JYJ's Donation...

It's been a while since I've checked Youtube, but I just found out about JYJ's donation and I never thought I could love them anymore. They are beautiful people. For those who say they're doing it as a publicity stunt... I just don't agree. Even with everything they're going through they were still able to find it in their hearts to donate to Japan. That says a lot about who they are.

- Always Keep the Faith


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I don't really get why they would always claim that an artist would be doing good stuff for publicity. Has it ever occurred to them that not all artist are evil or have invisible horns? Junsu has been donating secretly towards a charity for two years! Two years! I don't think that's publicity. I'm not saying this because I'm a fan but I'm saying this because if we were them in any case, we would do anything to donate. If we were as "rich" or had a lot of money like them we would be donating as well because deep down inside we really do want to help the people in Japan. Now's not the time to start calling names or spreading rumors, now's the time to actually help a country! Especially one that is so big in economy D=<