First Lines (Fantasy only)

So okay, I'm cheating lol. The problem with doing all of my stories is that it takes so much time to go through and gather all the first lines using my phone, which is all I use! So I am ONLy postiing my favoirite genre to read and write (fantasy) and only the ones from 2014-current, because I already posted everything up to 2014 lol. So here goes!

Not gonna lie, Twisting Paths is still my favorite open LOL. I did notice a theme, though... does anyone else see what element I use to open my fantasy stories with? LOL made me laugh. Also, the last few stories on this list are still in the editing process and likely the first lines will change before I actually publish those.





The desert is vast, with hidden secrets in every sand dune, danger in every night, lies in every oasis.  - Aurora's Tomb, 2014




Battle clashed around him, but all Sungjong could see was L.  - Seek & Find, 2014




The lights of Olympus shone even in the darkest hours of the night, a golden beacon for the world to see the power of the Gods.  - Daughter of Time, 2014




The night is a frightening thing, dark and full of creatures that want to kill you.  - Heartbeat, 2014




The rain poured down relentlessly, slipping between the folds of Ryosuke’s kimono to chill his skin underneath.  - Seeking Trouble, 2014




Maru sat on his bed, facing the black dresser in front of him, his eyes unfocused as he listened to his foster parents arguing once again.  - The Rising, 2014




Ever since Yoongi could remember, the great wall had stood between the two sides of the city, keeping the undesirables from the upper society.  - Beyond the Wall, 2014




 “Are you ready to go?” Junmyeon called from the doorway of Sehun’s suite; beyond him, the tall boy could see several more of their friends waiting impatiently.  - When Comes the Wind, 2014




The taste of ashes and blood was thick on Daehyun's tongue, despite the rain that poured continuously from the sky and drenched his clothing.  - Deicidium, 2014




Once upon a time there was a Kingdom that was ruled by a generous King and Queen, their perfect children, and they had shining knights that were loyal only to the crown and to the people of the country.  - The Dark Kingdom, 2014




They had been angels, both of them assigned as those who carried the prayers upward fro earth to heaven.  - Fallen for You, 2014




With a heavy sigh Yunho closed his laptop, his work done and his shift over.  - What Lies in the Dark, 2014




The day had started out with such promise, the sun shining bright, a new deal coming through at the publishing company where Hakyeon worked.  - The Edge of Darkness, 2014




Ever since Krystal could remember, Jessica had been there for her.  - Decimation, 2014




Myungsoo wasn’t sure when the tide of battle shifted, but at some point in the last skirmish, it had.  - Seeking Eternity, 2014




The shadows were cool against his skin as Minhyun moved through them, the tendrils reaching after him like a lover's embrace, enticing him to stay.  - Twisting Paths, 2014




 "Nope, I sure don't envy her none, either." The man who spoke the words had given Ailee a sideways look as she passed in the hallway.  - The Messenger, 2015




Donghyun made his way down the gleaming silver hallway, his footsteps echoing into adjacent corridors and sending personnel scurrying from his path.  - Finding Home, 2015




Three weeks into the new school year, the novelty of coming back had worn off and left the students with the monotony of schoolwork.  - Stolen, 2015




The sky was already beginning to darken over the fields as Hakyeon made his way in, his farming tools carried in one hand and his back aching from the work.  - The Dead Woods, 2015




As soon as I wake, I know what is different.  - Every Time I Turn 18, 2015




 Taking a deep breath, Howon plopped himself down onto the small bench in his grandfather's backyard and let it out slowly through pursed lips.  - Thoroughly Enchanted, 2015




The cold wind blew in off of the bay, bringing with it the reminder that winter was nearly upon the small community nestled in the hills there.  - Cursed, 2015




I gave up everything to be with the one I thought was my true love. - 2015




Lying in the darkness of the newly built cabin, Hongbin could almost pretend that everything was perfect.  - What You See, 2015




Myungsoo wished he could say it all began with the nightmares, but that would only be half true.  - Nightmare, 2015




 The room seemed to glow with a soft blue light, bright enough for one to read by yet not so bright as torchlight.  - The Seal of Light, 2015




The heavy rain fell from the sky, soaking the unfortunate individuals still stuck out on the streets of Atherpefta.  - Hall of Faces, 2015




 The room was small and tightly enclosed, likely some sort of pantry, and yet for now it served as a prison cell.  - Close of Day, 2016




Wonshik never could have guessed that the last face he saw in the mortal realm would be Hakyeon's.  - Steal My Heart, 2016




Legs dangling from the side of the wall, Jisoo looked out over the mountainous lands governed by his father, the Marcher Lord.  - Cruel Magic, 2016




 Jaehwan dreamt of fire and fear, the world spinning around him as he was cast into water, drowning, pulled under by a force he wasn't strong enough to fight.  - Promise, 2016




The sun disappeared over the horizen slowly, casting it's last rays out over the city of Atlantis and painting the sky and water with pink and gold hues, yet no one noticed.  - By the Light of the Sea, 2016




Hoya's breath came fast and his heart pounded in his throat, his feet stumbling along the wooded pathway as fast as he could go without releasing the thin arm behind him. - A Spark of Light, 2016




 Darkness stretched across the abandoned street, making it hard for human eyes to make out exactly what was out there.  - On Shifting Sand, 2016




Death looms close over everyone, but today, JR Kim could feel the headsman's axe brushing the back of his neck.  - What Divides Us, 2016


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Twisting Paths is definitely one of my favorites as well, but like Gaksital said, Promise is very eye catching too. :D
I don't blame you for only posting the fantasy ones given the use of your phone. I would have to congratulate for even managing that much (I would have thrown my phone away by then lol). Lots of awesome openers though. I really like revisiting your words for sure. ^_^
Wow.. This is cool..
Yeah I'm stealing this. :p
Gosh I really really love these. Especially twisting paths and cruel magic <3
Is the breaking not on here though? Perhaps because it's older?