Reflections and Resolutions

63 chapters written

133,119 words written

9 completed stories

12 stories begun

7 reviews completed

2 contests judged


So that sums up my AFF year of 2016. Looking at it in numbers is really disheartening because I should have done more. I could throw out excuses (majorly injuring one hand, losing my computer and having to use my phone for everything, 3 major sicknesses, several family health scares, a new baby in the family, ranch life drama in the form of sickness, fencing, and broken pipes, working with a total of 3 days off from September 1- December 31, and more) but the truth of the matter is that this was a pretty typical year for me. I've been more tired than usual, I think, but it could be due to bouts of depression I battled all year long. And so I think my lack of productivity on here boils down to one thing:

I've let my excuses beat me.

so my resolution for 2017 is to stop letting the excuses win, to do what I know I can and should do, and try harder to make my AFF goals. So here's to 2017! An apology to everyone, to my fellow reviewers I left stranded, to my friends whom I haven't read a of their works in months, to my readers who havent gotten an update in far too long. I'll do better.

Let's make 2017 an amazing year.


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Happy new year dear Tigress!
Hope 2017 will be great for you~
And you might not think so, but for what it counts, I think those are legit excuses and its amazing how much you've written despite all that ^^
piju_cute #2
Happy new year! you done a great amount of work this year! I wish you'll have better results like this in new year ^^~
Happy new year, sweetie. I've loved you and your stories in 2015/2016 so I'm sure I'll continue to do so in 2017. Regardless of you having not enough time to write. Don't forget that "real life issues" and your health (physically and mentally) are important too. So you don't have to ever apologise for not writing enough. You did what you could and that should be enough.
I wish you and your loved ones all the best for this new year. May it be filled with all the health, happines, love, wisdom and humor that suits your life. Big hugs and kisses from me.
Those are great accomplishments, and good luck in 2017!
Ah you've seriously done so much! Try not to be to disheartened because you have truly achieved a lot <3 I hope you can get closer to your goals for the new year Tig <3 Fighting ^.^
Happy new year ^^
hope you have a wonderful year ahead!
Happy New year ^^
I hope the new year will be successful for you,
I'm looking forward to your work in 2017 ^^