full name.  春樹 水島 (murakami seiji)
other name/s. 
‛ 水島 (SEIJI) : self-explanatory. only wants to be referred through his first given name and nothing else. he is not a fan of nicknames. his stage name is an exception though since he doesn't have a choice due to the company's demand.
date of birth. 02/02/1994 + 22 years young.
birthplace. osaka, japan
hometown. seoul, south korea
ethnicity. 100% japanese meat
nationality. japanese
‛ FLUENT JAPANESE : despite growing up in south korea since he was 5, seiji is still fluent in japanese, owing to the fact that the murakami household still uses japanese in communicating. 
‛ FLUENT KOREAN : after moving to south korea, his parents enrolled him and his siblings in a korean institue for foreigners, like him. 
‛ BASIC ENGLISH : learned basic english by watching tons of english movies and also learned during middle school that required them to attend english classes for an  hour.
PRONOUNS. he / him / his
stage name. MJ 엠제이  (Murakami SeiJi)
position. drummer, composer
backup pos. synthesiser, guitarist
# experience. number of years of using said instrument
resumé. past experience and qualifications. what has your character done with their musical skill? lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. aenean tristique aliquam dignissim. nullam sollicitudin quis odio et consequat. aenean massa metus, fermentum ac tempor sed, varius quis leo. nunc vel odio fermentum, rutrum mi sed, aliquam justo. morbi quis sollicitudin nulla. fusce est lectus, gravida et efficitur nec, convallis non ex. donec a urna eros. aenean lacus mauris, pharetra a maximus eget, facilisis in lacus. proin molestie tempor mauris, eu molestie libero accumsan sit amet. nullam vulputate dictum hendrerit. cras quis facilisis sapien. donec imperdiet fringilla mi et sagittis. nulla facilisi. suspendisse iaculis ante eget tincidunt bibendum.

JW: what made you decide to join ngsy? 
your answer...
jw: hm, what do you think of your skills? what makes you better than the rest? what can you offer ngsy?
your answer...
jw: (sighs) as you know, we debuted three years ago. how has the journey been? what has happened so far? do you see it as a good or bad experience? 
your answer...
jw: alright, (frowns) well i didn't plan this question... but if today i gave you the choice to leave ngsy, would you take it? 
your answer...
jw: what do you wish for in the next year?
your answer...
jw: interesting. last question, are you close to any of the members?
your answer...

ADOLESCENCE DIDN'T MAKE benevolent, conscientious, sympathetic, tactful & comical  ANY SENSE, A LITTLE LOSS manipulative, sensitive, insecure, relentless & possessive  OF INNOCENCE the jester, esfj-the caregiver.

something something
timeline. stylise this section to your liking. character's background. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. aenean tristique aliquam dignissim. nullam sollicitudin quis odio et consequat. aenean massa metus, fermentum ac tempor sed, varius quis leo. nunc vel odio fermentum, rutrum mi sed, aliquam justo. morbi quis sollicitudin nulla. fusce est lectus, gravida et efficitur nec, convallis non ex. donec a urna eros. aenean lacus mauris, pharetra a maximus eget, facilisis in lacus. proin molestie tempor mauris, eu molestie libero accumsan sit amet. nullam vulputate dictum hendrerit. cras quis facilisis sapien. donec imperdiet fringilla mi et sagittis. nulla facilisi. suspendisse iaculis ante eget tincidunt bibendum.
faceclaim. 엔시티's 中本悠太  (nakamoto yuta of nct)
backup fc. 펜타곤's 安達祐人  (adachi yuto of pentagon)
height. 179 cm
weight. 60kg
appearance. seiji strike one as a character out from an anime. he gives off a warm appearance with his chestnut brown hair, doe like eyes with brown orbs and bright smile. he thinks his smile is his biggest asset that's why he shows them off a lot. he has a cross shaped piercing on his left ear and he's planning to get his left ear pierced again. he may look like a pretty boy next door that doesn't bother getting tattoos but he begs to differ. he has an anchor tattoo on his thumb which he got it inked when he turned 18. he works out during his free time to maintain his nice built, but he often does jogging than going out to the gym. 
fashion. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. aenean tristique aliquam dignissim. nullam sollicitudin quis odio et consequat. aenean massa metus, fermentum ac tempor sed, varius quis leo. nunc vel odio fermentum, rutrum mi sed, aliquam justo. morbi quis sollicitudin nulla. fusce est lectus, gravida et efficitur nec, convallis non ex. donec a urna eros. aenean lacus mauris, pharetra a maximus eget, facilisis in lacus. proin molestie tempor mauris, eu molestie libero accumsan sit amet. nullam vulputate dictum hendrerit. cras quis facilisis sapien. donec imperdiet fringilla mi et sagittis. nulla facilisi. suspendisse iaculis ante eget tincidunt bibendum.
relationships. stylise this to your liking. include your thoughts about junwi somewhere. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. aenean tristique aliquam dignissim. nullam sollicitudin quis odio et consequat. aenean massa metus, fermentum ac tempor sed, varius quis leo. nunc vel odio fermentum, rutrum mi sed, aliquam justo. morbi quis sollicitudin nulla. fusce est lectus, gravida et efficitur nec, convallis non ex. donec a urna eros. aenean lacus mauris, pharetra a maximus eget, facilisis in lacus. proin molestie tempor mauris, eu molestie libero accumsan sit amet. nullam vulputate dictum hendrerit. cras quis facilisis sapien. donec imperdiet fringilla mi et sagittis. nulla facilisi. suspendisse iaculis ante eget tincidunt bibendum. morbi gravida euismod quam vitae consectetur. maecenas nec diam purus. quisque ac nulla in turpis feugiat iaculis eu vitae quam. donec sit amet erat vulputate, tristique augue sit amet, sagittis elit. integer eget lorem et magna dapibus faucibus at eget neque. nulla interdum felis quis nulla convallis, eget fringilla nunc accumsan. curabitur eu nisl arcu. sed ipsum eros, vestibulum at justo in, pretium scelerisque ante.


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