Go, go, go! 407 purchases left, that should be easy!

We have almost reached the fundraising goal! 407 purchases left, meaning we need maximum 407 people to complete it! I will be purchasing 4 more months next week, making it 403 left. Do you think we can do it until this year's end? Please, spread the word. Aff has so many users that should be a piece of cake for us! Ask your friends or if your parents shouldn't know about this ask a real life friend if you can use their paypal and give them those 4$ in cash. Try, try, try! Share this blog, please!


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does it*
doe sit mean that there will be an app for us once it's completed?
I wish I could! It's so exciting!!!!
Ah I should check, perhaps I can *.*
awww its so good of you to spread the word ♡