Long Time No See

Some of you guys who have been stalking through my blog  reading my blog posts since last Jan-ish March-ish Idontevenremember-ish would probably remember me mentioning my 2015 deskmate who battled depression.

Yeah that friend who sent me drowning in tears on the very first Friday of school because she literally attempted suicide right in front of everyone.

Basically, last-last Octoberish-November was pretty much the very last time I saw her in person. Back then, her emotions still fluctuated from time to time and her parents basically let her stay at home when she doesn't feel like it (but she tried her best to make it to school all the time and she said it was because I was her motivation I feel so appreciated). We had our PT3 exams in mid-October last year, and after that all she did was either sketch out some designs and motifs or just sleep in class so I guess it wasn't a bad idea if she thought staying at home was a more sensible choice lel


She didn't even return to school when we checked our marked papers or collected our results slips, so last-last Octoberish-November was really the last time I saw her in person. Yes I literally just repeated what I said.

And yes, I didn't see her in school because she never came to school this year.

I thought she had gotten herself a better learning environment, and occasionally thought negatively that she had did the unable-to-be-undone, so I stopped worrying about her and (at least I tried to...) focus on my studies since SPM (similar to SAT in the States?) is literally next November.

I have only 10 more months to prepare for a two-year syllabus.



Then just now I was enjoying my pretzels (es love pretzels) until I received a call from an unknown number

I honestly had a hard time contemplating whether I should pick it up because the number I'm holding now has 19387594609428579028576934875 spam/scam messages and I really don't want to lose 130 bucks to another scammer.
Don't ask me why I hold a prepaid card.

Nonetheless I still did and it turned out to be that friend whom I've lost contact to.


We had a good 10-minute chat, mostly about her sharing how she spent her year and me repeating that she should be less concerned about her image in school.

Nonetheless those ten minutes were beautiful.


She makes me feel appreciated in this ugly disgusting society and it feels great

even though I know she called me because my number is the only one she has


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nerd_91 #1
i see that tiny printed words. 1 advice from me (who people always seeking out for problems, and if i charge 1 session rm50, ill be a millionaire by now), learn from their mistakes and not repeat them. and and and think u a trustworthy person,that she choose to seek you out. okey thats is two(Was it three) advices lol