looking for someone to be my "expert" for my college assignment

For this assignment you are required to talk to someone whom you feel would be interested in your PPIP and could provide you with some valuable feedback or additional information based on their background and interests. You will describe your PPIP ideas to the person and ask for feedback. Don't be discouraged if they disregard your ideas. Remember, creativity involves taking risks and it's okay if others are not on the same page as you, but still actively listen their feedback. Even when people disagree sometimes you can agree on one aspect, and that aspect could be the connection you are looking for.  

Reflect on the experience by (1) describing what happened, (2) how did it feel to share your project with someone you respect or admire and (3) how you will use the information and or experience going forward

so basically i have an ongoing essay that im writing and I need someone to be my beta reader? and give me feedback

it would be great if you could respond to this by tonight and it doesn't have to be just one person

thank you


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