well. I usually at writing anything or even talking /most of the time (yes, people complain about me being complicated and not understandable). Because of that, I quickly lose motivation for writing or keeping up with an idea.


What should I do? Do you have any writing tips for me? Or maybe just some fun fics to read? i'm stuck onto the meanie couple 

feel free to promote yourself #nojudging


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I agree with MissMinew, you should start with writing drabbles and oneshots.

Also my situation is a bit like yours. When I started writing fanfics, a couple months ago, I was worried, but wanted to share and so I did. I know I'm not an amazing writer, and I don't always have the time to update, but at the moment I'm writing more for myself, for fun. Though it does that whether i ask for feedback or not most people don't comment.

Anyway fighting! I've written some stories I feel I could have done way better on, but some people actually like them.
Try writing, yes. But don't jump into long chaptered stories. Just write a drabble. Or write 50. Maybe a oneshot. Make an AU but not a full-fledged story, just canon it out if you need that.
The more you write, the better you'll become - and the more likely it is that you'll stick with inspiration or realize you need more words to fully flesh out what you want to say. Not every author starts out with 100k words stories in amazing language.