im miso

iismomo • momo • 8-10


the basics.

name » Im Miso

nickname(s) » 

birthplace & birthday »
Seoul, KR
May 8th, 1992

hometown » Seoul

ethnicity » Korean

occupation » Makeup/Daily Life vBlogger


face claim » Lee Sungkyung

backup face claim » Jo Bo ah


appearance » this very slim and tall girl always looks dashing and good. her current hair is long brown hair with blonde peekaboo highlight, but she often changes her hair color. she has a pair of pierce ears and no tattoos. she stands at 174cm and weighs 55kg. she wears make up most of the time and just likes to present herself prettily. she also takes good care of her skin so when she doesn't have to wear make up she still manage to look decent.

style » she loves and adore cute, girly but still chic, flashy and fun clothes. fashionable and always on trend since she do plenty of damage to her bank account monthly. she loves thick pump shoes and heels. she loves rings, necklace, chokers, and headbands. she often is wearing shorts or skirts with a nice top or crop to, she shows a lot of skin and is confident in her looks, so she is not going to hide it away.  you can expect her to be in a bikini top and shorts or shorts and rashguard throughout paradise. for dress styling she loves anything cute and short with a dash of colorfulness perfect for summer.

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

" i live for today "

" i don't really care that you don't care. "




Cooking: 6/10    Cleanliness: 8/10     Sportiness: 3/10  
 Creativity: 6/10   Intelligence: 5/10   Alcohol Tolerance: 4/10     Musicality: 3/10


traits »
+ extraversion, courageous, decisve, forgiving, hearty, cute
- oboixious, implusive, controlling, brutally direct, vulgar langauge, sassy


personality » This lady isn't called Miso for nothing, she is like  ton of smile being dropped down on you daily. Miso is like a double edge sword with everyone, you love her but you can also hate her. first off she fits perfectly into the extraversion label. Miso is lively, friendly, cheerful, active and the life of the party. she finds herself able to befriend people easy, shes often the one who strikes a conversation first whether you're a girl or a boy, a child or an elder. She loves putting herself out there, she loves challenges, she loves trying new things that doesn't take a lot of efot, and it takes a lot of courage for people to do something new or embarassing but its easy done for her. When you're her friend you can be sure she will take good care of her and dote on your like a child. She is super expressive and loud. she speaks with her hands and arms flying around while telling stories or her facial expressions are beyond expressive.

Now though she may be a tad too hearty and it becomes obnoxious. when she parties boy she parties like crazy. she lives for today, she lives in the moment and it really annoys people a lot. her unpleasant jokes, her loud "OH SH*T" when soemthing happens and her hitting people's arm when laughing causes people to see her as an obnoxious lady. she don't really care though she's got pretty thick skin. whatever Miso says she will do, she definitely a person of her words and takes actions quickly. She speaks her mind well, and does not hold back to anyone. she will seriously point out the elephant in the room. if you piss her off she will tell you off, her sass is real. she don't sugar coat her words heck she doesn't filter her words at all. There is going to be lots of edit beeping in the show. A person who knows what she wants and knows how to get what she wants, she comes off very controllng unconciously she would start bossying people around. most of the time it's because she's a clean freak and likes things done certain ways and she's lazy so bossying people around when she knows she is intiminating works best in her favor. Miso knows she can be brutually honest and very in your face so she is very forgiving and do not take things to heart, so she hopes other around her are the same.


deep deep down inside somewhere this girl can be serious and caring, she just finds it hard to be sentimental and soft. she was not raised in an enviroment where people express those kind of feelings so she does not know how to convey or accept them. she's crazy but she'll stick up for you if you're in trouble, shes the friend who would be in jail sitting next to you.

BACKGROUND » Born with a gold spoon, this girl was born and raised in a household where she never had to whine or  cry for anything. No they weren't filthy rich but her parents were wealthy entrepreneurs. she was the baby of the family with two older brother and she was mostly raised by her grandmother. So blame her brothers for her obnoxiousness and her grandmother for her sass. When Miso was 7 years old she had little to no memory of having arguement or dealing with sad issues with them at all, well she hardly saw them and when she did they would always take her out shopping or to the amusement park to have fun. So she recalls nothing serious or sad happening in her life. Her parents being young venture overseas with their business and left their three kids with the grandmother. thats what her grandmother told her but truth was her parents divorce and decided to go seperate ways, she lied to protect her swet and happy granddaughter but she didn't know that Miso found out from over hearing their conversation. Miso kept it in though because she didn't know how to deal with it and she didn't want to worry her grandmother. It was crazy growin up visiting and hanging out with a bunch of gossiping and crazy sassy grannies after school everyday.

In school she made plenty of friends and was the girls who was friend with everyone but also everyone didn't like her either because of how direct she was. when she turned 16 she started playing with make up and fell in love with make up and fashion. she was not smart in book but she was quite street smart. she often gotten into petty fights with girls in school and men at resturants that she worked with who were drunk and rude to her. So instead of graduating and going off to school like her two brother she decided to start her own channel on the internet and blogged make up tutorials and her daily life. she mostly known for her gorgeous make up and very in your face persona on the internet. some would say shes rude and a b*tch but some would say she's real and raw, it all depends on how you look at her.

- partying
- dancing - like dancing crazy not choreography
- shopping
- being indoors
- white baby breath - she hates red roses
- horror/thriller films
- sweets! cake, cream fill bread, lollipops,

dislikes »
- liars
- party poopers
- rats - she is ok with bugs and spider but rats are her worst enemy
- fakers, two face, goodie two shoes
- spicy food - she cant eat anything spicy
- capsule medication - she only takes liquid she cant swallow capsules and hates it

strong points»
- cleans up after herself & is organize
- creative and wild imagination make lively mood
- cooks well - thanks to all the grannies
- courages so she gets things done and doesnt stall around
- expressive - she has strong communication means less misunderstanding it also makes ger charming and flirty

weak points»
- weak - shes cant do sports because shes weak but mostly simply lazy
- sometimes she seems like a dumb blonde cause she doesn't know alot of news or book facts
- she cant sing to save her life
- shes not sympathetic or sentimental
- not really afraid of anything but rats
- when she gets drunk she gets crazy touchy and or super super moody she can be having fun but then start an argument next


trivia »
- great drink mixer
- finds reading boring and only reads to sleep
- wishes she could play the piano because her father use to play it all the time
- loves coffee if she isn;t bar hopping she's cafe shop hopping
- cuddle buddy with friends
- sleeps with 6 pillows, two at her head, two at her side, one between her legs, and one in her arm, she also sleeps as if dead
- kind if a hoarder, she likes collecting cute and fun antiques once again blame the grannies
- her ideal type is G-dragon, shes madly inlove with him
- she's secrectly got a lot of granny quality like bargining, cooking, sewing, eating taste, and doting on youngster



home is where your heart is.




LOVE INTERESTS » kim taehyung, park jimin, jeon jungkook

the reason you applied » Free vacation! All expense paid for you to go chill and hang out in paradise and maybe kiss a few guys, Miso is all up for it. She does it so often so why not get do for free and most likely paid to be on the show AND if possible fall in love and it could end up being a rich guy too. She doesn't expect to fall in love though or for anyone to fall for her since she knows she's got a strong personality that most korean guys do not like.


strategy » Miso is a very out going person she'll totally strike random conversations first, she'll probably be the first girl to go up and say hello and shake their hand or give them a hug. She's not shy so she would shower them with compliments like "wow you're so handsome." "i didn't think your work was this great." "omg i love your eyes.". It is a show so Miso just will not sit back and do nothing, she's going to try her best to get close with the guys and stay on as long as possible. She holds eye contact really well when talking so people can be a little intiminated but can also sense that she really pays attention when you're talking. She'll totally be cool with going out and just having a blast and then ending the night with kisses...the audience is going to hate her and probably call her a .

If a bachelor who she does not really like approach her she'll probably say it straight up like "you're really nice but you're not really my type." or "I'm sure we would be great friends but i don't think you can handle me." She'll still be nice but let them know she is not interested.

She's dramatic and crazy so the show would probably keep her in it secrectly for viewers and rating. If she felt like her staying was threaten or slim she'll probably go and talk with a guy who can't decided and team with him even if she did not like him or he did not like her. She'll talk it out and tell him to weigh every details.


The bachelors »

  • namjoon » they wouldn't get along yet they get along. their relationship is complicated. she's wild and crazy but she also don't give a like Namjoon. He would say things she don't quite understand and she would be super sassy with him but in a joking matter and he would often be suprise at them.  like "thats so dope!" she gets excited for his music.
  • yoongi » Probably the least person she likes since he is so cold and quiet, but she love to just lazy around paradise with him and bother him with questions like "Hey how are you Mr. Grumpy,?" or " What do you want to do?" as they both lay lazily in the living room and neither getting up or making suggestions. She probably annoys him the most too. she purposuly bugs him cause she can not stand him being cold. He is the one she would probably try to get to vote for her to stay cause she knows its hard for him to fall for anyone too. they conspire together.

  • seokjin » She thinks she is rather close with him but he would think otherwise. She loves him because he is like one of her granny friends. He is the person she headlocks and bullies around because he is so nice and sweet. He would be the second person she try to conspire with. Plus both of them love fashion. She actually really likes him because of his mother instinct which makes her miss her grandma.

  • hoseok » A pair of trouble maker. They will end up doing some kind of hidden camera or prank on someone. they are always loud in the morning if you want to compare they would be bestie like Daniel and the Twins in the latest Paradise. She would totally think he is weird but like it and can't help but laugh when he is around. She would probably miss him. He would tire her out too, like she just also want to sleep but he's too loud.

  • jimin » Jimin would be taken back by her strong personality. they would definitely hit it off right away. Both a little flirty but a little shy to get serious. they would be the first to go on dates and just really have fun and probably the first to kiss. however i think Jimin wouldn't really be interested in her and soon enoug hshe'll realize he is just a big flirt who kind of shook her heart but she's deal with plently of guys like him before. probably aiming for him first to stay on the show longer. she'll probably hate being active like working out or doing too much outdoors stuff with him cause she's lazy.
  • taehyung » She finds Tae rather weird but she likes weird. Even if she don't understand him most of the time she sometimes find herself interested in all the weird stuff he knows and just sit and listen to him talk. she totally likes hanging out with him. Like Hoseok they have plently of fun together and probably ends up going on lots of dates. she will not deny how y he is when he plays his saxaphone. both of them also love family and espcially their grandmas. 
  • JUNGKOOK » *Hidden Card* She loves this kid. She finds him attractive and y, and yes she often admit she might be a cougar and apolgies in advance to views and his fans. but you know she also lets them know that he signed up for the show so don't blame her. She adores and dotes on him yet at the same time flirts and purposuly makes him uncomfortable at times like holding his hands or kissing his cheek. She wants to take him out and break his shell.

this is paradise.



"Welcome to Bachelor's Paradise! It's a pleasure to have you here. Could you introduce yourself?"

  • "Whaaaat?" Shaking her head side to side "No, It's my pleasure to be sitting here, thank you. " She smiles widenly. " I am Im Miso you might know me by my channel name Misofabulous" She shoots love bullets.

"How come you applied for this show? Why are you still single? Do you think you can fall in love within 10 weeks?"

  • "10 weeks is more then enough, have you not heard of love at first sight? I'm single and I'm ready to mingle. I've been busy filming and jut have not really given any guy a chance to date so I just signed up for the heck of it. It's going to be fun."

"What would you say is your biggest strenght? How do you differ from the other contestants?"

  • Pulls sleeve up and flex her skinny arms then burst with laughter "I'm kidding I still need to work on these babies. Well if you haven't notice I'm a little chatterbox. I am sure Im Miso would be first to talk to anyone and get the show on the road." Miso pumps fist. "I'm no goodie two shoes and I will not be boring to watch."

"Would you also be with the bachelor you chose in the end if he wasn't a hidden card?"

  • "No way!" She makes an angry face. "I'm kidding." She laughs. "Would I really pick someone? Will someone pick me? This question makes me nervous but excited."

"What is your dream for the future? Is there anything you want to do? Maybe with the bachelor together?"

  • "I don't live for the future. Heck I dont even know what I want to do after this interview, so I can't possible answer this question."

"Thank you. That's it so far. Any last words?"

  • "Thats it? ." She sits awkwardly in looking around. "Really?"Miso scrunch her nose. "Well my last words. I don't know if I'll make it into the show but if I did I promise you you're show's rating would be high." Confidently crosses her arms. "Cause you know I'm ready to sh*t up."

    "You can't--"

    "Opps, my bad please edit sh*t up out. I mean...well yeah. Anyways PD-nim, shall we go enjoy some coffee? I know this great coffee place near here. Oh yea Thank You, please join us too." Miso thank the interviewer and gets up.

last words.

comments/suggestions » Just wanna say Seo InGuk would be AMAZING as the MC of the show! haha heart throb!

scene requests »
- Miso getting drunk and mess up on the very first night at paradise which invole her and Yoongi argueing and her waking up the next morning feeling like crap and goes to apologise to Yoongi
- Hoseok & Miso hidden camera on someone
- gets into a fight with one of the girls because they are lazy and don't clean up after themselves and Miso call them out
- while clubbing some local calls Miso out for being rude and obnoxious and the almost fight and the camera crew and PD had to stop them
- Miso gets a phone call that her grandmother was sent to the hospital and she has to leave for a couple days to see her grandma who turn out to be okay just has the flu.
- girls being unfriendly with Miso or talking about her because of how she flirts with both Jimin & Jungkook openly
- horse back riding date
- Miso doing the guy's make up
- Miso cooking!

password » Kris Wu




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