Unusual ask (stolen from shirotakashi)

1. Spotify, soundcloud, or Pandora? YouTube thank you very much

2. Is your room messy or clean? As of right now it's clean XD 

3. What colors are your eyes? Dark brown

4. Do you like your name? Yes, not many people have it, which is great

5. What is your relationship status? Single, sadly 

6. Describe your personality in three words or less. Romantic, creative, prideful 

7. What hair color do you have? Natural black roots with a gradient purple to blue to sea foam green. Planning on going red and neon yellow soon.

8. What type of car do you drive? Color? Still waiting to take my permit test so none for now

9. Where do you shop? Walmart, target, wish, eBay 

10. How would you describe your style? Sweatpants and hoodies for dayssssss 

11. Favorite social media? Ig?

12. What size bed do you have? Twin

13. Any siblings? One older brother, two older sisters, and one younger brother

14. If you can live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Itaewon, Seoul, South Korea bc why not oh and also, Atlantis 

15. Favorite snapchat filter? The one that zooms in on my face LOL 

16. Favorite makeup brands? Jeffree star, Kat von d, colour pop, mac, etc, but I don't actually wear makeup 

17. How many times do you shower in a week? Tbh, once a week, and if I'm on my period, every other day

18. Favorite TV show? Psych, criminal minds, detective stuff on ion 

19. Shoe size? 11 in US women's

20. Height? Uh 5'2"?

21. Sandals or sneakers? Sneakers forever and ever 

22. Do you go to the gym? Hell no 

23. Describe your dream date. Well, since it's the holidays and it's winter time, Lowell usually is decorated in lights in downtown and it would be really romantic if I could just hold hands with him and walk around while drinking hot chocolate and listening to music while sharing headphones 

24. How much money do you have in your wallet? A little under 10$

25. What color are your socks? Black. Black. Black. Oh is that white? No, it's black.

26. How many pillows do you sleep with? Two

27. Do you have a job? What do you do? Cashier and fryer at my brother's fried dough shop 

28. How many friends do you have? 6 close ones 

29. What is the worst thing you've done? Confessing to my crush 

30. What is your favorite candle scent? Something nice and fresh like clean linen or a tropical breeze 

31. 3 Favorite boy names? Armani, Joao, Zabdiel 

32. 3 favorite girl names? Ehh

33. Favorite actor? Wang Ta Lu and Bosco Wong and Kris Wu and Luhan 

34. Favorite actress? Esther Supreleela and Fan Bing Bing 

35. Who is your celebrity crush? Wang Ta Lu ❤

36. Favorite movie? Our Times 

37. Do you read a lot? What do you think I do on here?

38. Money or brains? Brains

39. Do you have a nickname? Trey

40. How many times have you been to a hospital? Once 

41. Top 10 favorite songs? On my way to you - yella d, fxxk it - big Bang, reggaeton lento - cnco , check in - seventeen, July -Kris Wu, the queen - joey yung, eung freestyle, love and war - yellowclaw, deewani mastani - bajirao mastani, tt - twice 

42. Do you take medication daily? No.

43. Skin type? Face is dry, body is normal.

44. Biggest fear? The dark 

45. How many kids do you want? As many as I can adopt. Do dogs count too?

46. What's your go to hairstyle? Combover with a fade 

47. What kind of house do you live in? Average size. 

48. Who is your role model? no one?

49. What was the last text you sent? telling my brother that my mom did not go to costco

50. How old were you when you found out Santa wasn't real? well i sorta knew since forever bc i knew that my uncle and brother took turns dressing up as santa

51. What is your dream car? a car that runs on solar power, but we're not that advanced yet, so ill go for a glittery yellow car with a lion's face as a decal on the hood

52. Opinion on smoking? idc its bad, but for some ppl, its their way off relieving stress so idk

  1. Do you go to college? no. probably never
  2. What is your dream job? BARBER
  3. Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? can i stay in the urban area?
  4.  Do you take shampo-o and conditioner bottles from hotels? hell no.
  5. Do you have freckles? No.
  6. Do you smile for pictures? no
  7. How many pictures do you have on your phone? 0
  8. Have you ever peed in the woods? no
  9. Do you prefer chicken nugget from Wendy's or McDonalds. mcds
  10. Favorite dipping sauce?ketchup
  11. What do you wear to bed? T-shirt and sweats
  12. Have you ever won a spelling bee? we dont have those
  13. What are your hobbies? singing, drawing, writing, doing hair, bake
  14. Can you draw? Yes.
  15. Do you play an instrument? no
  16. What was the last concert you saw? none
  17. Tea or coffee? I like both.
  18. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? DDs for daysssss
  19. Do you want to get married? yah
  20. What is your crush first and last initials? KDLC well he rejected me so it doesnt matter
  21. Are you going to change your last when you get married? nah
  22. What color looks best on you? Black.
  23. Do you miss anyone right now? No
  24. Do you sleep with your door close or open? closed. aint tryna have monsters sneak into my room
  25. Do you believe in ghosts? tryna not to
  26. What is your biggest pet peeve? well i have a lot
  27. Last person you called. My friend.
  28. Favorite ice cream? chocolate
  29. Regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
  30. Chocolate or rainbow sprinklers? Rainbow. More colorful.
  31. What shirt are you wearing? The same one from a week ago.
  32. What is your phone background? Wang Ta Lu ♥
  33. Are you outgoing or shy? i switch depending on the situation
  34. Do you like it when people play wuth your hair? i dont mind
  35. Do you like your neighbors? I don't even talk to them.
  36. Do you wash your face? At night?  In the morning? I wash it when I wake up 
  37. Have you ever been high? no
  38. Have you ever been drunk? Nope.
  39. Last thing you ate? hot cheetos
  40. Favorite lyrics right now?  Idk tbh.
  41. Summer or winter? summer is where i RISE IN POWAAAAAA 
  42. Day or night. day
  43. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk
  44. Favorite month? august bc i was born in august.
  45. What us your zodiac sign? leo
  46. Who was the last person you cried infront of? my best friend



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