The Incident In Japan

Where to begin? My brother is stationed in Japan and a good friend of mine is out there teaching English, but I haven't heard a word from either one of them. I'm worried. This is one of the worst disasters yet. I hope they're okay and that everyone elses loved ones in Japan are alright. This is a tough time for us all. I wish everyone the best, and know that my prayers are with you.


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@madz67 & LeiCuteAko<br />
Thanks guys.
Lei-Lei #2
I really hope that your brother and friend would be okay . . . <br />
<br />
I hope everything would be fine for you~!
@ohmyxoxo <br />
Thanks for the support, and I hope you're right.
dont worry everything will be okay!<br />
think happy thoughs<br />
and hopefully they contact you soon!