What website do you read the most fanfics from?

Here on AFF? Livejournal? Archive of Our Own (Ao3)? Another one?


And any reasons why?


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AFF bc it's easier to sort by tags, follow authors I like, etc. AO3 is good too. LJ annoys me bc it's often not formatted well for phones and it's hard to search for works, hard to follow authors/communities sometimes, etc. Posting fics there is also more of a pain there than here/ao3.
jannah95shubbar #2
I mostly read here at aff ofc, but I also read at wattpad it's easier for me because I'm using my phone.
AFF is my no.1 hehehe... Sometimes I visit LJ and AO3, but not as much as I visit AFF, guess I'm most comfortable with it. :)
Mostly from AFF. Because I've been here for four years, I'm used to the layout already and I found it more comfortable to read fanfic on AFF. I do read from Wattpad, but just one or two fanfic, though. It's a very rare occasion. These days, I read on AO3 as well. Because I have an account there and the fics are more diverse.
Lately I've been reading quite a lot from AO3. I knew about the website for a long while now, but it was only recently that I started checking out the kpop and anime fanfics on there. Before kpop I was just like an anime person and so all of my fanfiction reading was done on FFN, but then I brought all of my attention over to AFF after discovering kpop. Though, within the past year or two, I've barely been reading much on AFF and have been mainly sticking to writing mostly. I still read here and there, but, idk, I guess reading on here has kinda lessened for me and I don't do it as much; maybe it's because I'm not really all that interested anymore in many of the types pf stories written after growing over the years and finding out what I really like and stuff. But yeah, it's mainly been AO3 for me as of late.
claire088 #6
aff bc i'm the most comfortable w it i guess