New Year; New Me Bull. My 2k17 Resolutions and upcoming resolutions the next years...

It seems like the same old process. "THIS WILL BE A NEW ME" *Continues doing the same bull* "Well, there is always next year!"


LEGIT. This year will be a NEW me. I am so willing to let this year become MY year. 2016 , 2015 . I need a year... YEAR(S) of just thriving, success, hard-work, and improvement. I absolutely want to look back at the end of this year and be like "Well damn. Andy, you ing worked your off. Look at it all this you did".


I decided to post my New Years Res. I hope everyone would post their resolutions on here too so I can see them and wish you the absolute best (:


  1. The biggest goal of this year is for me to lose 100+ pounds. Over the last three years of dealing with school, dealing with three deaths in the family, and having to deal with the whole CPS thing that I posted about a few years back... I gained a lot of weight by eating my feelings away. I got fat. REALLY fat. Now, I am tired of looking like blimp. I want to get back down to my original weight of 140. I plan on using the schools gym EVERY DAMN DAY. I always want to look absolutely amazing for my brothers wedding in August.
  2. I want to do extremely well this semester. I did horrible this last semester that I got placed on academic probation and that is completely unacceptable considering how hard and how bad I wanted to get to this university. I took leisure in my time and now I know what to expect of myself and now gotta keep myself on track because I know the more time I waste, the more in debt I will be and the longer I will end up staying.
  3. I also want to find a job among campus or even off campus that will work with my school schedule because I want to lower my debts as much as possible so that I have little to no debt to pay off after graduation.
  4. I will continue to work after graduation full time doing some bull job because as soon as I have enough money, around 30k to be exact. I am taking Wildlife Courses in South Africa. Intro course is 9k and is 83 days/ 2 months. I will get a certificate of completion and from there I will wait until the Professional field course is available which is 19k and then I will be gone 11 months and I have the option of doing additional 6 months of work, which I plan on doing... so I will be gone a total of 17 months, which is almost 2 years. Hands on work on a conservation camp... lions, hippos, rhinos giraffes, cheetahs, hyenas, tigers, elephant, etc. They will all be housed at the camp and I am legit so ing stoked. UGH. If I can get permanent residency over in Africa or somewhere else, I will die happy.


These are my resolutions. I am keeping it small because these are the things that I know I can accomplish and I know I can do within these next 3 years. When I go to South Africa, I do plan on taking a ton of pictures and videos, I may even open a YT channel to vlog my adventures out there. 

Y'all, I am so legit excited ♥


Anyways, post your resolutions. I want to see them ^^ <3







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ceejayaustria #1
Best of luck!!!!