hogwarts profile
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//// BASICS ////

full name / Makayla Kim
other names / 
 Kim Minyoung - Her family and Korean friends, It's her Korean name
 Princess - Her brother, It annoys her so he calls her it just because
 Smart - Muggles, She's just always correcting people, she can't help it
►  - People around school, It's just a thing that goes around, she can be a and she has a short temper. She doesn't really care
 Her - 2nd year Slytherins, She may or may not have punched a Slytherin her 1st year for "accidentally" pushing her down the stairs. 
birthdate /  July 11, 2000
hometown /  LA, California
ethnicity /  Korean
nationality /  Korean-American
languages / 
 English, 100% - Born and raised in America
 Korean, 98% - Taught since she was young
 Chinese 46% - Self teaching
//// tell me about yourself ////

face claim /  Red velvet Yeri
backup /  OMG Jiho
appearance / 
 Makayla Kim is short, standing at 156 cm which is roughly about 5'1 and weighs 47kg. She currently has brown hair, but it's very subject to change. She has dyed her hair a lot while she was living in America. Her hair goes down past her bust and her skin is quite fair for hot, sunny California. Her body is petit, waist size is about 21 inches. Her body is curvy, she has an S line and her bust is a size C, but she tends to hide it. She also wears a smile on her face all the time, it's hard to see her when she's not smiling. She wears very little make up unless she needs to. 
fashion sense / 
 Minyoung tends to wear the looser clothing. She likes wearing nice flowy dresses and flowy shirts and jeans. She prefers to hide her body rather than flaunt it. During winter she wears long coats as well. The only sort thing she'll wear is probably shorts. Her casual wear is very casual. Her formal wear consists of solid colors or black and white. She prefers simple clothing, nothing too extravagant. She dislikes attention so simple is the way to go. Her PJ's are just shorts and shirts. She'll occasionally go topless if it's too hot. Most of the time, they don't match.

 Casual ; 1 2 3 4
 Formal ; 1 2 3
 Pajama ; 1 2 3 
//// what's so unique about you ////

character traits / 
(+) Accepting, Creative, Independent, Intelligent, Witty 
(=) Aggressive, Blunt, Neutral, Private, Sarcastic
(-) Abrasive, Clumsy, Disorganized, Moody, Vague
elaboration /  
Makayla is a very accepting. She accepts everyone for who they are, she doesn't care if they were weird or they had something wrong with them. She treats everyone the same no matter who you are. She doesn't like it when people are treated better than another for their social class.She is also very creative. She loves painting, writing, anything to get her creative side out. She has all these ideas and she's good with things like that. She always has a better idea, a more creative way to do things. It's also a reason why her room is messy, she has ideas written on paper and she leaves them everywhere. Makayla is a very independent soul. She likes doing things herself and she doesn't need anyone's help to do things. She can and will do it herself, unless it has something to do with height, then she get's her brother or someone tall to help her. Better safe than sorry. She's very intelligent. She has the normal high scores for a Ravenclaw. She's good at school and she knows what she's doing. She thrives off of her intelligence and she is always craving more. Her personal motto is 'Work smarter, not harder". Makayla is also witty. When she is always making witty remarks that are actually funny, in a smart way. She doesn't have dry humor, she knows what funny is and isn't (Unlike her brother. oh bless his old soul)
This tiny child is aggressive af. Like, don't mess with her, she will fight you. She once punched a girl in the nose for trying to push her down the stairs. She's always like that though. It's how she expresses her affection, most of the time. If you just irritate her, she will be aggressive enough where you get scared, but she doesn't get in trouble. Which also relates to her blunt side. She's always blunt. She doesn't give a rats about your feelings. She'll say what on her mind about a subject without much thought. And if she hurts your feelings, the boo hoo. for you. However, Makayla is very neutral. She gives a good honest opinion about both sides, whether it's an argument or a debate. She sees both sides equally and only chooses a side once she's heard what had happened and she rules one side as wrong. It pisses people off often though, because even if it's her friends, and her friend is wrong then she'll tell it how she sees it. Private. Makayla likes her privacy and doesn't like to share what's going on with her life often. She just doesn't like putting her business out there for the world to see. She likes it when only she knows and the people she tells knows. She thinks privacy is good, and it's a basic human right. She's sarcastic as well. She can't help it. she just is. When she hears something stupid, she can't help but mock it. It's just her. Sarcasm is just what it is. Everyone is sarcastic, she's just extra sarcastic
 Honestly, Makayla is abrasive with everyone unless she likes you. She couldn't care less for other people. Other people's feelings is worthless to her. It's what makes her her. She doesn't care enough to reject people and that's why she's so accepting. She just doesn't care. Oh god, this girl could trip up the stairs. UP the stairs. She is often dropping her things and spilling things. It's not a good idea to leave her with something fragile, on the bright side of this, she has quick reflexes. She's a mess. She's so disorganized. Honestly, she's lost her shoe in her shoe corner. Her room is a mess. To other people, it's disorganized, to her it's her room. She knows the general areas of where everything is. Moody. Oh my god, she's so moody. One minute, she's happy and smiling and the next she's pissed off. One little thing can set her into a pissed off mood until something good happens again. Her moods change more than the temperature does during winter in California, which is a lot. Makayla is vague. What she says to people is considered vague. She gets what she's trying to say, but other people don't. She has a hard time expressing what she's trying to say out loud. It needs to be on paper to make any sense to people. 
background / 
 Makayla was born on July 11, 2000 in LA, California. She has a 4 year older brother who's name was Kim Jongdae. Unlike Makayla, Jongdae didn't have an English name, reasons are still unknown. Makayla grew up spoiled, very spoiled. She got whatever she wanted just with a pout. Her family was rich, but she never really questioned it. Since her brother was 4 years older, he always helped her with school. They both had the best tutors out there, so to say Makayla was smart was an understatement. When she was 7, her parents sent Jongdae to study abroad in England. She didn't know why so she questioned it for the whole year. Jongdae didn't even want to go. When he came back for summer, Makayla stuck on him like glue so her parents decided that it was time to tell her. The learned halfway into summer that she was a 'witch' though she preferred the term 'wizard' more.

 When she found out, Jongdae started teaching her what he knew. Why not? It would help her in the long run. Makayla was a fast learner, she always was. She caught on to things quickly so Jongdae could move on quickly. When Jondae went back that year, Makayla had hung out with James. She knew better than to tell him, so she really couldn't hang out with him much because she liked practicing her magic. The years went by and then It was Makayla's turn to go. When she got the letter, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep the previous night. When she went, her parents had taken her there so she wouldn't know how to get back. It's not like it mattered though, Makayla was already in love with Hogwarts.
relationships / 
 Brother | Kim Jongdae | Ravenclaw | 20 | 6th year | Makayla and her brother get along well. She and her brother have trained together since they were small. Her brother basically taught her how to control her magic his 1-4th year at Hogwarts until she was able to go on her own. To this day, they still train together. 

 Enemy | Chou Tzuyu | Slytherin | 16 | 2nd year | She may or may not be the one that Makayla punched in the face for attempting to push her down the stairs and they may or may not hate each other more than the south hated the north in the civil war. They don't get along, period. 

 Oppa (love rival)  | Oh Sehun | Slytherin | 19 | 5th year | They met via Jongdae because Sehun is on the Quidditch team and Sehun lowkey hurt Jongday while they were playing and Sehun was forced to bring Jongdae to the nurse where Makayla was told. Since that day they have been talking. He's surprisingly really nice to her.
 Mr. Perfect | Huang Joel | Ravenclaw | 20 | 6th year (Perfect) | They met when Makayla punched Tzuyu. Joel scolded her for it but Makayla shrugged it off, she was almost pushed down the stairs for god's sakes! He's been keeping an eye on her ever since. She doesn't care really. She does say Hi to him when they pass each other in the halls though. 
 Best friend | Park Ahseong | Hufflepuff | 20 | 6th year | They met one day because they ran into each other. I mean, literally ran into each other. They were running to get to class, Makayla lost her shoe again and Ahseong woke up late. They were going in opposite directions when BAM, ran into each other at full speed. They were sent to the nurses office because the both kinda passed out. When they woke up, they started talking and became friends. 
 Best male friend |  James Blakely | Muggle | 17 | Senior | James and Makayla have been friends since kindergarten(James had a late start). Honestly, they're the best of friends and when they were small, they refused to separate. They often hang out during breaks. They're very close. 
triva / 
 Food ; She loves food to death
 Writing ; It helps her get her creative side out
 Painting ; Same as above
 Her family ; They're the best
 Her friends ; She doesn't have much of them
 Ice cream ; How can one dislike Ice cream?
 Music ; Music is good for the soul
 Quidditch ; It's very entertaining
 Learning ; There's always more to learn
 Books ; It helps her creative juices flow
 Her wand ; It's a very nice wand 
 Animals ; Magic beats are much easier to under stand than muggles
 Candy ; It keeps her up so she can keep reading
 Archery ; It's the only muggle 'Sport' she likes and she's good at it
 Hufflepuffs ; They're the most adorable people at Hogwarts
 Tzuyu ; Horrible person. Hates her guts
 2nd year Slytherins ; They don't like her, she doesn't like them, other years are good though
 Quidditch ; It's only entertaining when your siblings aren't playing and getting hurt
 Getting in trouble ; It but sometimes you can't help it
 Loud people in the library ; Libraries are supposed to be quiet
 The ghosts of Hogwarts ; Some of them creep her out
 Standing out ; Her life was all about individuality, then she got to Hogwarts and wanted to blend in. 
 Being clumsy ; Self explanatory
 Rumors ; They and hurt everyone
 Can cuss so bad, she can make a sailor cry
 She's considered advanced in Magic for her year
 Her brother likes to teach her what he was taught
 Her brother and Sehun are seekers in Quidditch
 Forced to go to every Quidditch game ; Her brother for Ravenclaw, Sehun for Slytherin, and Ahseong makes her go with her to Gryffindor and Hufflepuff games. 
 Doesn't regret punching Tzuyu in the face, in fact, would do it again
 Hufflepuffs are the most adorable people in her eyes
 Don't mess with her Hufflepuff, she will mess you up. Not really, you'll just get really scary, threatening glares 
 Her handwriting is messy, and small, but readable
 Collects stuffed animals
 Favorite class is Transfigurations
 Always aids her brother when he gets hurt 
 Thinks Sehun is very handsome, wouldn't date him though
 Archery is her favorite muggle sport, Quidditch is her all time favorite sport, when her brother isn't getting hurt
 Often told she's nicer then she looks
 Has a resting face
 Gets along better with guys
 Very proud to be a Ravenclaw
 Her whole family are Ravenclaws
 Can and will fight a muggle without magic
 She likes learning about Magical creatures
 Wand is a Ash wood with a Unicorn hair core 10" and Hard flexibility
 Would fight a person if it didn't dock house points
 Dislikes coffee, prefers water instead
 Has a candy stash from her brother
 Is often at the library
 Never casted a spell on another person, muggle or wizard
 Felt bad for transforming a rat into a tissue box
 Learning about the patronus from her brother, is very interested in it
 Sometimes she gets so into what she's writing or painting she forgets she needs to sleep and eat. 
 Functions on a maximum of 4 hours on a regular day
 Tends to sleep in on the weekends
 Is often told her house should've been Slytherin​
//// my crew ////
HOUSE / Ravenclaw 
patronus  None 
year /  2nd year 
blood /  Pureblood 
Are you a quidditch player? /  Nope
classes / 
 Defense Against the Dark Arts
 History of Magic
//// where's my chocolate frog ////
love interest /  Jungkook Jeon
backup /  Jaehyun Jung
personality /  ( Slytherin )
 ​Jungkook is quite the ambitious guy. He will do whatever he can to succeed in what he does. It's what makes him a good leader. He's ambitious, so he wants to succeed and succeed well. He's also crafty. He uses his resources well to his advantage. He's also adaptable. He adapts well and can overcome any obstacle. However, he likes to do things quickly. It has to be fast. He doesn't like to take things slow. And, he's very sly. He's good at getting away with things. Jungkook is also confident. He knows he's good at a lot, so he flaunts it. 
love story /  
► These two met at a Quidditch game. Jungkook was playing and so was her brother. Long story short, her brother went to the nurse and Jungkook was forced to come along since he was the one who injured him. To be honest, Makayla wasn't even mad. She had told her brother to quit, but he refused so that's what he gets. While her brother wa being treated, Jungkook and Makayla talked and got to know each other. They were slightly attracted to each other. Hey, he had a nice face so who wouldn't be? She found out he was a year older but was a 2nd year slytherin instead of a 3rd because he started late.When Jongdae was done, they went their separate ways. Crush starting

They met again at a Gryffenfor-Slytherin Quidditch game because Sehun made her come so she was sitting on the Slytherin side. After the game ended, Sehun went up to get her and Jungkook was with him so they greeted each other. Sehun was called away So Jungkook and Makayla got to talking.  Makayla realized that Jungkook was actually really sweet. Crush confirmed.

Nothing started happening until one day he asked her to tutor him. It surprised her, but she agreed. They started meeting at the library, and they studied, talked, and even fell asleep a little. They became closer. So much so that he would sit with her during lunch instead of his friends. Crush Developing.
 Little by little, Makayla fell for him, but she wasn't sure he would be there to catch her. Then, Jungkook didn't need tutoring any more, seeing they stopped seeing each other. They drifted apart, but they were still friends, he just stopped seeing her. She still supported him in Quidditch games. Crush crumbling.
► Later, she started writing him letters. She just couldn't let her feelings go. He was the first one who made her feel like that. Like a child waiting for her favorite ice cream. He didn't know it was from her, but he really liked the letters. He started replying back, thanks to her owl. The letters went on everyday for about 2 weeks. Crush strengthening
 Then came a time when Makayla was confident enough because of his replies. Before school went on break, like, right before, she stopped him and gave him flowers. That's when it bloomed. It's love.
ending /  Together
relationship status / Friends
//// fin ////
final words /  So, I might have gone overboard with the color scheme just a bit. If it's hard to read then I'll change it. ^^ Her relationship with jungkook was inspired by this gif set. 
scene reqs /  
► Quidditch game where her brother gets injured, again
► Someone in transfigurations accidently changing her hair color to bright red and not knowing how to fix it so her hair was red for like, a week then faded into the pink lemonade 
password /  Cho Chang


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