Quiz Thing-a-ling

Pick 5 of your favorite Kpop Groups (in no particular order) and answer the following questions about them:

1 - BTS

2 -  B.A.P

3 - EXO

4 - Infinite

5 - N.Flying


Who is your favorite person from #2:

.... Idk, it's hard for me to choose between Zelo and Jongup.

What is your favorite song from #4:

As of right now... I think it's The Eye.

What is your favorite OTP from #3:

Hmm. I think it's what. Kaihun?

 Such hotness.

What is your least favorite OTP from #2:

Least... I don't know. uh.

I don't know ! I like the OTP's! lol

How long have you been a fan of #1:

I don't know. 2 Years, I think?

Bias in #5:

Wow I love Jaehyun with all of my heart.

Favorite music video in group #3:

Monster is my hart.

How did you find out about #4:

I don't remember. I think I was watching youtube videos and one of theirs was in the watch next place on the side and I watched. They hit me with the synchronization... And I never went back.

Favorite thing about group #5:

Hun's face...?

Most played song on your cellphone/ Ipod from group #2:

That would beeeee Young, Wild, and Free.

Which have you seen more variety shows from #3 or #5:

Gonna say Exo because N.flying hasn't been around that long so........... Yeah.


If you could be anyone from #4 who would you be?:

Hoya because of those goddamn MOVES son.

What would you change about #3:

Can we make Sehun a model already please?

 God help me, I wanna his mouth.

Random quote or saying from someone in group #1:

"Rapmon doesn't dry off his back after showering. He says 'It will dry anyway, so why dry it off', Then why live if you'll die anyway?"




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Since my #1 is same with yours, I'd say the only one I remember would be 'Jimin you got no jams'! I don't know about jams, but he definitely has moves!!!!! Lol, and I thought he was good before... BS&T killed me, brought me to my knees from the feels (that's Tae's fault, I swear TT_TT )
Lol I steal this XD
nice one ^_^ And that quote at the end though! hahaha XD
btw my hand is itching to steal this post from you but I'm not finding 5 fav groups. lol
Sekai yessss also Sehun's hotness holy and that BTS quote literally killed me lmao Was that Suga?