Need Someone's Help. (Plagarism)

Hey guys, long time no see. I know I don't really come on this anymore but I was just taking a look at my stories and stuff, like you do, and came across this.


It's all in a different language but it seems to be my full story put on this site without permission.


I don't let anyone translate, not because I don't want people who can't speak English to read it, but because you can't trust anyone anymore to do it properly or give you feedback.


I Google translated a bit of the users message and it said: translated without authors permission please don't show this around.' I mean wtf? How can someone be so disrespectful? It's also got over 100 comments on it as well.


I really just want this off but I have no idea how to do that. Can someone please help? I know I don't write anymore but things like this just really make me want to delete everything off the Internet.


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how rude.
i would contact the author first and see if they'll be responsible and take it down but they probably won't because they know they translated it without permission.
then i'd contact and provide them with your work and their work so they can see the similarities. include the author's note about not showing anyone as well, i think that would strengthen your cause.
if all else fails, talk to mods on aff. i don't know if they'll respond to plagiarism of aff stories outside of aff, but it's worth a shot.
i'd help you but i'm not really sure how to. if you find something that you need an extra hand in, feel free to ask. i hope this gets taken down soon.
Oh, wow, that's disgusting. Especially the comment like wow.
I would see if there's a way you can contact them and tell them to take down the story.
I hope it gets taken down quickly.