random question part 6.

this is quite long ~


1.  What’s the toughest decision you made today?

to wake up from my bed xD


2. What’s the toughest decision you made this year?

to reject someone.


3. What’s the toughest decision you ever made?

to choose between stream i want and what my parents want.


4. What have you forgotten?

honestly i'm not sure either


5. If you were guaranteed the answer to one question, what would it be?

have i eaten?


6. What’s it like being you right now?

empty and boring ~


7. What makes you nostalgic?

listening to old song and looking at pictures.


8. If you had two hours left on earth what would you do?

spend it with all the people i love.


9. What’s the most beautiful word in the world?



10. Who makes you laugh more than anyone?

my family.


11. What did your father teach you?

learn to get the knowledge, not to get a work in future.


12. What did your mother teach you?

having lots of money doesn't mean anything.


13. What’s the best gift you’ve ever given?

nothing yet for now.


14. Best gift you ever received?

someone made video specially for me, tehee.


15. How many times a day do you look in the mirror?

uncountable times for sure.


16. What do you bring most to a friendship?

happiness lmao


17. If 100 people in your age group were selected randomly, how many do you think they’d find leading a happier life than you?

ah, i'm not sure. i think it's better all the 100 people have equally happy life.


18. What is or was your best subject in school?



19. What activity do you do that makes you feel most like yourself?

spending time with people i love <3


20. What makes you feel supported?

when people around me constantly encourage me to do something positive.


21. Whom do you secretly admire?

my parents.


22. What time of the day do you feel the most energetic and what do you usually do in those moments?

morning! teasing my sisters who's still sleeping lol


23. What’s something you never leave home without?

my dignity lmao


24. What’s a recurring dream you have?

none yet


25. What makes you feel safe?

being at home


26. What’s the best thing that ever happened to you?

i'm not sure either,,


27. What do you want people to say about you once you’re gone?

take care and we'll never forgot about you.


28. What’s the coolest thing about science?

experiments esp chemistry's experiments.


29. What’s the best money you ever spent?

treating my sibling and seeing them smiling


30. What’s a bad habit you have?



31. What are you grateful for?

for still breathing till this moment.


32. Whom are you envious of?

someone who's good in studies than me.


33. What’s an image you’ll never forget?

my kitten dying.


34. Describe a near-death experience.

being in car accident.


35. If you had a clone, what would you have the clone do?

i prefer don't have none.


36. What’s your idea of Heaven?

human's afterlife


37. What’s your idea Hell?

place to clean sinner's soul before they go to heaven


38. What can you do better?



39. When are you most yourself?

when i can do work or solve problem faster than everyone else


40. What superpower would you most like to have?

i prefer don't have any


41. If you won 100 million dollars, what would you buy first?

clothes. lots of clothes lmao


42. What's the best sound in the world?

sounds of breeze at ocean


43. What’s perfect about your life?

having people i love around me


44. Describe a moment you were so embarrassed you wanted to disappear.

when i shout out wrong answer confidentally if teachers ask a question


45. How many times a day do you think about money?

idk,, i rarely think about money ever since i ended high school


46. What's one thing you're certain of?

everyone will have their happy ending.


47. What makes you cringe?

people who didn't take care of their hygiene


question credit to : vv


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